Transcript Slide 1

Washington State and The Alliance for
Quality Career Pathway (AQCP)
Review of AQCP Beta Framework
WEC 10/24/2013
The Alliance for Quality Career Pathways
The goal is to provide a common understanding of highquality career pathway systems and programs, regardless
of the targeted industry, occupation, or credentials; the
targeted population; or the design of the career pathways
or programs.
The final product will be a customizable framework of
criteria, indicators, metrics and a self-assessment tool that
can be used to
 Enhance the quality of existing career pathway efforts
 Develop high-quality new career pathway efforts; and
 Inform evaluation(s) of career pathway efforts.
The Alliance for Quality Career Pathways
National effort funded by the Joyce Foundation and the
James Irvine Foundation; CLASP is the lead and
10 Alliance States: AR, CA, IL, KY, MA, MN, OR, VA, WA,
National Advisory Group of ~15 national organizations
and experts including NYEC, JFF, NSC, CORD, CEWD,
Working Poor Families Project, Abt Associates,
ConnectEd, and adult education and CTE state
Reporting to interagency team of federal agencies: DOL
ETA, DOE OVAE, HHS, DOT and National Governors
CP Alliance Teams
CP Alliance Traveling Team
• Tina Bloomer, Policy Research Associate, SBCTC
• Jon Kerr, Adult Basic Education Director, SBCTC
• Paula Boyum, VP of Economic and Workforce Development,
Bellevue College
• Rod Taylor, Associate Dean for Technical Education, Spokane
Community College
CP Alliance Home Team
• In formation
• Representatives of WDC’s, WTECB, CTC’s
Two Parts of the Framework:
Criteria/Indicators + Metrics
Working Definition of “Career Pathways”
Career Pathways: An aligned education and
employment system approach to connecting progressive
levels of basic skills and postsecondary education,
training, and support services in specific sectors or
occupations in a way that optimizes the progress and
success of individuals – including those with limited skills
and experiences – in securing marketable credentials,
family-supporting employment, and further education and
employment opportunities.
Framework Field Testing and Review
10 states are “field testing” the beta framework by
1. Mapping metrics to career pathways and identifying
necessary reporting systems and data elements
2. Conducting test data runs using the AQCP beta
3. Identifying the utility and uses of the AQCP
Key Criteria for Quality Career Pathways
Partner commitment to shared vision & strategy
Engagement of employers & labor partners
Partners identify and provide resources
Implementation of supportive policies
Adoption of evidence-based best practices
Use data and shared measures
Sample Criteria & Indicators
• Criteria: local/regional partners engage multiple employers and labor
partners to support, shape and utilize the career pathways system
• Indicators:
 Employer and labor partners jointly develop career pathways
programs with public and non-profit partners to ensure that the
local/regional partnership is attuned to industry demand
 Employers and labor partners support participant involvement
and progression in career pathways through their policies and
Sample Interim Education & Training Metrics
• % participants who gain one or more educational levels
• % of participants who completed a college level math or
English course completion
• % participants who accumulated 12 semester or 15
quarterly college courses in pathway coursework
Sample Outcome Metrics
• % participants who obtained an occupational license,
industry certification or apprenticeship
• % exiters who are employed in the first full quarter after
pathway exit
WA State Review of Framework
• Oct. 21 review session of framework & metrics
CEOs of Seattle and Spokane WDCs
 CTC’s
• Input will be sent to CLASP as part of beta review
State Uses of Framework
• Minnesota’s most recent RFP for FastTRAC career pathway bridge grantees
includes a requirement that the grantees self-assess their career pathway
systems using the AQCP criteria for local/regional systems. CLASP will be
working with the state agency folks on what this will look like in practice for
the grantees.
• Illinois has included the AQCP metrics in their WDQI (Workforce Data
Quality Initiative) set of metrics. This initiative spans across several state
agencies; since the AQCP CP beta metrics do as well, this was a great fit.
• A major metropolitan region is interested in using the framework as a
strategic planning document for their policy agenda. This is exciting because
this would expand the use of the framework from simply criteria/indicators for
self-evaluation into a strategic planning document.
Key Considerations
• Would the AQCP framework have value to the national
career pathway efforts?
• Would this tool be of value to Washington State’s career
pathway initiatives?
• Would there be value in customizing it and implementing
it as a state?
• If so, what are the next steps to implementation in
Potential Implications for States/CTCs
Integrated into federal/state/local grants and funding
Expanded performance based funding
Increased requirements to work with partners
Increase need for improved data systems
Engagement of WEC - suggested next steps:
• WEC Career Pathways committee review of input from
WA State home team and others as determined and draft
recommendations on implementation of AQCP framework
in WA State CTC’s
• Survey WEC membership for input
• Submit recommendations to Instruction