Transcript Chapter 3

Chapter 3
RTOS Concepts And Definitions
Department of Computer Science
Hsu Hao Chen
Hsung-Pin Chang
Ready threads and suspended threads
Preemptive, priority-based scheduling
Round-Robin scheduling
Kernel、 RTOS
Context Switch
Interrupt handling、Thread starvation
Priority inversion
Priority inheritance
Most real-time systems use a priority system
as a means of establishing the relative
importance of threads.
Priorities include two classes
Static priority
Dynamic priority
ThreadX provides priority values from 0 to
31,the value 0 represents the highest priority
Ready threads and suspended threads(1/3)
ThreadX maintains to manage threads
two classes
Suspended Threads List
Wait for an unavailable resource
It is placed on the Ready Thread List
It is terminated
Ready threads and suspended threads(2/3)
Ready threads and suspended threads(3/3)
Ready Threads List
Thread is ready for execution
When ThreadX schedules a thread for execution
If all the threads on the list have equal
priority,ThreadX selects the thread that has
been waiting the longest.
Preemptive, priority-based scheduling
A higher priority thread can interrupt and
suspend a currently executing thread that has
a lower priority
Round-Robin scheduling
Provide processor sharing in the case in
which multiple threads have the same
Two primary ways are supported by
ThreadX : Round-robin processing and
cooperative multithreading
Round-Robin scheduling
Kernel、 RTOS
A kernel is minimal implementation of
Consists of at least a scheduler and a
context switch handler
Full-blown operating systems
RTOS is dedicated to the control of
hardware and must operate within
specified time contraints
Context Switch
Context is the current execution state of a
Consists of such items as the program
counter ,register and stack pointer
Context switch refers to the saving or
restoring a different thread’s
When a thread’s context is restored then the
thread resumes execution at the stopping
Interrupt handling、Thread starvation
Interrupt handling
Interrupt vector
Interrupt service routine (ISR)
Thread starvation
Priority-based scheduling
Solution would be to gradually raise the
priority of starved
Priority inversion
Disabling preemption
Threads with priorities higher than 15 will be permitted
Even though priorities 15 through 19 are higher than thread’s
priority of 20,threads with those priorities will not be allowed to
preempt this thread