Religious Freedom

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Transcript Religious Freedom

Cedric Jenkins, Cole Vita, Brock Ruchlamer, Sarina Samuel
Liana Thielecke
Class Central Idea
“Giving rights and ensuring equality for all living
beings will positively impact our world.”
Why Our Topic Relates
Our topic relates to the theme because by ensuring
religious equality you are giving rights to all those
who worship and practice under a certain religion
Our Central Idea
“Allowing for religious freedom will ensure equality
throughout the world and let everyone live a free
life, where they are judged not by what they believe
in but by who they are.”
Religious Persecution
Religious Discrimination
Religious Oppression
Religious discrimination is the most common form of religious
Religious discrimination is when someone uses hurtful words
towards another person because of their beliefs
This is most common at work and at school;
According to research statistics 35% of people are discriminated
against in the workplace because of their
religious beliefs.
This can lead to…
Less pay
Unequal treatment
Terrorist attacks such as the Boston Marathon
bombings where 2 people where killed in a
bombing at the Boston Marathon and the 9/11
attacks were two jet planes crashed into the
Twin Towers on September 11th 2001 have
sparked many stereotypical comments of
religious discrimination such as all “Muslims
are terrorists “and “Jews have horns”
Religious oppression is in the middle between
religious discrimination and religious persecution
in danger
Religious oppression will happen after religious
discrimination and will turn into persecution after
it gets more severe
Religious oppression can turn into
Sending to jail
Harsh words
If the world was not attacked by these terrible forms
of religious pain we would have religious freedom.
Religious freedom is the dream everyone on the
planet whishes they could have but since the dawn of
time religious perpetrators have strangled the hope
out of them. These three forms of pain have caused so
much chaos and destruction all around the world and
only knowing about can stop it. The world can be so
much better if we knew.
Rate of Discrimination
Communist Countries
Throughout centuries of history, persecution
for religious belief has existed in every age and
every nation
Communist countries have the most
restrictions on religion
At work religious discrimination is very
common in most places
This graph shows the complaints of being
discriminated while working
Thailand has the most complaints while
working at 80%
Most places have almost the same amount of
complaints starting from the Netherlands
Most places on the map shown are parlty free
or not free witch means these people are not
able to practice their own religion
The very little yellow means these people are
allowed to practice their own religion
33% of the world’s population are Christians
 21% are Islamic
 16% are not affiliated with any religion
 Judaism makes up
A communist state is ruled by a single political
How does this effect religious freedom?
It restricts this country to one religion or no
religion at all
If people live there they will either convert to
that religion if they are not already
Muslims make up the second largest religious
population in the world and were
discriminated against in 121 countries
worldwide between 2006 and 2010.
Nearly 50 percent of countries increased their
religious discrimination between 2009 and
2010, and only 32 percent saw decreases.
Religion-related issues in the workplace more
than doubled between 1999 and 2010.
If all places had the freedom of
religion as an official right, no one
would worry about moving because
they are being discriminated or
persecuted because of the place they
live in. This would be what we call
peaceful coexistence. This a dream of
The Jews
The Muslims
The Christian Religious Groups
Jews Have been persecuted on many occasions in many
different geographical locations , here are is some
-In the middle ages Christian anti-semitism of Jews
was religious in Europe
-Many Christians including members of the clergy
have held Jews responsible for killing Jesus, over time
they have come to accept this
-Jews were frequently massacred and exiled from
various European countries
Persecution of Jews reached its peak in World War 2
the time of the Holocaust at this time destruction of
Jews was a priority of the Nazi’s
By 1942 the Nazi leadership decided to implement the
final solution, the genocide of all Jews in Europe and to
increase the pace of the holocaust by establishing
extermination camps
6,000,000+ Jews died in a number of concentration
camps perhaps one of the biggest Auschwitz
Originally the Nazi’s used death squads
(Eisatzgruppen) to conduct massive open-air killings of
Jews in conquered territory
Muslim people believe in Allah their god and
Muhammad the messenger of god
The Qur’an (Muslim bible) began with revelations of
Muhammad (when he 40) in 610
The Islamic religion gave rise to many good
mathematicians, scientists, doctors, astronomers,
scientists and philosophers this was the Golden Age of
In the first Crusade (in 1095) launched by Urban Pope
ll with the goal to take back the Holy land Jerusalem
from the Muslims
The Crusaders slaughtered as many Muslims and few
Jews that they could
But this battle proved to be tough and brutal with the
conclusion of the Muslims pushing out the Crusades
Islam expanded in the middle east and Europe
to form the Ottoman Empire
Although the Muslims had an appetite for
intellectual and cultural growth, the only path
to expansion had war in it.
