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PEOPLE – Marie Curie Actions in FP7 and Opportunities for RTD Cooperation between Russia and Austria

Therese Lindahl

FFG – Austrian Research Promotion Agency Division European and International Programmes

Workshop on INTAS Programmes supporting Young Scientists in the EECA countries & Future Prospects

June 27, 2007 Tomsk, Russia

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

PEOPLE - Content of the presentation

PEOPLE – the Programme for Career Development and Mobility in FP7

General issues: What, Why, Who, How?

Marie Curie Actions – Overview and Details Possibilities for Third Countries (EECA) Participation ERA-MORE – The European Network of Mobility Centres and The Researcher ´s Mobility Portal Austria

T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

Structure of the 7th Framework Programme


1. Health Thematische Bereiche 2. Food, agriculture and fisheries, biotechnology


Frontier Research 3. Information and communication tech.

4. Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies .


Marie Curie Fellowships 5. Energy 6. Environment (including Climate Change) 7. Transport (including aeronotics) 8. S ocio-economic sciences and the humanities


Research Infrastructures SMEs Regions of Knowledge Research Potential Science and Society INCO (Horizontal) 9. Security 10. Space T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

PEOPLE - What, Why, Who, How?

Why „People“?

Overall objective

: to attract/retain numerous, well-trained, motivated researchers in Europe The actions support:

Education and training

of Early Stage Researchers

Diversification of skills/competencies

of experienced researchers

Career development Transnational and intersectoral

research experience The different activities can be summarized under the name

Marie Curie Actions


4750 millions € Increase of the budget

of about


compared to FP6 T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

PEOPLE - What, Why, Who, How?

Why Marie Curie Actions?

The transnational mobility

is an important component in a typical researcher career, and often a crucial precondition for Excellence The life and scientific achievement of Marie Curie is a good example of such researcher careers The Marie Curie Actions support the transnational mobility of researchers, enabling the access to

expertise, independent of location To what should you pay attention?

Transnational mobility

of the researchers in all Marie Curie Actions


Students are not supported

No age limit!

Research experience

„Early stage researcher“: first 4 years of research experience after graduation „Experienced researcher“: at least 4 years of research experience or a PhD T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

PEOPLE - What, Why, Who, How?

Who takes the initiative?

The research organisation An individual researcher

(in cooperation with the host institution)



no thematic requirements

Objectives of the action:

pay attention to these



signed between a

research organisation and the European Commission

. Researchers are financed with the MC funds of their host institution.

What will be funded?

Personnel costs:

The European Commission defines fixed amounts

Contribution to research, networking, workshops and conferences etc.:

funding rate depends on the MC Action and the scientific discipline concerned the


max. 10% of the direct costs


max. 3-7% of the total EC contribution, depending on the MC Action T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

PEOPLE - What, Why, Who, How?

„Living allowance“

“Early stage researchers”: Employment contract

33 800 €/year

Fixed amount fellowship

16 900 €/ year

“Experienced researchers”: (4-10 years research experience) “Experienced researchers”: (>10 years research experience)

52 000 €/year 78 000 €/year 26 000 €/ year 38 000 €/ year

The amounts include the provisions for all compulsory (employee and employer) deductions under national applicable legislation!

Correction coefficients for all countries → 102,2 % for Austria.

“Mobility allowance”: 500 or 800 € / month

depending on the family status

“Travel allowance

”: 1X/year, depending on the distance between the country of origin and the host country T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

PEOPLE - Marie Curie Actions – an Overview

Project ideas from research organisations:

Initial Training Networks (ITN) Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) International Cooperation between Institutions

Project ideas from individual researchers:

Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development (IEF) International Outgoing Fellowships for Career Development (IOF) International Incoming Fellowships (IIF) European Reintegration Grants (ERG) International Reintegration Grants (IRG) Awards

T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

PEOPLE - Marie Curie Actions – the Details

Initial Training Networks (ITN)

What is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network?

