Transcript Slide 1

Medieval Geographers
Marco Polo and
Ibn Battuta
Marco Polo
• Born:
1254 in Venice, Italy
• Traveled:
• Died:
Marco Polo
• Probably the most famous Westerner who traveled the
Silk Road.
• Excelled in his determination, writing and influence.
• His journey through Asia, which he began at the age of
16, lasted 24 years and reached further than any of his
predecessors - beyond Mongolia to China.
• He became a confidant of Kublai Khan (1214-1294),
traveled much of China and returned to tell the tale, “The
Description of the World,” which became a great and
influential travelogue.
Marco Polo’s travels
Marco Polo
• The Description of the World was very popular and had a
tremendous impact on Europe in his day.
• Known as IL MILIONE (“The Million Lies”) and Marco
earned the nickname “Marco Milione” because few
believed that his stories were true. Most Europeans
dismissed the book as exotic fable (which some of it
clearly was).
• More than a hundred years passed before the stories
were verified and many accepted as non-fiction.
• Background on Europe & China during this period
Marco Polo
• His father and uncle, both merchants, traveled to China
when Marco was a child.
• He set out on a return journey with them in 1271 to travel
to the Mongol Empire. They arrived in Shangdu at the
court of Kublai Khan, Mongol ruler of China, in 1275.
• Marco Polo found favor with the Khan, was appointed to
high posts in his administration, and traveled a great
deal in China as a result. He was amazed with China's
enormous power, great wealth, and complex social
This medieval manuscript illustration shows Marco Polo (along with his father, Niccolò,
and his uncle, Maffeo) beginning their famous trip from Italy to China in 1271. For many
years Polo’s book, The Description of the World, was the only account of such places as
China, Thailand (then Siam), Japan, Java, Vietnam, Sri Lanka (then Ceylon), Tibet, India,
and Myanmar (then known as Burma). The book also served as a stimulus to Christopher
Columbus’ journey to the New World in 1492. The colored illuminated manuscript here
dates from 1375. THE BETTMANN ARCHIVE/Corbis
Kublai Khan and a
“tablet of safe passage”
given to Marco and his
family on their travels
Marco Polo
• The account of his travels exercised deep influence on
European readers. His book is a mix of accurate
descriptions of things he saw and the passing along of
fables about far away lands.
• His systematic observations of nature, anthropology, and
geography were ahead of his time.
• For hundreds of years, his story was one of the only
sources of European information about China (Columbus
relied heavily on Marco Polo’s geography when planning
his own voyage to reach Asian markets by sailing west
from Europe).
Mongol Empire
Marco Polo
• He received little recognition from the geographers of his
time, but some of the information in his book was
incorporated in important maps of the later Middle Ages.
• His system of measuring distances by days' journey has
turned out for later generations of explorers to be
remarkably accurate.
• Today topographers have called his work the precursor
of scientific geography.
Ibn Battuta
• Born:
1304 in Tangier,
• Travels:
1325 – approx. 1355
• Died:
1369 in Fez, Morocco
Ibn Battuta
• Arab equivalent of Marco Polo. He traveled much of the
known world of his day and recorded volumes about the
people and places he visited.
• His travels began in 1325, when he was twenty-one
years of age, on a Hajj, or Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca.
They lasted for about thirty years, covering about 75,000
miles, visiting the equivalent of 44 modern countries.
• He dictated accounts of his journeys, known as the
famous Rihala (“My Travels”) of Ibn Battuta.
• They are a valuable and interesting record of places
which add to our understanding of the Middle Ages.
Ibn Batutta traveled through much of the area
within the green line. Compare with Marco Polo’s
travels, indicated by the red line.
Ibn Battuta
• Only medieval traveler who is known to have visited the
lands of every Muslim ruler of his time. He also traveled
in Ceylon (present Sri Lanka), China and Byzantium and
South Russia.
• His sea voyages and references to shipping indicate that
Muslims completely dominated the maritime activity of
the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, and
the Chinese waters.
• He visited China sixty years after Marco Polo and
traveled far more extensively than his predecessor.
• Throughout his travels he recorded descriptions of
people, places and customs in vivid detail.
Ibn Battuta
Here is an example which describes Baghdad in the early
14th century:
"Then we traveled to Baghdad, the Abode of Peace and Capital of
Islam. Here there are two bridges like that at Hilla, on which the
people promenade night and day, both men and women. The baths
at Baghdad are numerous and excellently constructed, most of
them being painted with pitch, which has the appearance of black
marble. This pitch is brought from a spring between Kufa and
Basra, from which it flows continually. It gathers at the sides of the
spring like clay and is shoveled up and brought to Baghdad. Each
establishment has a number of private bathrooms, every one of
which has also a washbasin in the corner, with two taps supplying
hot and cold water. Every bather is given three towels, one to wear
round his waist when he goes in, another to wear round his waist
when he comes out, and the third to dry himself with."
The medieval Muslim empire
Ibn Battuta
In the next example Ibn Battuta describes in great detail
some of the crops and fruits encountered on his travels:
"From Kulwa we sailed to Dhafari [Dhofar], at the extremity of
Yemen. Thoroughbred horses are exported from here to India, the
passage taking a month with favouring wind.... The inhabitants
cultivate millet and irrigate it from very deep wells, the water from
which is raised in a large bucket drawn by a number of ropes. In
the neighborhood of the town there are orchards with many banana
trees. The bananas are of immense size; one which was weighed
in my presence scaled twelve ounces and was pleasant to the taste
and very sweet. They also grow betel-trees and coco-palms, which
are found only in India and the town of Dhafari."
Ancient travel map of Europe, northern Africa,
and the Mediterranean region
Ibn Battuta
Here is an excerpt from his travels through Turkey:
"From Alaya I went to Antaliya, a most beautiful city. It covers an
immense area, and though of vast bulk is one of the most attractive
towns to be seen anywhere, besides being exceedingly populous
and well laid out. Each section of the inhabitants lives in a separate
quarter. The Christian merchants live in a quarter of the town
known as the Mina [the Port], and are surrounded by a wall, the
gates of which are shut upon them from without at night and during
the Friday service. The Greeks, who were its former inhabitants,
live by themselves in another quarter, the Jews in another, and the
king and his court and mamluks in another, each of these quarters
being walled off likewise. The rest of the Muslims live in the main
city. Round the whole town and all the quarters mentioned there is
another great wall. The town contains orchards and produces fine
fruits, including an admirable kind of apricot, called by them Qamar
ad-Din, which has a sweet almond in its kernel. This fruit is dried
and exported to Eqypt, where it is regarded as a great luxury."
Painting of
mosque and
religious life
Ibn Battuta
This final example displays Ibn Battuta’s level of
geographic detail:
"Then the Nile (Niger) comes down from Zagha to Tunbuktu
(Timbuktu), then to Kawkaw (Gao), the two places we shall mention
below. Then the river flows to Yufi (Nupe?), which is one of the
biggest cities of the blacks. A white man cannot go there because
they would kill him before he arrived there. Then the river comes
down from there to the land of the Nubians who follow the
Nasraniyya (Christian) faith, and on to Dunqula (Dongola), which is
the biggest town in their land. ...Then it descends to the cataracts.
This is the last district of the blacks and the first of Uswan (Aswan)
in Upper Egypt."
Marco Polo
Ibn Battuta