Transcript Slide 1

Diffractive processes as a means to study new physics at the LHC
VAK, ADM, WJS and G.W.,
visit. profs: A.De Roeck, A.Kaidalov, M.Ryskin
+ 6 young int. scientists + FP-420 team membs
Main aims: 
the theoretical motivations behind the recent proposals to
add the Forward Proton taggers to the LHC experiments.
the basic ingredients of Durham approach through the eyes
of existing Tevatron and HERA diffractive data.
 direct engagement with experimentalists in analysing
and planning the forward measurements, in part., FP420 R&D.
Theor. challenges :● need for the elaborated and well tested models for soft diffraction.
●unusually & uncomfortably large higher-order QCD eff. (e. g. Sud. and non-Sud. Logs… ).
● no suitable conventional analytic or MC results readily available (colour singl., Jz=0) .
Topics addressed so far
(25 published papers)
• Higgs Hunting in the proton tagging mode.
• Various aspects of Diffractive Physics (soft & hard ) at the LHC.
• High intensity Gluon Factory at hadron colliders .
proton-proton luminometry at the LHC.
• photon-photon, photon - hadron physics at the LHC.
• WBF mechanism of Higgs production with Rap. Gaps .
KKMRS- 00-06
KKMR - 00-01,05,06
KMR -00,01,02
Studies of the QCD & EW backgrounds to the H-> bb, WW signals.
Central Exclusive Diffractive Production as a CP-parity analyser.
‘ Threshold Scan’ in the CEDP processes.
Exotics in the CEDP processes (‘invis’. Higgs, extra dim…)
• ‘ Standard candle’ processes at the Tevatron to test theor. predictions
• Tests of models for diffraction at HERA .
• Diffraction of nuclei at high energies
DKMOR-02, KRS-05,
KKMR-03, KMR-04.
KMR-02, BKMR-04
KKMRS -01-05
KKMR -01,03,06.
tagging would provide a unique additional tool to complement the
conventional strategies at the LHC and ILC.
The main advantages of CED Higgs production
Prospects for high accuracy mass measurements
(irrespectively of the decay mode).
Quantum number filter/analyser.
( 0++ dominance ;C,P-even)
H ->bb opens up (Hbb- coupl.)
bb in LO ; NLO,NNLO, b- mass effects - controllable.
For some areas of the MSSM param. space CEDP may become a discovery channel !
H →WW*/WW () - an added value ( Less challenging experimentally + small bgds.)
New run of the MSSM studies is underway (with G. Weiglein et al)
New leverage –proton momentum correlations
LHC : ‘after
(probes of QCD dynamics , CP- violation effects…)
discovery stage’, Higgs ID…… How do we know what we’ve found?
mass, spin, couplings to fermions and Gauge Bosons, invisible modes…
 for all these purposes the CEDP will be particularly handy !
Up to now the diffractive production data are consistent with KKMRS results
Still more work to be done to constrain the uncertainties.
• Very low rate of CED high-Et dijets, yield of Central Inelastic dijets.
( CDF: Run I, Run II)
data up to (Et)min>50 GeV.
• ‘Factorization breaking’ between the effective diffractive structure functions
measured at the Tevatron and HERA (CDF).
•The ratio of high Et dijets in production with one and two rapidity gaps (CDF).
• Preliminary CDF results on exclusive charmonium CEDP.
•Energy dependence of the Rap. Gap survival (D0, CDF)
CDP of γγ
•Leading neutron spectra at HERA.
Current projects and medium term (2006- 2008) plans
Comprehensive study of the radiative backgrounds to the H->bb CEDP,
application to the Higgs physics at PC@ILC. (KRS)
Leading neutron spectra at HERA as a way to gauge the absorptive effects
and enhanced Pomeron contributions (KMR)
Detailed investigation of the MSSM Higgs sector
in diffractive processes (S. Heinemeyer, M. Tasevsky, G. Weiglein + KRS)
Prospects to study the NMSSM Higgs in diffractive processes (A. De Roeck,
J. Gunion +KMR)
 Study of the NLL- effects in the mass-suppressed
amplitudes (A. Shuvaev +KMRS +…)
gg/-> qq
5  Higgs discovery in a Forward Proton mode
Exclusion region
S.Heinemeyer, V.A. Khoze, M. Ryskin, W.J.Stirling, M. Tesevsky and G. Weiglein in progress
Longer-term (2008-2010) plans.
 Very Optimistic scenario: FP-420 is approved, and Higgs is found at the LHC.
the meticulous work on
improving the accuracy of calculations to match
the aimed for experimental precisions.
An interplay with a ILC.
+ topics below.
FP420- unfriendly scenario: Higgs is found, but FP-420 is not approved
or long delayed.
 the application of the ‘event colour portrait’ technique (VAK&WJS et al.)
to disentangle the Higgs signal from the QCD bgds.
Using the developed calc. technique for the ILC physics:
+ topics below.
 ‘Pessimistic’ scenario: Elementary Higgs is not found and FP-420 is not approved.
●Comprehensive soft and semi-soft physics programs for TOTEM, CMS-TOTEM
and ATLAS (possibly ALICE). Photon-induced interactions at the LHC.
● Top and stop studies revisited.
● Detailed (re) analysis of the Tevatron & HERA diffractive data for purely QCD purposes.
● QCD studies at ILC.
First opportunity –autumn 2008 (planned LHC shutdown)
The New UK R&D Bid
FP420 is led by the UK.
The physics case is led by Durham
Close ties with Manchester and other UK FP 420’ ers.
Successful annual IPPP-Manch. Forward wks (from 2001)
Joint research and publications.