Networks for training

of early stage researchers in the frame of a

common research project


Joint training programme:

- Learning by doing  Training through research Complementary competences (presentations, management, IPR,….) - Mutual recognition of training/diplomas

Industry participation:

- Full network partner - Provider of research training and complementary training - Member of the supervisory board

Who will be funded and for how long?

„Early Stage Researchers“:

from Europe and third countries

„Visiting Scientists“

for training and the transfer of knowledge


max. 4 years T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

PEOPLE - Marie Curie Actions – the Details

Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP)

Objectives Long term cooperation:

create pathways between industry and academia. Open and foster the cooperation between public and private research organisations

Mutual use of know-how: In particular SMEs

encourage knowledge sharing / cultural exchange should benefit from this MC Action

Who / What will be funded and for how long?


between both sectors on a joint research project and beyond

Inter-sector two-way secondment

including research and technical staff

Hosting of experienced external researchers

for transfer of knowledge and training (also from third countries)

Organisation of workshops and conferences

including researchers outside the partnership

Contribution to equipment costs for SMEs

→ max. 10% of the total contribution


3-4 years T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

PEOPLE - Marie Curie Actions – the Details

International Cooperation between Institutions

What does it mean?

Common research projects

between research organisations in Europe and third countries: - In the frame of the EU neighbouring countries policy - With S&T agreement countries

Who / what will be funded?

Support of researcher careers:

short term exchange of early stage and experienced researchers

Events More information?

This action is not included in the work programme for 2007. More information expected in summer 2007.

T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

PEOPLE - Marie Curie Actions – the Details

Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development (IEF) Experienced researchers

- From Europe - Research project in another European country (incl. Associated countries) - 1-2 years

International Outgoing Fellowships for Career Development (IOF) Experienced researchers

- From Europe - Research project in a third country - 1-2 years - Mandatory return phase in Europe (1 year)

International Incoming Fellowships (IIF) Experienced researchers

- From third countries - Research project in Europe - 1-2 years - Funding of a potential return phase (15.000 €/year) possible for ICPC (International Cooperation Partner Countries) T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

PEOPLE - Marie Curie Actions – the Details

European Reintegration Grants (ERG) Experienced researchers

- From Europe - Professional integration in an European country of their own choice (incl. country of origin and Associated countries) after a stay in a European country


At least 18 months previous benefit of a MC Action in FP6 or FP7


Continuation of the research work/career of the researcher

What will be funded and for how long?

Contribution to:

salary, travel costs, consumables, patents, publication costs


15.000 €/year


2-3 years T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

PEOPLE - Marie Curie Actions – the Details

International Reintegration Grants (IRG)

Experienced researchers

- From Europe -Professional integration in an European country of their own choice (incl. country of origin and Associated countries) after a stay in a Third country


At least 3 years research activities in a third country


Variable (research, teaching, transfer of knowledge, commercial exploitation…)

What will be funded and for how long?

Contribution to:

salary, travel costs, consumables, patents, publication costs


25.000 €/year


2-4 years T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

PEOPLE - Marie Curie Actions – the Details


„Experienced researchers“

- Any nationality - Excellent research results - Candidates can apply directly or can be nominated by others


at least 12 months previous benefit of a Marie Curie Action (or a comparable EC funding scheme) in FP6 or earlier


Prize holders are expected to participate in public events and to contribute to the awareness of European researcher careers in the ERA and the achievements of the Marie Curie Actions.

What will be funded?


50.000, € T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

PEOPLE - Calls

When did it start?

First calls published on the 22 nd of December 2006:

- Initial Training Networks (ITN): Deadline outline proposal 7 May -07 Full proposal 25 September -07 - European Reintegration Grants (ERG): Deadline 25 April -07 + 17 October -07 - International Reintegration Grants (IRG): Deadline 25 April -07 + 17 October -07 - Awards: Deadline 26 April -07

Second batch of calls published on the 28th of February 2007:

- Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP): Deadline 31 May -07 - Intra-European Fellowships (IEF): Deadline 14 August -07 - International Outgoing Fellowships (IOF): Deadline 14 August -07 - International Incoming Fellowships (IIF): Deadline 14 August -07 T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

PEOPLE - Possibilities for Third Countries Participation

In which actions can EECA participate?