Christianity was founded by the followers of Jesus of
They applied his teachings to create christianity
It was founded on love, peace and accepting others
Jesus of Nazareth had four gospels John, Mark,
Matthew and Luke
They tell what he accomplished from their point of
At the thought of Christianity Jesus of Nazareth was
killed to prevent conversion
Christians were thrown into the coliseum and killed by
lions or roman gladiators
As many people know the Jews killed Jesus of
Though by the year 313 having that Christianity had
grown Rome adopted it as the official religion of Rome
For Christianity to grow it had to become a
little barbaric
When they started to make deals with
countries like France, England and etc. those
countries did whatever they wanted at the time
they would kill people steal weal
By making deals with these countries they to
murdered people who didn’t believe
The First Amendment
Established Religions
Governments with No Regards to Religious Equality
What Does It Do?
The First Amendment
allows for the practice
of any religion anywhere in
the United States.
Who Does It Affect?
The First Amendment only protects U.S citizens.
Citizens of other countries are under the control of
their own government.
The Religion Clauses are a short way of summing up the
Religious Freedom pronouncements in the Bill of Rights.
What Does Is Mean?
Having an Established Religion means that your
government decides which religion will be practiced
in that particular state or country. This can also be
called state religions, church religions or official
United States
What does it Mean?
Discrimination By Atheists is what you call it when a
citizen is denied a line of work etc. because of their
Why Does This Matter?
This matters because everyone deserves a job, and the
confidence that their families will live to be happy
and healthy, no matter their religion.
Egypt – Sectarianism
Iran - “threatening atmosphere”
China – Government Grounds
Jewish Community Council
Interfaith Encounter Association
Freedom For Religion Foundation
International Association for Religious Freedom
-Mission statement- provide
individuals with Jewish education and
values through religious activities and
Who they help- mainly Jews unless others
are in desperate need.
-How they help- education
a.) table on lincoln road
b.) videos
c.) encourage self esteem
Mission statement- to promote peace in the middle
east through interfaith dialogue and cross-cultural
Who they help- unfortunate (poor) citizens,
with need of shelter and safety, so that they
can practice their religions freely
How they help – put individuals of different
religions together so that they can learn to
be together as friends, not enemies. This
way, events like the Holocaust never happen.
Mission statement- to provide
self confidence of religion and
Who they help- any people in
need, no matter their religion
How they help and get the
news out- publishes the only
free newspaper in the world
Mission statement- to work for
freedom of religion because it is a
precious human right that potentially
enables the best within our lives and
our search for truth
Who they help- people who are very
self religious
How they help- Have speakers and
convince congress
Rabbi Frederick L. Klein
The Greater Miami Jewish Federation
Went to Prime University
“Ever since I was a child I was always someone philosophical…”
“As a rabbi, I get to help other people and teach, and work with
other people. I enjoy being an impact in people’s lives.”
“Today, it is not enough to live our lives in a bubble. We have to
reach out and help other people”
“I think, people are the source of violence, not religion.”
“The religion is only as good as the people who are doing it…”
Fourth Grader Asher Zhuck said, “ I will use
this information to persuade people not to fight
about someone’s beliefs.”
One of Mr.Phillip’s students said, “…as an
atheist I am often treated differently so I
understand that this is a problem.”
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