Transcript Document

Diamond Best Practice Principles (BPP)
1) What is it?
2) Why is it?
3) What’s in it for SunDiamond?
4) What are the themes?
5) What is asked from you?
6) Presentations?
-Business Policy
-Health & Safety
-Kimberley Process and AML
What is it?
1) A Code, a set of rules that aim at establishing a
standard within the diamond industry on
general themes like
- Business Responsibility
- Social Responsability
- Environmental Responsability
2) The BPP is edicted by the Diamond Trading
Company (DTC) as a formal part of the Supplier of
Choice Contract
3) The BPP is similar to auto-regulations in other
sectors (e.g. BRC)
Why is it?
1) It is a formal obligation for every DTC Sightholder
under the Supplier of Choice contract to comply to
the BPP
2) Stakeholders of the Diamond Industry expressed a
demand for Responsible Practices and auto-regulations
3) The Industry must be able to indicate its genuine
efforts to eradicate previous existing practices that
tarnished its reputation
What’s in it for SunDiamond?
1) Obligations
- Compliance to the BPP
- Training and information
- Audit internal/external
- Subcontractors and clients
2) Opportunities
- Pioneering in Good Business Practices
- Accreditation of PurelyNaturalDiamond™
- Differentiation by marketing exploitation
What’s in it for SunDiamond?
3) Expectations
- Increase Consumer Confidence
- Implement Best Business Practices
- Commitment from every actor of the
Diamond Industry
4) Consequences
- SunDiamond Business Policy
- Certification of Vietnam Factories: ISO 9000,
OHSAS 18000, SA 8000
- Local training on BPP
- PurelyNaturalDiamond™
1) Business Responsabilities
Ethical standards => Business Policy
Anti Money Laundering and Terrorism
Financing => PPT presentation
Kimberley Process => PPT presentation
Disclosure => PPT presentation
Pipeline Management
2) Social Responsabilities
- Employees => Business Policy
- Health and Safety => PPT presentation
- Diversity => Business Policy
- Non-discrimination => Business Policy
- Child Labour => Business Policy
- Forced Labour => Business Policy
- Human Rights => Business Policy
- Community => Business Policy
3) Environmental Responsabilities => Business Policy
What is asked from you?
1) Listen carefully
2) Ask questions
3) Read the Business Policy
4) Remember the essentials
5) Be able to answer if questionned on any matter of
the BPP
The SunDiamond Business Policy
In general the SunDiamond Group of Companies
Adheres to
• UN Global Compact (10 principles)
• The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
• The International Labour Organisation
• The United Nations Environment Programme
• The United Nations Development Programme
• The United Nations Industrial Development Organisation
In general the SunDiamond Group of Companies
Is committed to
• The Kimberley Process
• FATF (40 recommendations)
• The Canadian Diamond Code of Conduct
• The JA Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional
Conduct, the JA Supplier Code of Conduct
• CIBJO and its many initiatives
Business Policy
• Specific themes:
- Integrity
- People in the workplace
- Health and Safety
- Environment and Society
• Observance of the Business Policy
• Compliance Officer/ Chief Compliance Officer
• Purpose of the document
Read the BP (15 minutes)
Sign it!
Health and Safety
Health & Safety
• National Legislations
• SunDiamond Business Policy
• Rules and Regulations
Health & Safety
The Company Safety Manager
• Name
• How to contact him
• He will be responsible to keep the RECORDS of accidents,
diseases, absentee
• Keep file on all accidents in order to learn and avoid them
in the future
Health & Safety
Health & Safety
Are you dizzy ?
Light headed?
Chilled and sweating?
Shortness of breath ?
Pain in center of chest spreading to neck, shoulder or arms?
Something gets caught in your throat
Sudden weakness/numbness of the face
Loss of speech / trouble talking or understanding speech
Sudden severe headache
Are you diabetic? eating or checking you blood sugar?