Multi-site Initial Training Networks (ITN):

- Third country organisations can participate once minimum requirement fulfilled (three participants from EU- or Assoc. countries) - Third country researchers can apply for an appointment in a running ITN - Third country researchers can be recruited as Visiting Scientists in a running ITN

Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP):

- Third country organisations can participate once minimum requirement fulfilled (two participants from EU- or assoc. countries) - Third country researchers can participate in the staff secondment if they have been employed in the organisation for at least one year - Third country researchers can be recruited as experienced external researchers -

International Cooperation between Institutions Participation of Third countries mandatory?

– no details known T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

PEOPLE - Possibilities for Third Countries Participation

Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development (IEF):

- Third country researchers can participate if they have resided in a EU- or Associated country for at least 3 out of the last 4 years (at the proposal submission deadline)

International Outgoing Fellowships for Career Development (IOF):

- The partner organisation

(Outgoing Host) must be located in a third country

(except those with which FP7 currently has no cooperation)!


Researchers from Third countries are not eligible!!!

International Incoming Fellowships

- Researchers

must be nationals of a third country

and must not have resided in a EU- or Associated country for more than 3 in the last 4 years (at the proposal submission deadline) T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

PEOPLE - Possibilities for Third Countries Participation

European Reintegration Grants (ERG):

- Third country researchers can participate if they have resided in a EU- or Associated country for at least three out of the last four years (at the relevant cut-off date) -

International Reintegration Grants (IRG): Researchers from Third countries are not eligible!!!


- Prize holders can be of any nationality With respect to the rules of mobility!!!

International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC) can be funded. (To be confirmed by the European Commission.) Funding of Other Third Countries (OTC) only if a bilateral scientific and technological agreement or any other arrangement T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

Possibilities for Third Countries

Further Possibilities for Participation in FP7

The Cooperation Programme – 10 Thematic Areas

- Third country organisations can participate if minimum requirements fulfilled (mostly 3 European Project Partner)

Specific International Cooperation Actions (SICA) Minimum requirement: two Partners from Europe and two from (different) ICPC countries The IDEAS Programme

- Researchers from third countries as Principal investigator or team member.

The host organisation has to be situated in Europe.

The Capacities Programme

- INCO: Support and Coordination Actions (no research activities) - Infrastructures: if minimum requirements fulfilled - SME (Small and Medium Enterprises): if minimum requirements fulfilled (3 European SMEs) T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

PEOPLE - Important Links

Web links

Information on the “People” programme: FFG Homepage:

http://rp7.ffg.at/Menschen (only in German)

EU Websites:

http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/people/ http://ec.europa.eu/research/fp6/mariecurie-actions/indexhtm_en.html

Information on job advertisements in Marie Curie Actions:



Contact FFG

Therese Lindahl Tel: 057755-4604 Fax: 057755-94604 Email: [email protected]

Johannes Sorz Tel: 057755-4603 Fax: 057755-94603 Email: [email protected]

T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

PEOPLE – Contacts in Russia

Mobility NCPs in Russia

Prof. Leonid Gokhberg Tel: +7-495-6212873 Fax: +7-495-6250367 www.hse.ru

State University – Higher School of Economics Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge Myasnitskaya, 20 101000, Moscow Dr. Anna Pikalova Tel: +7-495-6283254 Fax: +7-495-6250367 www.hse.ru

State University – Higher School of Economics Centre for International Projects Myasnitskaya, 20 101000, Moscow T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

PEOPLE - What to remember

PEOPLE: Take-Home-Message

(Joint) research project Research and training hand-in-hand Bottom up For research organisations and individual researchers Participation possibilities for third countries in almost all MC Actions

