Transcript Document

You’re Welcome; challenges and
opportunities of engaging young
people in health service delivery
[email protected]
Research Associate
Evaluation, Research and Development Unit
Wolfson Research Institute
Durham University
You’re Welcome in policy
“Compared to other sectors, healthcare systems are in their infancy in
putting the experience of the user first, and have barely started to
realise the potential of patients as joint providers of their own care
and recovery.”
(Department of Health 2010 Equity and Excellence: Liberating the
NHS p13)
“If children, young people and families have easy access to convenient
health advice and support that are tailored to their needs, across key
life stages, their needs are more likely to be met.”
(Department of Health 2010 Achieving Equity and Excellence for
Children p11).
North East Health services awarded You’re Welcome include GPs,
sexual health, CAMHS, school and FE-based and hospital services.
There should be one
of these everywhere
for everybody
We loved that
young people
were invited to
In reception … we asked if
something could be done so
that what you asked could be
more private
How young people are involved in
shaping health services in NE England
Training & advice for health professionals
Verification visits
Youth4U Young Inspectors
Investing in Children
Mystery Shopping
Developing resources
Young people should be involved in
making things better. They could
maybe go to meetings with adults and
to feel welcome. Everyone should be
encouraged to make contributions
and express their opinions.
Information should be young people
friendly so that everyone understands
each other. Young people could help
make the design of leaflets, posters
etc. So that it will attract other young
people to the services. Large print,
brail, audio and other languages of
the charter should be available for
those in need of it.
Team Work
“You’re Welcome is all about everyone being
on the same side and knowing what the
others are thinking.
We feel this will benefit everyone involved
and it is not something that seems impossible
if we all do our part...”
Hartlepool and Stockton young people at Tees You’re Welcome launch
March 2010
What young people say…
“It’s all really interesting, we are learning
whilst helping services. And all the
feedback we have had from adults has
been really good! They say they liked
working with us and other young people
and that it has made their service better,
which is great!
North Tyneside Young Person’s Health Reference Group
North East Regional You’re Welcome
Celebration Event April 2011
So what difference does it make?
The evidence base for children and young people’s
participation in the design and development of health
services is limited, in particular the effects on health,
quality of life or satisfaction with services.
(Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health 2010)
Research is underway at Durham University to explore the
effects of You’re Welcome on young people, health
services and health professionals in the North East
Contact [email protected]
Hartlepool Young Inspectors’ experiences
• “It’s frightening at first cos you don’t know how
they’re gonna be”
• “They just needed some help from us”
• “We changed their perspective on things”
• “They get like a view of a young person using
the service”
“They don’t ask a lot of yp”
• “We recommend then we go back in 6 months to
see if they’ve put anything in place”
Investing in Children in Durham
Young women aged 16 – 18
B) I think the opening times were made more
clear now as well
A) not getting your name read out that you
just don’t want your name read out, like maybe
you could have like a little like raffle ticket or
something like that, or as well like they didn’t
have screens in the rooms and some of them
didn’t have screens and
B) One had like scales in the corridor
C) To get weighed on yeah
A) We were like no good, never mind just for
young people
C) I think that’s just disgraceful and shouldn’t
Benefits of You’re Welcome
Young people aged 15 – 18 in NT / N’land
• Changes attitudes to young people
• Helps workers understand how young people feel
• Helps services learn how to involve young people
Improves the feedback methods used
• The way you are called to the room
• Publicity / advertising for the service
• Confidentiality posters
• Lay out of waiting room / colour scheme and music
Potential benefits of You’re Welcome
for health care professionals
• Shape up health services to meet yp’s needs
• Makes staff proud of service / acknowledgement
• Opportunity to work in different ways, develop
skills, look at attitudes
• Way to identify gaps / areas for development
• Raises quality of service for all ages
• Provides evidence for funders / commissioners
• Questions assumptions about young people
Barriers and Enablers
What helps?
• Plan ahead. Identify resources.
• Involve young people from the beginning
• Help & advice from participation partners
• Training and support
• Realistic timescales for implementation
What hinders?
• Conflicting priorities
• Inflexible working conditions
• Leaving it all to the last minute
• Attempting to do it all yourself
Resources / pros & cons of paying young people
Skilled experienced participation workers
Tokenism / setting up young people
Flexible approach depending on setting
Short term cosmetic or long-term sustainable changes
Assumptions, fears and anxieties of staff
Major NHS organisational upheaval
Research interests
• Quality improvement initiatives
• Organisational and cultural change
• Models of young people’s participation;
what works, for whom, under what
circumstances, to what effect?
• Participatory Action Research
• Young people as peer researchers in NE
Department of Health (2007) You’re Welcome quality
criteria; making health services young people friendly,
Department of Health (2010) Achieving Equity and
Excellence for Children; how liberating the NHS will help
us meet the needs of children & young people, London.
Department of Health & Association of Young People’s
Health (2010) Involving young people in the
development of health services, London.
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (2010) Not
Just a Phase; a guide to the participation of children and
young people in health services, London.
Wolfe I et al (2011) 'Improving child health services in the
UK: insights from Europe and their implications for the
NHS reforms', British Medical Journal, 342, pp. 1277.