Southern Society - Sunny Hills High School

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Transcript Southern Society - Sunny Hills High School

Colonial Society in the
17th Century
Southern Families - 1600’s
outnumbered women.
Most immigrants died
structure was weak.
Native born slowly acquired
immunities and more
women arrived.
Population Growth
the 1700’s Virginia was
the largest colony with
59,000 people.
Maryland was third after
The Tobacco Economy
Chesapeake land was
excellent for growing tobacco.
Tobacco exports brought
wealth to planters.
Prices decreased - so planters
increased acreage of tobacco.
Indentured Servants
Indians were an
unreliable work force - they
died in such large numbers.
African slaves cost too much
grew too slowly to
provide a natural population
Headright System
person paying passage of
servant got 50 acres - large
plantations grew.
3/4 of immigrants to VA
and MD were indentured
got worse for
servants over time.
Fewer had the opportunities
fo the earlier immigrants.
Bacon’s Rebellion
servants wandered without
land or work.
- Laws took away their
- Nathaniel Bacon leads
an uprising against Governor
Berkeley and the planters.
Reasons for rebellion
men pushed
westward into the frontier.
Westward migration caused
problems with the Indians.
Berkeley refused
to intervene for the settlers.
Governor Berkeley
controlled the monopoly on
the fur trade with the
The Outcome
is chased from
Jamestown and the town
dies of smallpox - 20
rebels are hung.
Rebellion ends.
conflict between
frontiersmen and the
Tidewater Aristocracy.
to an increase in reliance
on African slaves who could
be more easily controlled.
Colonial Slavery
- first slaves brought to
Virginia by the Dutch.
- only 7% of the
southern population was
colonists could not
afford slaves.
1670’s and `80s.
- Bacon’s Rebellion.
1680’s - wages increased in
Planters feared the poor
outnumbered whites
as servants by the late 1680s.
1698 - The Royal African
Company lost its monopoly
on the slave trade.
Rhode Island and
Charleston, South Carolina
became major slave ports.
The trade in African slaves
increased dramatically by the
The Slave Trade
million or more Africans
were captured by Slave
About 400,000 black slaves
were sold in North America.
The Middle Passage
were brought to this
country from the west
coast of Africa.
were branded and
herded into the foul cargo
holds of slave ships and in
many cases one out every
five died enroute.
survivors were forced
to give up their names,
their families, their tribes ,
their language and their
1750, African slaves made
up nearly half of Virginia’s
A few slaves eventually
gained their freedom and
made their way into white
Slave Codes
made slaves chattel for
Slave marriages were not
states outlawed
teaching slaves to read and
African influence in American
dances, styles of
Bongo drums, banjos.
Slave Revolts
few that occurred were
brutally put down.
The Southern Social Structure
of property
and wealth saw the
creation of a “hierarchy of
wealth” over time.
Social Structure
The Great Planters =
American “gentlemen” for example the FFV’s of
Small Farmers =
“middlin’ “ or “yeomen”
farmers with few acres
and few slaves. It was the
largest social group.
whites = most of
them former indentured
Indentured servants.
Black slaves.
South was
predominantly rural.
cities developed in the
plantations were
separated by distance and
connected by waterways.
farms had few acres
and little access to major
hinterland and
mountain valleys were
slowly occupied by log
cabins surrounded by
stumps and threatened by
Indian raids.
became the
goal of the
migrated to
the frontier.
New England Society
climate made for
longer life spans.
New Englanders tended
to migrate as family units.
England population
began to grow by natural
people married early and
had lots of children.
women died in
childbirth but most
survived as many as 10
pregnancies and had as
many as eight surviving
families, longer life
spans and extended
family groups made for a
very strong and stable
social structure.
New England Towns
England life
centered around small
towns and villages.
laid out around a
central “commons” with a
meeting hall and church.
tended to be
very tight (tightly
controlled?) and the
leaders exhibited a high
degree of moral concern.
towns were
chartered by Colonial
authorities and land was
distributed by the town
fathers - “proprietors.”
Importance of Education.
of more than 50
people had to provide
elementary education.
1636 - Harvard University
was founded.
on the other
hand, did not establish
William and Mary College
until 1693.
The Roots of Democracy.
England town
meetings became a
“school of political
decreasing control of
the Puritan churches over
everyday life increased
the level of democracy.
More Trouble in Paradise
Fears that the Puritans were
losing the initial religious
zeal led to the preaching of
“Jeremiad” sermons
warning the congregations
about the loss of piety.
The Halfway Covenant
leaders became
concerned about the lack
of new conversions.
announced the
“Halfway Covenant” in
allowed non-elect to be
members of the church,
thereby increasing the
level of participation.
now made up a
larger proportion of
Puritan congregations.
resulting social
upheavals led to a
weakening of the clergy.
The Salem Witch Trials.
girls claimed
to have been bewitched by
older women.
- a witch hunt began
in Salem - 20 people (and
2 dogs) were put to death.
clergy, like
Cotton Mather, defended
the hysteria and
subsequent punishments.
the passions had
subsided, comments and
actions by the clergy led to
a weakening of their
power and influence.
trials, such as
Salem’s, were common in
Europe and happened in
other parts of the colonies.
the Salem trials are
significant as an indicator
of the troubles in New
England society and for
the subsequent weakening
of the clergy.
New England Life
was the leading
occupation of most
colonists but was very
difficult in New England.
were thin and rocky,
the climate was cold in the
winter and hot in the
summer, and the growing
season was short.
England remained
the least ethnically diverse
of the colonies and would
later be a source of
westward migration.
The New England Economy
farming, other
leading economic activities
included trading, timber
extraction, ship building,
shipping and fishing.
The Yankee
characteristics of
the Puritans and New
Englanders helped shape
the “American Ideal.”
Tough, hard-working,
The Puritan Ethic.
Everyday Life in the
Farming dominated all of
the colonies
people worked from “no
light to no light”
observers always
remarked about the sound
of the ax - as land clearing
was a constant occupation.
Gender Division of Labor
work included -cooking and preserving,
spinning, weaving and
sewing, child rearing and
often working in the fields.
jobs included -hunting, farming, building
and clearing land.
Life styles
typically lived
much better and often
longer lives than their
European counterparts.
Rise of the Middle Class
and poorest of
Europe did not come to
Nor, typically, did the
weak, sick or cowardly.
New England and
Middle Colonies
developed less class
differences did still
exist, however, and gave
rise to class conflicts, such
Rebellion in
The Protestant minority’s
uprising against the
Catholic proprietors of
Rebellion in New
York City.