Guiding lines for computing and reading a Frequency map

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Guiding Lines for Computing and Reading a Frequency Map

New FMA Calculations for SOLEIL including Insertion Device Effects

Laurent S. Nadolski Pascale Brunelle and Amor Nadji

FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 1

Computing a frequency map

Frequency map: F T : (x 0 ,z 0 ) (  x ,  z ) Configuration space z 0 x 0 ’= 0 z 0 ’= 0 Tracking T Phase space x’ x 0 x Phase space z’ Tracking T  z 


NAFF Frequency map


z NAFF 


 x FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 2


• Tracking codes – Simulation: Tracy II, Despot, MAD, AT, … – Nature: beam signal collected on BPM electrodes • NAFF package (C, fortran, matlab) • Turn number Selections – Choice dictated by • Allows a good convergence near resonances • Beam damping times (electrons, protrons) • 4D/6D – AMD Opteron 2 GHz • 0.7 s for tracking a particle over 2 x 1026 turns – 1h00 for 100x50 (enough for getting main caracteristics) – 6h45 for 400x100 (next fmap) • Step size following a square root law (cf. Action) FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 3

Reading a FMA

Resonances x z Regular areas Fold Nonlinear or chaotic regions FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 4


x (mm) 10 5 1 5 10 z (mm) 15 15 20 20 25 FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 5

Resonance network: a

x order = |a| + |b| + b

z = c 4 th 5 th 7 th order order order 9 th order

FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski Higher order resonance 6

Rigid pendulum

Sampling effect Hyperbolic Elliptic

FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 7

Diffusion D = (1/N)*log10(||



Color code: || D ||< 10 -10 || D ||> 10 -2 Diffusion reveals as well slighted excited resonances FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 8

Soleil Beam Dynamics investigations using FMA

• Working point 18.20 10.30

– Lattice: bare, errors, IDs – Optimization schemes

• Design of a new working point taking into account what was discovered through FMA • Conclusions

FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 9

• • •

Optimization Method

Tuneshift w/ amplitude Tuneshift w/ energy Robustness to errors multipoles coupling IDs Lattice design Fine tuning

Knobs 10 quadrupole families 10 sextupole families

• 4D tracking • 6D tracking Tracking NAFF •(x-z) fmap  •(x d ) fmap  injection eff.

Lifetime •Touschek computation Dynamics analysis

NAFF suggestions

Resonance identification Good WP No Improvement Needed Yes FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 10

Reference working point (18.2, 10.3)

Flat vertical tune No coupling resonance crossing  x  z = 8 ( D = 0.1).

See M. Belgroune’s talk

 z  z| x=1 m m  x| z=1 m m  x X or z (m) d

Just looking at these curves, it seems very clean …

FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 11

On-momentum Dynamics --Working point: (18.2,10.3) 9

x =164


x +

z =65 4

x =73

x -4

z =-23 5

x =91 x Bare lattice (no errors)


x +2

z =57 z

x +6

z =80


x +4

z =96


x +5

z =88 WP sitting on Resonance node

 x + 6  z = 80 5  x = 91  x - 4  z = -23 2  x + 2  z = 57 

x -4

z =-23 9

x =164 4

x =73

FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 12

On-momentum dynamics with 1.9% coupling (18.2,10.3) Randomly rotating 160 Quads 5

x =91


x +

z =65 4

x =73

x -4

z =-23

Map fold



x +4

z =96


x +5

z =88


x +2

z =57

x +6

z =80

Coupling strongly


3  x +  z = 65 Physical Aperture •Resonance node

excited Resonance island


x +

z =65

FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 13

Importance of including vaccum chamber

Skew resonance excited by coupling


x +

z =65 4

x =73 z x

FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski Injection @ 14mm 14

Adding effect of 3 in-vacuum IDs


x +

z =65 ID Octupole term


z = 4.5 10 - 3

deeper Injection trouble if stronger FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 15