Are you allergic to certain things / been stung by a bee before?
Get help as quickly as possible
Be aware of your own condition
Health & Safety
Inform of your condition ahead of time and can prepare
Taking medications? - keep a list in your pocket
Let us know any special needs for your condition
Update information and the emergency contact.
Time is critical do what you can before the unexpected
Health & Safety
Call ….. In case of emergency
If you aren’t needed - stay out of the way
Keep others away - keep area clear
Help direct emergency personnel
Respect the privacy of others
Inform Immediately
Health & Safety
Use of alcohol drugs or tobacco is prohibited in SunDiamond workplaces
SunDiamond does not allow working under influence of any illegal substance, drug or
Health & Safety
Health & Safety
The Fire Triangle
Fire Safety, at its most basic, is based upon the principle
of keeping fuel sources and ignition sources separate.
Health & Safety
Fuel Classifications
Class A: Wood, paper, cloth, trash, plastics—solids
that are not metals.
Class B: Flammable liquids—gasoline, oil, grease,
acetone. Includes flammable gases.
Class C: Electrical—energized electrical
equipment. As long as it’s “plugged in.”
Class D: Metals—potassium, sodium, aluminum,
magnesium. Requires Metal-X, foam, and other
special extinguishing agents.
Health & Safety
Fuel Classifications
Most fire extinguishers will have a pictograph label
telling you which types of fire the extinguisher is designed
to fight.
For example, a simple water extinguisher might have a
label like this…
…which means it should only be used on Class A fires.
Health & Safety
How to Use a Fire Extinguisher
It’s easy to remember how to use a fire extinguisher if you
remember the acronym PASS:
Health & Safety
How to Use a Fire Extinguisher
Pull the pin…
This will
allow you to
discharge the
Health & Safety
How to Use a Fire Extinguisher
Aim at the base of the fire…
Hit the fuel!
If you aim at
the flames...
… the extinguishing agent will fly right through and
do no good.
Health & Safety
How to Use a Fire Extinguisher
Squeeze the top handle…
This depresses a
button that releases
the pressurized
Health & Safety
How to Use a Fire Extinguisher
Sweep from side to side…
.. until the fire is
completely out.
Start using the extinguisher
from a safe distance away,
then slowly move forward.
Once the fire is out, keep an eye on the area in
case it re-ignites.
Health & Safety
Rules for Fighting Fires
Fires can be very dangerous and you should always be certain that
you will not endanger yourself or others when attempting to put out a
For this reason, when a fire is discovered…
Assist any person in immediate danger to safety, if it can be
accomplished without risk to yourself.
Call 911 or activate the building fire alarm. The fire alarm will
notify the fire department and other building occupants and shut off
the air handling system to prevent the spread of smoke.
If the fire is small (and Only after having done these 2 things), you
may attempt to use an extinguisher to put it out. However . . . .
Health & Safety
Rules for Fighting Fires
. . . before deciding to fight the fire, keep these things in
Know what is burning. If you don’t know what’s burning,
you won’t know what kind of extinguisher to use.
Even if you have an ABC fire extinguisher, there may be
something in the fire that is going to explode or produce
toxic fumes.
Chances are you will know what’s burning, or at least
have a pretty good idea, but if you don’t, let the fire
department handle it.
Health & Safety
Rules for Fighting Fires
Do not fight the fire if:
You don’t have adequate or appropriate equipment. If you
don’t have the correct type or large enough extinguisher, it is
best not to try fighting the fire.
You might inhale toxic smoke. When synthetic materials such
as the nylon in carpeting or foam padding in a sofa burn, they
can produce hydrogen cyanide, acrolein, and ammonia in
addition to carbon monoxide. These gases can be fatal in very
small amounts.
Your instincts tell you not to. If you are uncomfortable with
the situation for any reason, just let the fire department do
their job.
