Chancellor’s Office Hottest Topics

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Chancellor’s Office Hottest Topics:
A Story About Trains
This Train has Left the Station
 Course Scheduling Issues
 Mission appropriateness
 Focus Transfer, Career Technical, and Basic Skills
 Apportionment Issues
 Noncredit Physical Education and Dance
 Noncredit title 5 regulations
Require CCCCO approval for all noncredit courses
Continue to require approval for Career Development/College
Preparation (SB361) certificates and Adult High School Diploma
Delegate authority to districts to locally approve all other
noncredit certificates except apprenticeships
She’ll be Coming Around the Mountain
 Curriculum Inventory implementation
 2011-12 Review of credit and noncredit programs
 Credit certificates less than 18 semester units
 Need data on prerequisites and content review
 Course Data Elements (June 2011)
 Repeatability
 C-ID Descriptors
 Prerequisites Data Reporting (2011-12)
 Title IV Review
 USDOE and the Last Day of Attendance in Distance Education
She’ll be Coming Around the Mountain
 Course repetition and withdrawal
 Proposed limit to number of enrollments
allowed for apportionment
 Audit in 2011-2012
 TBA Hours attendance accounting
 Apportionment for noncredit PE and dance
 Conversion of credit courses to fee-based offerings
 Community services offerings
 Contract education
 AB 515 (Brownley) CCC extension programs
She’ll be Coming Around the Mountain
 Program and Course Approval Handbook
 4th Edition to include Curriculum Inventory
 Module 3 on noncredit curriculum development
 New and discontinued forms
Course modifications (CCC-480/580)
 Noncredit program modifications
 Apprenticeships (credit or noncredit)
 CCC-520 will discontinue July 1, 2011
 Contracts with CTE Providers
 Title 5, chapter 6, subchapter 7, commencing with 55600
refers to contracts with private postsecondary schools
Scheduled Stop
 Prerequisites and corequisites based
on Content Review
 Academic Senate training on methods
 The District Plan – title 5 section 55003(c)
Method to identify courses to which prerequisites in basic
skills will improve student success
How will you assure that courses will be “reasonably” available
Sections of the prerequisite courses
 Other courses that do not require prerequisites or corequisites
How will curriculum committee be trained?
How will you monitor the impact of the new prerequisites on
student progress toward academic goals?
All Aboard!
 SB 1440 Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act
 Ed Code §66746
 Discipline faculty from CCC and CSU systems developing
Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC)
 Community colleges must offer (and CSU must accept students
who complete) an associate degree that includes:
18+ semester units / 27 + quarter units in a major or area of
 Completion of the CSU GE or IGETC pattern
 60 transferable semester (90 quarter) units
 GPA of 2.0
No additional graduation requirements
Pathway to Transfer
program or
major at
Similar program or major
program control
CCC control
number &
sent to CSU
Student applies to
CSU with CCC
control number
CSU degree
program code
Chancellor’s Office Approval Process
 Degrees must be approved as AA-T or AS-T
 AS-T for STEM and CTE disciplines
 AA-T for others
 Forms have been modified to add these degree types
 CCC-501 New Credit Program proposals
 CCC-510 Substantial Modification to Approved
Credit Program
 Colleges that align the AA-T or AS-T to an approved
TMC will have fewer requirements for the narrative
that is attached to the degree proposal in the
Curriculum Inventory
AA-T or AS-T aligns with TMC
Criteria A. Appropriateness to Mission (all
1. Statement of Program Goals and Objectives
2. Catalog Description
3. Program Requirements
4. Background and Rationale
AA-T or AS-T aligns with TMC
Criteria B. Need
6. Place of Program in Curriculum/Similar
 Required for CTE only
 Attachment: Local Labor / Job Market Data
 Regional consortium review is not required
AA-T or AS-T aligns with TMC
Required only for new CTE discipline at your
8. Labor Market Information & Analysis
9. Employer Survey
10. Explanation of Employer Relationship
11. List of Members of Advisory Committee
12. Recommendations of Advisory Committee
 Attachment: Employer Survey
 Attachment: Minutes of Key Meetings
AA-T or AS-T aligns with TMC
Criteria C. Curriculum Standards
 The only required documentation for transfer
applicability is the completed TMC template listing
the college’s existing courses that align with the C-ID
designated courses.
 Course outlines of record for major courses should
be attached to the appropriate courses in the
Curriculum Inventory.
AA-T or AS-T aligns with TMC
Criteria D-Adequate Resources:
 Include a general statement in regard to facilities,
additional faculty, and new equipment or library
Criteria E-Compliance:
 Include a general statement in regard to enrollment
restrictions and licensing or accreditation standards.
(CCC-510)AA-T or AS-T aligns with TMC
CCC-510 if college has approved certificate or degree
in same 4-digit T.O.P. code
4. Discussion of background and rationale is not
6. Place of proposed change in the curriculum –
relation to existing program and options; relation
to other programs at your college.
(CCC-510) AA-T or AS-T aligns with TMC
 Required for CTE only
 Attachment: Local Labor / Job Market Data
 Regional consortium review is not required
Criteria C. Curriculum Standards
 The only required documentation for transfer
applicability is the completed TMC template listing
the college’s existing courses that align with the C-ID
designated courses.
 Course outlines of record for major courses should
be attached to the appropriate courses in the
Curriculum Inventory.
Documentation for TMC Template
 TMC templates require this documentation in order
of preference when specifying required courses at
your college.
1. Assigned C-ID designation or
2. Assigned TCSU number or
3. Appropriate report from ASSIST showing the
required transferability status (e.g., CSU
transferable, general education, or major
preparation at CSU)
Documentation for TMC Template
 Training Webinar
 Monday, March 28, 2011
 1:00 – 3:00 pm
 Agenda
 Review and demonstrate the TMC Template for Mathematics
 Share first approved AA-T in Communication Studies!
TMC template
 Documentation for courses without C-ID or TCSU descriptor
AA-T or AS-T Not Aligned with TMC
 Submit as new (CCC-501) or substantially modified
(CCC-510) degree with transfer status
 All narrative items required for proposal of a new
associate degree with transfer status except
Articulation with multiple institutions will not be required
when CSU Degree Program Code exists
AA-T or AS-T Not Aligned with TMC
 These proposals require documentation that all
required courses are applicable to the major at the
local CSU campus. Articulation with multiple
baccalaureate institutions is not required.
AA-T or AS-T Not Aligned with TMC
 The college must provide strong evidence that
 If a TMC exists, explain why it is not the best preparation for
students who transfer to the CSU campus; or
 if no TMC exists, the local degree is best preparation for
students who transfer to a specific major at CSU campuses
offering that major; and
 the community college discipline faculty have consulted with
CSU discipline faculty to confirm that the lower-division
coursework provides preparation for the CSU major.
AA-T or AS-T Not Aligned with TMC
 Acceptable documentation in order of preference:
Assigned C-ID designation or
2. Assigned TCSU number or
3. Appropriate report from ASSIST showing the required
transferability status (e.g., CSU transferable, general
education, or major preparation at CSU)
AA-T or AS-T Not Aligned with TMC
In addition, the proposal must include a letter
from CSU discipline chair or administrator that
confirms collaboration with CSU faculty and
assures that:
Locally-designated courses will provide lowerdivision major preparation and
Students will not be required to repeat a course
that is similar to a specific course that counted
toward the associate degree for transfer.
Stop at the Crossing!
(before you call the Chancellor’s Office)
 Instructions for AA-T and AS-T Degree
(link on right side of page)
 TMC templates (Word forms)
 Revised CCC-501/CCC-510 forms