Department of Information Technology

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Department of Information Technology
Chapter 9 – Creating
Lecturer: Ms Melinda Chung
Department of
Information Technology
Provide a quick and concise method of
presenting information
A 2 dimensional representation of data
View as a collection of rows and columns to
organize and display data
A cell - the intersection of a row and a column
Each row is made up of data cells or columns
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Creating Basic Tables
Department of
Information Technology
The W3C discourages using tables for
document layout because tables can be
difficult for non-visual user agents to
 User agents with small monitors, such as
Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), and
browsers that use large fonts may have
difficulty rendering a Web page that is
laid out using tables
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Tables - basic tags
Department of
Information Technology
The following tags are used to create
<table>, </table> - Defines the beginning and end
of a table
<caption>,</caption> - give a title to a table
<tr>,</tr> - Defines the beginning and end of a
table row
<th>, </th> - Defines row or column headings
<td>, </td> - Defines the data in each cell of a table
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Department of
Information Technology
need to specify the contents of the respective cells
defined within the <table> and </table> tags
each row in your table requires <tr> and </tr>
after defining a row, you then define each of the
columns with the <td> and </td> tags
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Department of
Information Technology
A simple table:
<td>Row 1 Column 1 </td>
<td>Row 1 Column 2 </td>
<td>Row 2 Column 1 </td>
<td>Row 2 Column 2 </td>
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Table Widths
Department of
Information Technology
width="80%” - specifies the size of the table, can be stated as
a percentage or a fixed number of pixels
Eg: <table border=“2” width=“450”>
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Horizontal Alignment
Department of
Information Technology
can use the align attribute to
adjust the horizontal alignment of
the contents of all table elements
with the exception of the <table>
and <caption> elements
 You
 The
values you can assign to the
align attribute are left, center,
right, and justify
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Example: Schedule Table
Department of
Information Technology
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Example: Schedule Table
Department of
Information Technology
Schedule table after adjusting the width to 100% and
centering the cells
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Department of
Information Technology
<table> element’s border attribute to add a
border to a table
The value assigned to the border attribute
determines the thickness of the border in
border="num” - sets size of the table
border, where “0” is no border
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Department of
Information Technology
Table with a 5-pixel border in a Web browser
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Displaying Empty Cells
Department of
Information Technology
Web browsers do not render the borders
around empty cells
 To fix this problem, you need to add a <td>
element for each empty cell, and include a
non-breaking space character entity
(&nbsp;)as each cell’s content
Blank cells with border
<td></br></td>, <td><br></br></td>
Blank cells without border
<td></td>, <td></td>
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Displaying Empty Cells
Department of
Information Technology
Missing borders around empty cells
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Cell Margins
Department of
Information Technology
cellspacing attribute specifies the amount
of horizontal and vertical space between table
 assign a value to the cellspacing = “n”
representing the number of pixels that you
want between table cells
 cellpadding attribute specifies the amount
of horizontal and vertical space between each
cell’s border and the contents of the cell
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Cell Margins
Department of
Information Technology
Add cellspacing & cellpadding to table
<table cellspacing=10, cellpadding=10>, adding 10 pixels of
spacing between cells and spacing within the cells in the
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Cells that Span Multiple
Rows or Columns
Department of
Information Technology
 You
can cause cells to span multiple
rows or columns by including the
rowspan or colspan attributes in
the <td> or <th> elements
 An example of the colspan
attribute, the table in next slide
shows a breakdown of the animal
kingdom into phylum and class
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Cells that Span Multiple
Rows or Columns
Department of
Information Technology
Table with cells that span multiple rows
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Tables - more attributes
Department of
Information Technology
<caption>, align (attribute) = top/bottom, default
is center
<th>, <tr>, <td> can have align (attribute)=
left/right/center, bgcolor (attribute), width
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Table display
Department of
Information Technology
Image displayed in a table
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Some Sites for your reference
Department of
Information Technology
Good website design:
Bad examples:
Lots of information on XHTML
The definitive XHTML site
XHTML validator
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