Health & Safety
Rules for Fighting Fires
The final rule is to always position yourself with an exit or means of
escape at your back before you attempt to use an extinguisher to put
out a fire.
In case the extinguisher malfunctions, or something unexpected
happens, you need to be able to get out quickly. You don’t want to
become trapped.
Health & Safety
Rules for Fighting Fires
• Remember to keep an exit to
your back
• Only fight a fire in the
incipient stage
Health & Safety
Rules for Fighting Fires
NEVER fight a fire if any of the following apply:
• Don’t have the proper extinguisher or equipment
• Fire has spread beyond its point of origin
• Your instincts tell you GET OUT
Health & Safety
Fundamentals of Electrical Hazards
• To flow electricity must have a complete path.
• Electricity flows through conductors: water, metal,
the human body
• Insulators are non-conductors
• The human body is a conductor.
Health & Safety
Do’s and Don'ts
• Do plug power equipment into wall receptacles with power
switches in the Off position.
• Do unplug electrical equipment by grasping the plug and
pulling. Do not pull or jerk the cord to unplug the equipment.
• Do not drape power cords over hot pipes, radiators or sharp
• Do check the receptacle for missing or damaged parts.
• Do not plug equipment into defective receptacles.
• Do check for frayed, cracked, or exposed wiring on
equipment cords.
Health & Safety
Do’s and Don'ts
• Employees should know the location of electrical circuit
breaker panels that control equipment and lighting in their
respective areas. Circuits and equipment disconnects must
be identified.
• Temporary or permanent storage of any materials must not
be allowed within 3 feet of any electrical panel or electrical
• Any electrical equipment causing shocks or with high
leakage potential must be tagged with a Danger tag or
Health & Safety
Myths and Misconceptions
• Electricity takes the path of least resistance.
• Electricity wants to go to ground.
• If an electric tools falls into a sink or tub of water, the item
will short out.
• AC reverse polarity is not hazardous.
• It takes high voltage to kill; 120 volts is not dangerous.
• Double insulated power tools are doubly safe and can be
used in wet and damp locations.
Health & Safety
Fire Safety - On-the-Job
 Do not block fire extinguishers with equipment
 Do not block fire emergency exits and escape routes
 Utilize those with electrical expertise/installations/assistance
 Do not overload outlets - use a track plug
 Practice good housekeeping techniques in the work area
 Inspect wires for possible damage and replace as needed
Health & Safety
Evacuation Planning
 Make sure that you know the escape routes .
 know how to notify the fire department, and when to call for
 Never open doors that are hot to the touch.
 Remember to stop, drop to the ground and roll if their
clothes catch fire.
Never re-enter a burning building
 Your life is more precious than the diamonds ...
Health & Safety
Machine Guarding
Health & Safety
Machine Guarding
Many fatalities have resulted from employees getting caught
in rotating shafts such as well boring drills & lathes.
Fixed guards:
• A permanent part of the machine
• Not dependent on any other part to perform the function
• Usually made of sheet metal, screen, bars or other
material which will withstand the anticipated impact
• Generally considered the preferred type of guard.
• Simple and durable
Health & Safety
Machine Guarding
This shows a pulley
pinch points.
Health & Safety
Machine Guarding
• Robots can be
• Establish a system
to keep humans
from getting into
the robots work
• Maintenance
workers must use a
lockout system.
Health & Safety
What Is Workplace Violence?