Particle behavior after Touschek scattering


A x


1   0 d

A x

 


0   0 2  2 


0   0  ' 0 d  


0  ' 0 d  2 Chromatic orbit Closed orbit Chromatic orbit WP WP ALS Example FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 16

Non-linear synchrotron motion +3.8%


 1 = 4.38 10 -04  2 = 4.49 10 -03  1    


 2      2 2    1  


Tracking 6D required

FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 17

Off momentum dynamics w/o IDs


x +

z =65 4

x =73


<0 3

x - 2

z =34


>0 3

z =31 3

z =31 3

x +

z =65 3

z =31 3

x - 2

z =34 4

x =73 excited

FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski

z 0 = 0.3mm


Off momentum dynamics w/ 3 x U20

What’s about Effect of synchrotron radiation and damping?


x =73 3

x +

z =65 U20 B-Roll off

x = 18 m g = 5mm

Synchrotron 140 turns Damping 5600 turns

Loss over >400 turns Stable in 6D

Very narrow resonances FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 19

Coupling reduction by a factor 2 with 3 x U20

FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 20

Optimization of a New Point Enhanced philosophy

• O n momentum –


x +

z = 65

to be avoided (not shown w/o fmap) – WP to be shifted from resonance node: locus of most particles – Control of tune shift with amplitude using sextupole knobs • •  x (J x , J z ) = a J x + b J z  z (J x , J z ) =


J x + c J z • Off momentum 

x (



• Large energy acceptance • Control of the tune shift with energy using sextupoles • The 4  x = 73 resonance has to be avoided for insertion devices FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 21

Energy tune shift for the new WP 18.19 / 10.29

18.20 / 10.30

18.19 / 10.29

 z  z  x  x dp/p Tune shift w/ energy optimised with sextupoles to avoid in addition the 4  x = 73 resonance for negative energy offset FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 22 dp/p

On momentum fmap for the WP 18.19 / 10.29

WP to be slightly shifted


x - 2

z =34

1% coupling Clean DA


x - 2

z =34

FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 23

On momentum fmap for the WP 18.19 / 10.29 with 3 x U20 Map Torsion Strong diffusion related to ID roll off FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 24

Off momentum fmap for the WP 18.19 / 10.29


x -

z =26 2

x +2

z =57

1% coupling

Off-momentum map comparable to the nominal WP 3

x -

z =26 2

x +2

z =57

FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 25

Off momentum fmap for the WP 18.19 / 10.29 with 3 x U20


x +2

z =57 2

x -

z =26 2

x -

z =26 Effect of the 2

x +2

z =57 resonance becomes « dangerous » with the 3xU20 2

x +2

z =57

FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski Smoothing by synchrotron oscillations 26


FMA at design stage for the SOLEIL lattice

– Gives us a global view (footprint of the dynamics) – Dynamics sensitiveness to quads, sextupoles and IDs – Reveals nicely effect of coupled resonances, specially cross term  z (x) – Enables us to modify the working point to avoid resonances or regions in frequency space – Importance of coupling correction to small values (below 1%) – 4D/6D … FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 27

Aknowledgements and references

• Institutes – IMCCE, ALS, SOLEIL • Codes – BETA (Loulergue -- SOLEIL) – Tracy II (Nadolski -- SOLEIL, Boege -- SLS) – AT (Terebilo • Papers –

Frequency map analysis and quasiperiodic decompositions

, J. Laskar, Proceedings of Porquerolles School, sept. 01 –

Global Dynamics of the Advanced Light Source Revealed through Experimental Frequency Map Analysis,

D. Robin et al., PRL (85) 3 –

Measuring and optimizing the momentum aperture in a particle accelerator,

C. Steier et al., Phys. Rev. E (65) 056506 –

Review of single particle dynamics of third generation light sources through frequency map analysis,

L. Nadolski and J. Laskar, Phys. Rev. AB (6) 114801 FMA workshop April 1st and 2nd, 2004 L. Nadolski 28