청심국제중 입시설명회

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Transcript 청심국제중 입시설명회

영역별 미니 테스트-01
듣기: 1번 ~10 번 – (난이도(하))
듣기: 11번~ 20 번 – (난이도(상))
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정답을 쓰면 됩니다.
정답은 a,b,c,d 중에서 맞는 번호를 쓰면 됩니다.
누르기: 1~10
난이도(하)-Low Level
1. A: I enjoy ( ) when I have time. How about you?
B: I always study.
ⓐ swim
ⓑ to swim
ⓒ swimming
ⓓ swam
ⓔ will swim
난이도(하)-Low Level
2. A: I quit ( ) two years ago.
B: Wasn’t it very difficult to quit?
ⓐ to smoke
ⓑ smoking
ⓒ smoke
ⓓ smoked
ⓔ having to smoke
난이도(하)-Low Level
3. A: Did you break your vase again?
B: No, It was Alice ( ) did it this time.
난이도(하)-Low Level
4. A: How long have you been in Korea?
B: I have been here ( ) I was born.
난이도(하)-Low Level
5. A: Do you know that water ( ) at 100 degrees?
B: Yes, I know that. I learned it from my teacher.
to boil
will boil
난이도(하)-Low Level
6. A: I can’t understand why he ( ) selfish.
B: Yeah, he isn’t usually like that.
will be
is being
난이도(하)-Low Level
7. A: What happened to your leg?
B: I hurt my leg while I ( ) soccer.
was playing
will play
난이도(하)-Low Level
8. A: Why did you get bad grades on this exam?
B: Mom, I am sorry. I ( ) hard so I regret it.
should study
must study
will study
should have studied
난이도(하)-Low Level
9. A: My doctor said to me that I had lung cancer.
B: What did he say to you?
A: He advised me that I ( ) smoking.
can stop
will stop
had to
난이도(하)-Low Level
10. A: Do you have ( )?
B: Let me see, it’s a quarter to ten.
a time
the time
난이도(상)-High Level
11. A: ( ) in England, Henry is a genuine gentleman
in every respect
ⓐ Having raised
ⓑ Raised
ⓒ To raise
ⓓ Raising
ⓔ Be raised
난이도(상)-High Level
12. A: I bet you’re going to win because the
defending champion is getting old.
B: I don’t know. He is still ( ).
ⓐ faster than he used
ⓑ faster than he used to be
ⓒ as fast as he used to
ⓓ as fast as he used to be
ⓔ so fast that he used to be
난이도(상)-High Level
13. A: You should’ve come to the party. Half of the
classmates were there.
B: I wish I ( ), but something urgent came up.
ⓐ did
ⓑ was
ⓒ had
ⓓ would
ⓔ could
난이도(상)-High Level
14. A: Jane is applying for every job opening she
( ) on the Net.
B: Really? She seems very desperate.
ⓐ sees
ⓑ will have seen
ⓒ will see
ⓓ had seen
ⓔ could have seen
난이도(상)-High Level
15. A: Sue is an excellent painter. I love her work.
B: Well, she’s not ( ) painter as she used to be.
ⓐ as great a
ⓑ as a great
ⓒ such great a
ⓓ a such great
ⓔ so such great a
난이도(상)-High Level
16. A: I don’t think I can help you with that project.
B: Don’t worry. I am not asking ( ).
ⓐ you for
ⓑ for you
ⓒ to you
ⓓ you to
ⓔ you that for
난이도(상)-High Level
17. A: It’s so tough these days.
You can’t get a job ( ) you have got experience.
B: It is not fair. After all, how can you get experience
if no one will give you a job.
ⓐ if
ⓑ unless
ⓒ when
ⓓ which
ⓔ that
난이도(상)-High Level
18. It was grandfather’s greatest wish that one of
his grandchildren ( ) a doctor.
ⓐ become
ⓑ became
ⓒ had become
ⓓ will become
ⓔ could become
난이도(상)-High Level
19. The research is important ( ) it confirms
the existence of a relationship between aggression
and the use of alcohol.
ⓐ that
ⓑ if
ⓒ when
ⓓ in that
ⓔ so that
난이도(상)-High Level
20. A: _____ you to decide to file a complaint,
you'd need more evidence.
B : Really? I thought
what I had was more than enough.
ⓐ Should
ⓑ Were
ⓒ Had
ⓓ If
ⓔ Unless
난이도(하)-Low Level
1. A: I am sorry for being late. I forgot to ( ) the
alarm clock.
B: Well, don’t let it happen again.
ⓐ have
ⓑ set
ⓒ pull
ⓓ make
ⓔ bring
난이도(하)-Low Level
2. A: What is the matter with you?
B: I am afraid I have a bad cold.
I ( ) a lot and have a high fever.