T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’


Associated EU Initiatives for Mobile Researchers


- European Network of Mobility Centres - Consultancy of mobile researchers and their families - Contact persons on the pan-European Researcher ´s Mobility Portal or on the National Mobility Portals

Pan-European Researcher ´s Mobility Portal:

- Internet platform - Comprehensive information for mobile researchers on http://ec.europa.eu/eracareers/index_en.cfm

National Mobility Portals:

- Country-specific information for mobile researchers - The links of the National Portals can be find on the Pan European Portal - Austrian Portal:

The Researcher ´s Mobility Portal Austria


T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’


The Researcher ´s Mobility Portal Austria - www.researchinaustria.at

Free job advertising

search for candidates on the European „Job-Database“ and active

Free registration

on the European „Job-Database“ with CV and active Job-search

Customised assistance

by the about legal, administrative and cultural issues „Mobility Centres Austria“: ÖAD, FFG und 32 Local Service Centres

Presentation of the Austrian research landscape

: universities, research institutions, economy and industry

Research relevant information for women

women in science in science, promotion of


Portals to 34 other European and non-European Researcher Mobility

Fellowships and Grants

: comprehensive information on grants and research funding in Austria and Europe on


T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

RTD Cooperation Russia-Austria – Content of the presentation

Opportunities for RTD Cooperation between Russia and Austria

FFG - The Austrian Research Promotion Agency – a FP7 National Contact Point Organisation Other European and Bilateral Funding Opportunities Austrian RTD landscape

T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’


FFG - The Austrian Research Promotion Agency

• Established in 2004 • Merger of four organisations  Largest Austrian Funding Agency   Austrian Industrial Research Promotion Fund (FFF) Technologie Impulse Gesellschaft (TIG)   Austrian Space Agency (ASA)

Bureau for International Research and Technology Cooperation (BIT)

• • Legal structure: private limited company Owner: Federal Government, represented by  Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology  Federal Minister of Economic Affairs and Labour • 2006  447 million € budget for funding activities  195 staff (full-time equivalents) T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’


Organisational Structure of FFG

Internal audit Internal services General Programmes (GP) Management Structural Programmes (SP) Thematic Programmes (TP) Strategy Aeronautics and Space Agency (ALR) European and International Programmes (EIP) T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’


FFG – The Objectives

• • • • New Austrian central organisation for public promotion of research and innovation Internationally visible organisation – focal point of contact for research promotion in Austria • Broad mix of instruments and stakeholders   From typical bottom up support up to international activities From SME’s to the scientific community Offering advice, support, promotion and funding for R&D projects FFG plays an important role in achieving aims defined by Austria and the European Union T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

FFG / EIP – Our daily work as NCP

FFG / EIP – Division of European and International Programmes Overall Objective:

Strengthen the Austrian participation in the EU FPs and other international R&D Programmes


:  Awareness rising and information Information events Targeted email services Development and dissemination of information material  Consultation and individual coaching, e.g.

Partner search / Consortium building / Brokerage events Proposal preparation and proposal check Legal issues (IPR) assistance  Organisation of training events and workshops Proposal writing, Project management, IPR etc.

T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

FFG / EIP – Our daily work as NCP

FFG / EIP – Division of European and International Programmes Activities

:  Representation of Austrian interests in the network of National Contact Points (NCP)    Cooperation with intermediary organisations and multipliers Preparatory Co-funding Tech transfer and exploitation assistance (Innovation Relay Centre Austria)

Our Websites (in German): www.ffg.at/eip www.ffg.at/rp7

T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

Since August 2006: House of Research

T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

FFG / EIP – Contacts

FFG - The Austrian Research Promotion Agency


Sensengasse 1 A-1090 Wien AUSTRIA Tel +43 (0)5 7755 – 0 Fax +43 (0)5 7755 – 97900 E-Mail [email protected]