• Workplace violence
• Any act of physical violence
- overt aggression
- Homicide, physical and sexual assault
• Workplace aggression – emotional toll
– Expressions of hostility
• Gestures, facial expressions and verbal assaults
– Threats of physical violence
– Harassment, intimidation, bullying
• Ostracism/shunning
– Obstructionism
• Passive/aggressive behaviors that impede job performance or
achievement of organizational objectives
Health & Safety
Behavior Warning Signs of Potential Violence
and Their Probability of Occurrence (con’t)
– Evidence of drug and/or alcohol dependence
– Evidence of depression and withdrawal
– A pattern of pathological blaming
– Evidence of impaired neurological functioning
– An elevated frustration level
– An interest/fascination in weapons
– Evidence of a personality disorder
Health & Safety
Behavior Warning Signs of Potential Violence
and Their Probability of Occurrence (con’t)
– Unexplained increase in absenteeism
– Noticeable decrease in attention to appearance and
personal hygiene
– Has a plan to “solve all problems”
– Resistance and over reaction to changes in policies or
– repeated violations of the organization’s policies
Health & Safety
Preventing Workplace Violence (con’t)
• Administrative/Organizational
– Programs
• Workplace Violence Plan
• Threat Assessment Team
– Policies
• Harassment
• Workplace violence
• SOPs
Health & Safety
Health Issues
• Eating area should be kept clean
• Toilets clean and segregated
• Drinking water
• Noise level
• Environnemental awareness
• Harassement ...
Health & Safety
The point is….
prevent a worse situation.
Health & Safety
• Choose to be PRO-ACTIVE!
The Kimberley Process
Anti Money Laundering
Kimberley Process and AML
What is a Conflict Diamond?
Rough Diamonds used by rebel movements or their allies
to finance conflict aimed at undermining legitimate
governments, as described in relevant United Nations
Security Council (UNSC) resolutions insofar as they
remain in effect, or in other similar UNSC resolutions
which may be adopted in the future and as understood
and recognised in United Nations General Assembly
(UNGA) resolution 55/56, or in other similar UNGA
resolutions which may be adopted in the future.
Kimberley Process and AML
What is the Solution?
The Kimberley Process: rough diamond sector international
regulation supervised by the UN.
-Only Rough Diamonds
-Only when movement from country to country (Import-Export): KP
Certificate from exporting country authorized by UN
-Reconciliation by Company Auditor
-Record keeping for 5 years
Statement (WDC) on invoice when internal movement:
“The diamonds herein invoiced have been purchased from legitimate sources not
involved in funding conflict and in compliance with United Nations Resolutions. The
undersigned hereby guarantees that these diamonds are conflict free, based on personal
knowledge and/or written guarantees provided by the supplier of these diamonds.”
Kimberley Process and AML
What is Money Laundering?
• Any type of conscious involvement with the transfer, holding, hiding,
using, etc of monies and assets with an illegal origin. Also if one
were reasonably aware of someone being in any way related to
transactions with monies or assets with an illegal origin, one would
already be involved in money laundering activities.
• The origin of money or assets is illegal when these originate from a
series of crimes mentioned by name, such as terrorism or terrorism
financing, organized crime, illegal drug traffic, exploitation of
prostitution; serious and organized tax fraud, for which extreme
complicated mechanisms or procedures of international size are used;
swindle, abuse of trust, abuse of corporate assets, a hijacking, a theft
or extortion with violence or threat or a crime connected with the
state of bankruptcy.
Kimberley Process and AML
What is the Solution?
• Financial Action Task Force 40 Recommendations
• Belgian Anti Money Laundering Law
• USA P.A.T.R.I.O.T Act
 Obligation to identify clients and notification of suspicious
transactions or facts
 Prohibition for cash payments in excess of $10.000
Kimberley Process and AML
What are the Obligations?
• Identification of clients
– $10.000
• Keeping of records
• To draw a written report
• To train and sensitize employees
• To appoint a Money Laundering Responsible and to set up a
procedure for internal check-up (in doubt always refer to
• Duty to report to the Financial Cell
• Pledge of secrecy
• Immunity
Kimberley Process and AML
Examples of AML suspicious activities?
• Transactions with non-registered diamond dealers. Being nonregistered indicates an irregular way of doing business which
always seems SUSPICIOUS.
• Transactions that, without any specific reason, are split up in
various separate transactions.
• Transactions of a large size that are executed in small bank notes
(but of course less than $10,000).