ⓐ eat
ⓑ smell
ⓒ cough
ⓓ meet
ⓔ take
난이도(하)-Low Level
3. It was warm, so I took ( ) my coat.
ⓐ on
ⓑ off
ⓒ at
ⓓ by
ⓔ for
난이도(하)-Low Level
4. The bed was very ( ) so I could not sleep well.
ⓐ inconvenient
ⓑ uncomfortable
ⓒ nice
ⓓ healthy
ⓔ expensive
난이도(하)-Low Level
5. Robert is still sick, but he ( ) better slowly.
ⓐ is getting
ⓑ is setting
ⓒ is being
ⓓ is becoming
ⓔ is making
난이도(하)-Low Level
6. A: By what time can you come here?
B: I can ( ) it by ten for sure.
ⓐ have
ⓑ keep
ⓒ make
ⓓ set
ⓔ bring
난이도(하)-Low Level
7. A: These new shoes are very uncomfortable.
B: You need to ( ) because it takes time.
ⓐ make them
ⓑ break them
ⓒ make them in
ⓓ break them in
ⓔ set them in
난이도(하)-Low Level
8. A: How much did you pay for the book?
B: It ( ) me ten dollars.
ⓐ paid
ⓑ tell
ⓒ cost
ⓓ say
ⓔ price
난이도(하)-Low Level
9. A: Mr. Park, I am ( ) to see you in person.
B: Likewise. I heard so much about you, Ms. Lee.
ⓐ apprehensive
ⓑ enlightened
ⓒ great
ⓓ honored
ⓔ said
난이도(하)-Low Level
10. A: John, where can I get some good nails and
B: Why don’t you try that ( ) store down
the road?
ⓐ hardware
ⓑ software
ⓒ deli
ⓓ mechanic
ⓔ appliance
난이도(상)-High Level
11. A: Let’s be ( ). I can’t finish this within two days.
B: But we are running out of time.
ⓐ realistic
ⓑ planned
ⓒ conscious
ⓓ superior
ⓔ inferior
난이도(상)-High Level
12. A: The way I ( ) it, Kelly is lying through her teeth
B: What makes you say that?
ⓐ notice
ⓑ observe
ⓒ see
ⓓ look
ⓔ look for
난이도(상)-High Level
13. A: Can you take out the trash?
B: Mom, can’t it ( )? I have to watch this program.
ⓐ go
ⓑ take
ⓒ wait
ⓓ stop
ⓔ push
난이도(상)-High Level
14. A: I don’t’ want to make a ( ) decision.
B: You can sleep on it, if you want to.
ⓐ rigid
ⓑ hasty
ⓒ fast
ⓓ swift
ⓔ past
난이도(상)-High Level
15. A: How is the weather in New York?
B: Well, it’s ( ) down with rain.
ⓐ drawing
ⓑ limping
ⓒ hurling
ⓓ pelting
ⓔ pulling
난이도(상)-High Level
16. A: So how was the job interview?
B: It didn’t ( ) as planned, I am afraid.
ⓐ work off
ⓑ take up
ⓒ turn out
ⓓ turn off
ⓔ give off
난이도(상)-High Level
17.A: So do you think I can get the loan I applied for?
B: You have a good credit ( ), so you have a
pretty good chance.
ⓐ standing
ⓑ working
ⓒ getting
ⓓ taking
ⓔ making
난이도(상)-High Level
18. The more severe the winter become, the greater
is the percentage of birds ( ) south to warmer
climate during the northern winter.
ⓐ ceasing
ⓑ detaching
ⓒ confounding
ⓓ migrating
ⓔ deducting
난이도(상)-High Level
19. The Bronx is home to several diverse
communities, all of which closely with their local
police precincts to ( ) crime.
ⓐ convict
ⓑ eradicate
ⓒ incarcerate
ⓓ smuggle
ⓔ defend
난이도(상)-High Level
20. A youth ( ) center, also known as juvenile hall,
is a prison for people from the age of responsibility
to the age of majority.
ⓐ detention
ⓑ retention
ⓒ attention
ⓓ contention
ⓔ repetition
난이도(하)-Low Level
1. I feel so bad because I got bad grades because I didn’t
study harder last night even though I had an exam today.
My father scolded me for having lower grades than I used
to get but my mother ( ) so I am determined to get
better grades on the next exam.
discouraged me from studying
reproached me for being idle
blamed me for being neglectful of my duty
taught me a lesson
encouraged me to try harder next time
난이도(하)-Low Level
2. My husband, Benjamin and I sometimes argue. Usually
we just sit quietly and watch television in the evenings. But
sometimes we argue about money. We don't have much
money. Because my husband and I don't have any jobs. I
try to find a job every day. But he doesn't. I get very
) when Benjamin spends some money on drinking.
He promised to stop drinking.
