Transcript Slide 1

Schools of the Future
Ameson Foundation Conference
October 2010
Paul Miller
One Thing Americans Agree On
Our schools need improvement
One Thing (among many) Americans Don’t agree On
How to do it
It’s Complicated
We have three kinds of
There are different kinds of
public schools
It’s Complicated
 Traditionally, States and
local governments control
 The federal government
appears to be moving
toward national standards
 Not all school districts
have equal resources!
The New Federal Program: “Race to the Top”
 $4.3 Billion to be given to “winning” states
 States are rewriting their education laws to be eligible
 States are expected to
– close achievement gaps by turning around low
performing schools
– improve standards and tests that prepare students for
college and the work place
– improve teacher quality and tie salaries to student
– improve data systems
– allow charter schools
Prepare Students for College and Careers
Coalitions of business and
educators with the
same goal
A Framework for 21st Century Outcomes
More simply put….
The 5 C’s
 Critical thinking
 Character (self-discipline, empathy, integrity, resilience and
 Creativity and entrepreneurial spirit
 Collaboration, Teamwork and Leadership
 Communication
A detailed list of Skills, values and attitudes needed for the 21st
Creative and Analytical Thinking and Problem-Solving
Identify, manage, and address complex problems
Detect bias, and distinguish between reliable and unsound information
Control information overload
Formulate meaningful questions
Analyze and create and ideas and knowledge
Use trial and error; devise and test solutions to problems
Imagine alternatives
Develop cross-disciplinary knowledge and perspectives
Engage in sustained reasoning
Synthesize and adapt
Solve new problems that don’t have rule-based solutions
Use knowledge and creativity to solve complex “real-world” problems
Communication—Oral and Written
Understand and express ideas in two or more languages
Communicate clearly to diverse audiences
Listen attentively
Speak effectively
Write clearly and concisely—for a variety of audiences
Explain information and compellingly persuade others of its
Initiate new ideas
Lead through influence
Build trust, resolve conflicts, and provide support for others
Facilitate group discussions, forge consensus, and negotiate outcomes
Teach, coach and counsel others
Enlist help
Collaborate sensitively and productively with people of varied
Coordinate tasks, manage groups, and delegate responsibilities
Implement decisions and meet goals
Share the credit
Digital and Quantitative Literacy
Understand, use, and apply digital technologies
Create digital knowledge and media
Use multimedia resources to communicate ideas effectively
in a variety of formats
Master and use higher-level mathematics
Understand traditional and emerging topics in math,
science, and technology—environmental sciences, robotics,
fractals, cellular automata, nanotechnology, and
Global Perspective
Develop open-mindedness, particularly regarding the values, traditions
of others
Study and understand non-western history, politics, religion, and culture
Develop facility with one or more international languages
Use technology to connect with people and events globally
Develop social and intellectual skills to navigate effectively across
Use 21st century skills to understand and address global issues
Learn from, and work collaboratively with, individuals from diverse
cultures, religions, and lifestyles in a spirit of mutual respect and open
Leverage social and cultural differences to create new ideas and achieve
Adaptability, Initiative, and Risk-Taking
Develop flexibility, agility, and adaptability
Bring a sense of courage to unfamiliar situations
Explore and experiment
Work effectively in a climate of ambiguity and changing priorities
View failure as an opportunity to learn, and acknowledge that
innovation involves small successes and frequent mistakes
Cultivate an independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas, and
Develop entrepreneurial literacy
Use creativity and innovation to produce things that are unique and that
have value and meaning
Integrity and Ethical Decision-Making
Sustain an empathetic and compassionate outlook
Foster integrity, honesty, fairness, and respect
Exhibit moral courage in confronting unjust situations
Act responsibly, with the interests and well-being of the
larger community in mind
Develop a fundamental understanding of emerging ethical
issues and dilemmas regarding new media and technologies
Make reasoned and ethical decisions in response to complex
How do you measure these?
What is the quality of the
In other words, How do we Assess
(the performance/outcome question)
Traditional Approaches
• Student assessment via teacher testing (informal
• Standardized normative testing (SATs, Advanced
Placement Exams, the IB exam & A-Levels)
Student assessment via formative testing
 ERB’s Childrens’ Progress Academic Assessment:
(preK-2) evaluates language arts literacy and
mathematics learning
 Measures of Academic Progress (MAP): MAP
assessments provide detailed, actionable data about
where each child is on their unique learning path.
 College and Work Readiness Assessment (CWRA):
measures how students perform on constructed
response tasks that require an integrated set of critical
thinking, analytic reasoning, problem solving, and
written communication skills
Student assessment via e-portfolios and
“demonstrations of learning”
“What we believe is that demonstrations of learning marry
skills with content, develop multiple intelligences, connect
thought with action and exemplify 21st century skills and
-- NAIS President Pat Bassett
By these demonstrations, schools…
 Reunite content and action.
 Backward-design curriculum from desired outcomes.
 Demonstrate student outcomes recorded in electronic
 Facilitate student-led teacher/parent conferences.
 Conduct action research and lesson study to grow
Examples of demonstrations of learning
Conduct a fluent conversation in a foreign language about of piece of writing
in that language.
Write a cogent and persuasive opinion piece on a matter of public
Declaim with passion and from memory a passage that is meaningful, of
one’s own or from the culture’s literature or history.
Construct and program a robot capable of performing a difficult physical
Produce or perform a work of art
Using statistics, assess whether a statement by a public figure is
demonstrably true.
Colleges shifting Admission criteria away from
normative testing
Tufts: trying to measure aspects of intelligence that cannot be
demonstrated by SAT scores. Asking applicants to show original
thinking in essays. Essay questions will be designed and evaluated based
on psychological research. Tufts officials hope to better identify future
leaders and predict college grades.
Tufts, George Mason, St Mary’s College of Maryland accept videos as
part of the application
Assessment is one of Four
Fundamental questions being reasked in search of great learning
 “What should we teach?” (The
content/canon/curriculum/standards question)
 “How should we teach?” (The pedagogy question)
 “How should we assess?”
 How do schools embed the vision? (The leadership
What Should We Teach?
(The content /canon/curriculum/
standards question)
The “core curriculum”: The question about “the canon”:
What’s the balance between the core
knowledge/identity base vs. the inclusive menu?
The Silo question
How should we teach?
(The pedagogy question)
Traditional instruction: lecture and seminar approaches
Differentiated instruction: customized IEP for each student; the
strengths approach; expertise in one area; “just in time remediation”
(the Finland model); use of adaptive technologies and web-based
instruction (
Innovative instruction:
experiential/expeditionary education
project-based learning (
immersion experiences.
Distance learning: Disrupting Class. The blended environment of
place-based learning (teacher as role model and source of inspiration)
with true 1:1 learning (digital delivery of content via laptops, tablets,
notebooks, iPads, smart phones).
How should we embed the vision?
(The leadership question)
For independent schools this is critical: no one HAS to attend our
schools. We must be the best to survive.
Charter schools must be the best, to justify their charter.
Magnet schools must be the best, to attract the best students
Traditional schools must be better, at least- or face closure
There is an incentive for every school
Face it -
“If you are not a school of the future, you may be a
school without a future”
But change cannot be implemented by decree
It will come school by school
There is no one right answer.