Ralf König Head of Unit for International Cooperation and Mobility [email protected]

+43 (0)57755 – 4601 Therese Lindahl National Contact Point for Mobility [email protected]

+43 (0)57755 – 4604 Petra Reiter Expert for INCO (Russia) [email protected]

+43 (0)57755 – 4605 Johannes Sorz Expert for Mobility [email protected]

+43 (0)57755 – 4603 T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

Other European and Bilateral Funding Opportunities

Incoming Grants – some Examples

 Doctoral Fellowships (Ernst Schering Foundation)  EMBO Long-Term Fellowships  Ernst Mach Grant 

Fellowship Programme 2007-2008 of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society (IAS-STS), Graz

Fellowships at the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI)

 Financial Aid Programme of the Diplomatic Academy  Grant for Journalism Studies  Hans und Blanca Moser Foundation  Joint Study Programmes of the Technical University of Vienna 

Lise Meitner Postdoc Programme of the FWF

T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

Other European and Bilateral Funding Opportunities

Incoming Grants – some Examples

 Research Grants for Academics due to Promotion of Young Scientists in the field of Archaeology  Scholarship Council of the Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria  Scholarships for doctoral studies of the von Fircks fund of the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna 

Support of mobility in the framework of the Scientific and Technological Agreement with Russia All Grants to be found on www.grants.at

More useful information at the Austrian Exchange Service http://www.oead.ac.at/

T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

Other European and Bilateral Funding Opportunities

Funding Agencies and Other Agencies in Austria

 Austria Wirtschaftsservice – AWS: www.awsg.at

 Austrian Academy of Sciences – ÖAW: www.oeaw.ac.at

 Austrian Cooperative Research – ARC: www.arc.at

 Austrian Exchange Service – ÖAD: www.oead.ac.at

 Austrian Research Promotion Agency – FFG: www.ffg.at

 Austrian Science Fund – FWF: www.fwf.ac.at

 Arsenal Research: www.arsenal.ac.at

 Christian Doppler Research Association – CDG: www.cdg.ac.at

 Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft: www.joanneum.at

 Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft: www.ludwigboltzmann.at

 Vienna Science and Technology Fund – WWTF: http://www.wwtf.at

T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

Austrian RTD landscape

Legend: University Technical College Research Institute Kplus-center (2) (2) (8) (3)

T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

Austrian RTD landscape

16 Universities (Universities of the Arts not included)

 University of Vienna: www.univie.ac.at/  Karl-Franzens-University of Graz: www.uni-graz.at

 University of Innsbruck: www.uibk.ac.at

 Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg: www.sbg.ac.at

 Vienna University of Technology: www.tuwien.ac.at

 Graz University of Technology: www.TUGraz.at

 University of Leoben: www.unileoben.ac.at:80  BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences: www.boku.ac.at

T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

Austrian RTD landscape


 University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna: www.vu-wien.ac.at

 University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna: www.wu-wien.ac.at

 Johannes Kepler University, Linz: www.jku.at

 University of Klagenfurt: www.uni-klu.ac.at

 Danube University Krems: www.donau-uni.ac.at

 Medical University Graz: www.meduni-graz.at

 Innsbruck Medical University: www.i-med.ac.at

 Medical University of Vienna: www.meduniwien.ac.at

T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

Austrian RTD landscape

7 Private Universities

 Katholisch Theologische Privatuniversität Linz: www.ktu-linz.ac.at

 Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität: www.bruckneruni.at

 Paracelsus Private Medical University: www.pmu.ac.at

 PEF Private University for Management: www.pef.at

 Sigmund Freud Privat Universität Wien: www.sfu.ac.at

 University for Health Informatics and Technology Tyrol: www.umit.at

 Webster University Vienna: www.webster.ac.at

Universities of Applied Sciences:


T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

Austrian RTD landscape

Life Sciences

 ~10 universities working on biomedical research: in Vienna, Graz, Salzburg, Innsbruck  Several clusters for biomedical research with prestigious research institutes (Vienna region, Innsbruck/Tyrol, Graz/Styria)  > 100 Biotech – Companies, mainly in Vienna, Tyrol, Styria

Life Sciences-Directory:


 Research branches of international pharmaceutical industries  National research programme for Genomic Research ( www.gen-au.at

) (100 Mio Euro/9 years) T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

Austrian RTD landscape

Life Sciences – Science and Technology Centres in Vienna

  Campus Vienna Biocenter: www.viennabiocenter.org

Vienna General Hospital: www.akhwien.at

 Novartis Research Institute Campus: www.novartis.at

Innovations in dermatology and antibiotics research  University of Veterinary Medicine: www.vu-wien.ac.at

Biotechnology in the service of people and animals  University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences / Technology Centre Muthgasse: www.boku.ac.at

Bioprocessing technology T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

Austrian RTD landscape


Austria Food Company Directory:


 => small start-ups, spin-offs, large companies and companies involved in sales and services  Austria‘s food companies are spread in all regions of the country  Agriculture: Austria is Europe‘s number one in organic farming  Lebensmittelversuchsanstalt (LVA) – Food testing & research institute: www.lva.co.at

 FIAA – Food Industries Association of Austria – represents about 400 food industry companies in Austria: www.dielebensmittel.at

T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

Austrian RTD landscape




 a virtual exhibition and information platform for energy technologies in the area of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency  news provides plenty of valuable and interesting information and fascinating for experts in enterprises, education and research, and for planners as well   an interface between the economy, science and education your service point in the field of innovative energy technologies T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

Austrian RTD landscape


Austrian Environmental Research Directory:



   University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna: www.boku.ac.at

Department for Agrobiotechnology

IFA Tulln: www.ifa-tulln.ac.at

Organisation for International Dialogue and Conflict Management – IDC: www.idialog.eu

 International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis - IIASA: www.iiasa.ac.at

 The Vienna

Institute for Urban Sustainability –

OIKODROM: www.oikodrom.org

  Sustainable Europe Research Institute – SERI: www.seri.at

Vienna University of Technology: www.tuwien.ac.at

T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

Austrian RTD landscape



      Institut für Rechts- und Kriminalsoziologie

IRKS: www.irks.at

University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna: www.boku.ac.at

Institute for Advanced Studies – HIS: www.ihs.ac.at

Austrian Red Cross: www.roteskreuz.at

Joanneum Research: www.joanneum.at

Austrian Research Centers

ARC: www.arcs.ac.at

T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

Austrian RTD landscape

Socio-economic Sciences & Humanities


     – Institut für Rechts- und Kriminalsoziologie

IRKS: www.irks.at

Centre for Social Innovation – ZSI: www.zsi.at

Institute for Advanced Studies – HIS: www.ihs.ac.at

Austrian Academy of Sciences: www.oeaw.ac.at

Interdisciplinary Centre for Comparative Research in the Social Sciences ICCR: www.iccr-international.org

T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

Austrian RTD landscape

Information- and Communication Technologies

Research IT Austria:


Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies

The Austrian NANO Partner directory:

www.bit.or.at/nano T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP

27 June 2007, Tomsk, Russia INTAS Workshop on Young Scientists’

FFG / EIP – Contacts

FFG - The Austrian Research Promotion Agency


Sensengasse 1 A-1090 Wien AUSTRIA Tel +43 (0)5 7755 – 0 Fax +43 (0)5 7755 – 97900 E-Mail [email protected]


Ralf König Head of Unit for International Cooperation and Mobility [email protected]

+43 (0)57755 – 4601 Therese Lindahl National Contact Point for Mobility [email protected]

+43 (0)57755 – 4604 Petra Reiter Expert for INCO (Russia) [email protected]

+43 (0)57755 – 4605 Johannes Sorz Expert for Mobility [email protected]

+43 (0)57755 – 4603 T.Lindahl / FFG-EIP