난이도(하)-Low Level
3. We cook our food to make it softer and easier to chew.
Cooking also makes it look nice. Raw meat still has a lot of
blood in it. Most people don't like to see blood. Another
reason we cook food is (
) that might harm us. By
heating food, the germs are killed. We cook food to make it
more delicious. We can season the food with various spices.
Some people will not drink water from a tap. They prefer to
boil it. Then after it cools, they will drink it. That way they
are sure their water is clean and pure.
check whether it might be healthy or not
see if it is delicious or not
eat with pleasure
kill all the germs
add flavor to the taste of food
난이도(하)-Low Level
4. Lizards are great bluffers. They can get themselves out
of danger in many different ways. One lizard leaves its tail
behind when something takes hold of it.
Another can also (
), so that it looks three times as
big as it is. The most surprising thing about these animals
is the way different kinds of lizards move about. Some have
legs, some do not. Some walk upside down on a ceiling or
hold on glass. Some kinds can stand straight up and run on
their two back feet. There are even lizards that can swim.
Others can almost fly.
reduce its size
blow itself up
get angry
hold its tail
attack its enemy
난이도(하)-Low Level
5. Almost all foods give us energy. Some give us more
energy than others. Energy is measured in calories. Foods
rich in fat or sugar have a lot of calories. Fat is a big
source of energy. Sometimes you eat foods that have more
energy or calories than you need. The energy which is not
used is then stored as fat in the body. (
) For example,
if you eat too much, you become overweight. But
remember you have to eat as many calories as your body
needs: Neither too many, nor too few.
Too much fat in our body can cause a problem.
The more you eat, the more you want.
Fat may do you good if you eat much.
If you eat less, you can be healthy.
Don’t eat much fat because it may cause you to be fat.
난이도(상)-High Level
6. For the uninitiated, the "white hat" nomenclature
confused many when they first heard of it. White hat is a
fairly common term for people who hack legitimately –
security staff, researchers and so on. By contrast, black
hats (
) . Basically, White hats are the good guys;
black hats are the bad guys. In fact these terms come from
the early Hollywood made Westerns. Because the movies
were filmed in black and white, the chase scenes tended to
get a bit confusing, until someone decided to give the good
guys white hats and the bad guys black hats.
invade systems for big business
have no interest in security and research
do research with white hat approval
hack maliciously
have some interest in security and research
난이도(상)-High Level
7. Sanskrit is an Indo-Aryan language, and a classical
language of India. Today, it is the official language of the
country of India. Contrary to many beliefs, (
) as its
writing and reading aspects are currently still taught in
schools and in households across the country. According to
recent reports, it is being revived as a vernacular in the
village of Mathoor, Karnataka. Sanskrit is mostly used as a
ceremonial language in Hindu religious rituals.
has become an extinct language
has forms of hymns and mantras
is the most archaic language ever
is not a dead language
is still comprehensive
난이도(상)-High Level
8. Dear Creditor, I wish to (
) which you have handled
your business relationship with me. I have been a model
customer for the past five years. Yet you have begun to
treat me like a deadbeat just because I've been late in
paying my bill the last two months. I've recently lost my job,
but 1'11 be starting a new one next month. Nevertheless,
you have embarrassed me greatly by calling my wife about
my account and revealing my state of unemployment to her.
As someone who has always done his best to honor the
terms of our contract, I feel you should have been much
more understanding and should also not have sent bill
collectors to my home.
ⓐ critically evaluate
ⓑ promote the methods with
ⓒ disrespect you to
ⓓ rebel against the practice of
ⓔ protest the way in
난이도(상)-High Level
9. I was laid off a while ago and have been hard at work
trying to find a job. I've answered tons of want ads,
networked my tail off, and have approached every company
in the area in my industry. I've learned one thing from jobhunting; that (
). Would it kill them to have a form
letter to send out confirming that they've received my
application? Even a short phone call or a brief e-mail
saying that they've hired someone else for the position?
Come on, you corporate snobs. Folks take the time to apply
for your positions; the least you can do is let them know
where they stand.
firms at these times are uninformed, practicing ignorant manners
firms are neglectful of their duty to raise their workers’ pay
corporations today are rude, bordering on obnoxious
companies these days are cruel, seeming nearly omnipotent
businesses nowadays are slippery, constantly litigious
난이도(상)-High Level
10. Americans randomly assigned to the "fear condition”
perceived greater risks from terrorism, while those in the
"anger condition" perceived less risks. Fear inducing news
articles increased perceptions of being hurt in a terrorist
attack, while (
). Regardless of experimental
conditions or natural situations, greater anger led to
greater optimism.
news articles increased conception of group risk
stories increased perceptions of group risk
stories reduced perceptions of personal risk
stories enhanced chances of being healthy
stories boosted chances of being hurt
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