Transcript Visitation

Pastoral or
Home Visitation
From a Biblical
Point of View
• House Calls
• Members’ Visits
• Elders’ Visits
• Lay Visitation
• Pastoral Visits
• Door-to-Door
FEB 05
Biblical Precedents…
1. Christ encouraged his disciples to go
to homes 2 by 2 (Luke 10:5)
2. Christ went to homes as he saw need:
Simon and Andrew (Mark 1:29-31).
Mary and Martha.
Simon, the Leper.
Biblical Precedents…
3. The pastoral care exercised by
Timothy and Titus presupposed
intimate knowledge of the home life
of believers:
1. He must manage his own family well and
see that his own children obey him with
proper respect (1 Timothy 3:4).
2. See also 1 Tim 5:4-8; and Titus 2:4-5.
Biblical Precedents…
4. Paul visited and taught from house
to house in Ephesus (Acts 20:20).
5. Paul commanded the Ephesian Elders
to shepherd or pastor their flock of
God (Acts 20:28).
1. Shepherding requires intimacy with the
people of God.
2. Shepherding is a Stewardship
obligation (Hebrews 13:17).
Biblical Precedents…
6. Peter commanded elders to feed or
Shepherd God’s flock (1 Peter 5:1-4)
Ellen White, Testimonies, page
124 v9
“Remember that a minister’s work
does not consist merely in preaching.
He is to visit families in their homes,
to pray with them, and to open to
them the Scriptures. He who does
faithful work outside of the pulpit
will accomplish tenfold more than He
who confines his labours to the desk”
9. Positive Reasons for,
and the Fruit that
Comes from, Consistent
Elder visits.
Elders’ Visits…
1. Manifest personal care in a way that
binds people to the church.
2. Inform the elders of the spiritual
state of the congregation and are a
way of checking the spiritual pulse
of the congregation.
3. Build capital in people’s lives so that
if the elders need to confront
problems there is a relational
Elders’ Visits…
4. Afford the opportunity to remove
misconceptions and misunderstandings
otherwise unknown to the elders.
5. Displays to the members that elders
are taking their spiritual responsibilities seriously and serves as an
exhortation by example that each part
of the body of Christ is expected to
be faithful.
Elders’ Visits…
6. Demonstrates the parity between
pastors and elders and shows people
that the pastors are not the only ones
they should seek out for counsel.
7. Allows members to express concerns
directly to the leadership.
8. Families see pastoral care modelled in
their own home.
Elders’ Visits…
9. Elders can pre-empt members who
are tempted to make a bad decision
or to complicate a difficult situation
in some way.
9. Negative Reasons
for Not Neglecting
Elders’ Visits:
Lack of Elders’ Visits…
1. Depersonalises the leadership of
the church, and it becomes easier to
criticise the leadership and even fall
into disaffection.
2. Mean that leadership make decisions
with the congregation as an abstract
3. When elders only become involved in
crises the members may assume
that the elders have no right to
confront sin or administer discipline.
4. Misconceptions members have will
remain underground, unknown to the
5. Members may conclude that
leadership is not working hard to
fulfil their vows and neither should
6. Members will go to the pastor for
all their needs… and the office of
elder will loose it’s significance.
7. Members will feel cut off from
8. Members will struggle alone and
make decisions that complicate their
lives before the elder can possibly
know it and become involved.
9. By the time the elders know about
it, it may be to late.
Problems of House Calls
1. Absence
2. Distance
3. Inaccessibility
4. Safety
5. Time
Possible Solutions…
1. When new to district, visit every
2. Give priority to visiting those in
special groups.
3. Train and encourage members to
contact the church.
4. Visit by Telephone.
5. Make yourself available at church.
Original presentation by Pastor Fred Mapp. The ’18 reasons for home visitation’ come from –
Ordained Servant — Vol. 13, No. 4, p.92 Copyright by the Committee on Christian Education of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Published for the committee
on Christian Education of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church under direction of the Subcommittee on Resources for Church Officers