• Transactions of a large size where the client has not counted the
bank notes up front or where large amounts are offered in
different currencies: handling cash in a sloppy way always leads
to suspicious situations as do cases where fellow contractors offer
a very complicated or surprising way of payment.
Kimberley Process and AML
Examples of AML suspicious activities?
• Transactions where, without any reason, intermediaries are used.
It can either be about intermediaries who, without any plausible
reason, execute large transactions for a third party or it is
assumed that they are executed for a third party, or it can be
about individuals accompanied by a third who supervises the
transaction and refuses to make his identity known. Such
practices with these kinds of puppets always lead to a suspicious
• Transactions where pieces of dubious origin or even fake identity
cards are used or where problems rise while identifying a client.
• Transactions that are executed with or for the account of post
office box companies, usually situated in tax havens are
Kimberley Process and AML
Examples of AML suspicious activities?
• Transactions which have no apparent economic reason for being
executed in your country.
• Uncommon transactions in the light of the client's common
activities of which the background and its goal are not being
• Transactions where the client behaves suspiciously and shows
little interest in the charged selling margin or commissions, even
though it concerns large amounts.
What is Disclosure?
Only a natural diamond can be called and sold as a
Natural: the stone is of natural origin, not man made, not
synthetic, not a simulant.
Diamond: a natural mineral consisting essentially of pure
carbon crystallised with a cubic structure in the isometric
system. Its hardness in the Mohs scale is 10; its specific gravity
is approximately 3,52; it has a refractive index of 2,42 and it
can be found in many colours.
1) To restore and build up Consumer Confidence.
2) To combat Synthetics.
General Rules
Regardless of effect on value
No exception
Verbal AND written on ALL documents in plain English
always immediatly preceeding or succeeding the
description of the Diamond
• Misuses of Terminology prohibition in ALL circumstances (Flawless, perfect, blue white, properly cut,
modern cut)
• No mis-representation of weight
• Definition:
any object or product that has been either partially or
wholly crystallised or re-crystallised due to artificial human
intervention such that, with the exception of being non-natural, the
products meet the requirements specified in the above mentioned
definition of diamond
• Rules:
1-Always disclose as SYNTHETIC -MAN MADE-LAB
2-Never use misleading terms as CULTURED
3-Never use names of firms , manufacturers or trademarks
without the terms of point 1(e.g. ACME DIAMONDS)
Treated Diamonds
• Definition:
any process, treatment or enhancement changing,
interfering with and/or contaminating the natural appearance or
composition of a diamond other than the historically accepted practices
of cutting and polishing. It includes colour (and decolourisation)
treatment, fracture filling, laser and irradiation treatment and coating.
• Rules:
1-All treatments other than historically accepted
2-Colour (and decolourisation ) treatments, Fracture filling,
Laser, HTHP, Irradiation coating
Treated Diamonds
3-Always Disclose all treatments , and their effect on Diamond
value the special care requirements
4-Never disguise the term used e.g. “IMPROVED”
5-Never use names of firms , manufacturers or trademarks
alone with DIAMOND (e.g. ACME DIAMONDS in stead of
Diamond Simulants
• Definition:
any object or product used to imitate diamond or some or
all of its properties and includes any material which does not meet the
requirements specified in the above mentioned definition of diamond.
• Rules:
1- Always disclose as the mineral (Zircon) or compound (Cubic
2- Never use names of firms , manufacturers or trademarks
alone with DIAMOND(ACME DIAMONDS in stead of
SunDiamond Efforts
• Business Policy
• Supply Chain Management
• Traceability
is designed to
authenticate that the diamonds, which carry the label
PurelyNaturalDiamondTM, that are sold by the SunDiamond Group
of Companies are natural, not treated, conflict free, legal and
processed in compliance with the strictest ethical codes of the
• PurelyNaturalDiamond™
thanks you for your attention!