So I Have the Prioritized CCCs

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Transcript So I Have the Prioritized CCCs

Prepared by Keystone for the
New Hampshire Department of Education
 Introduce the DLM System
 Understand how to register students for the
 Present information needed to administer the
 Provide guidance on becoming a Test Administrator
 Provide information related to resources and support
for understanding DLM
 In order to finish in a timely manner, please
write down your questions (chat or your own
 Include the question and module number
 We will have time for questions at the end
Register students through i4see
 Your i4see coordinator will create a unique
StudentAssessmentID and send that to you for DLM
 Remember to include your Out of District private
placements in the i4see registrations.
 Then you contact the receiving school to provide
the registration information.
 You will still need to go through DLM’s website
to register as a test administrator
 Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM)
 Federally funded consortia of states
 New alternate assessment
 Based on alternate achievement standards (AA-AAS)
 Aligned to the Common Core State Standards
 Validly reflects what students with significant cognitive
disabilities know and can do
 DLM’s testing platform is primarily delivered and
administered via computer.
 Item types include:
 Single-select multiple choice
 Multi-select multiple choice
 Matching items
 Sorting objects
 Select text
 The DLM assessment is for students in grades 3-8 and high school
 For high school, New Hampshire 11th graders will be tested
(previously it was 10th graders).
 Students who took the alternate assessment as 10th graders do not
have to take the assessment in 11th grade, but have that option.
 Please check the participation guidelines at
 On the DLM website
lmconsortium.htm) you will find a Decision Making Worksheet
which gives guiding questions when discussing participation.
 The DLM assessment covers
 English Language Arts (ELA)
 Includes reading, writing, and language
 Mathematics
 7 training modules and a quiz for each module
 Must be completed and passed to access the DLM test materials
 2 options for completion
 1) Self-directed on your own time OR
 2) Facilitated in a group setting
 New Hampshire has chosen the facilitated option
 You will still have to go into the DLM system online and complete
the required training quizzes individually
 DLM’s approach to making the Standards accessible
for students with significant cognitive disabilities was
to develop a map of skills and concepts that have
multiple pathways to the grade-level standards.
 Nodes – discrete knowledge and understandings as well as some foundational
 DLM state partners and experts identified
 1,645 nodes for ELA
 2,312 nodes for Mathematics, and
 141 foundational nodes for each content.
 Some nodes are more complex than others, but together, they form a map—a
dynamic learning map—that shows multiple pathways to the grade-level skills and
 Not all are tested
 The nodes are tagged to Essential Elements.
 Essential Elements (EE) – specific statements of the content and skills that
are linked to the Common Core State Standards at grade level and express
the expectations for students with significant cognitive disabilities.
 The EE
 Set learning targets
 Reduce the depth, breadth, and complexity of the skills/concepts
 Provide rigor and challenge
 Identify the starting point for defining achievement of the standards
 Focus on skills with multiple means of demonstration
 Contain clusters of nodes (some tested, some not)
 The EE point to the most important parts of the standards.
 The EE
 ARE NOT a downward extension of the standards
 ARE NOT “functional skills”
 ARE NOT a curriculum
 ARE NOT learning progressions
 ARE NOT IEP goals/benchmarks
 DLM contains two tests:
 ELA test (reading, writing, language)
 Mathematics test
 Each of these tests is comprised of multiple testlets, which
are, as the name implies, mini tests.
 The ELA test has 4-6 testlets.
 The Mathematics test has 6–7 testlets.
 The testlets each have 3–8 items.
 So, each student will take multiple testlets.
 Testlets based on the nodes.
 Testlets written at 5 levels containing one or more nodes that
precede (or follow) an identified EE.
 These levels are called “Linkage Levels.”
 Initial Precursor (farthest from the target; indicates the student is at a
pre-symbolic level)
 Distal Precursor (a bit closer to the targeted EE)
 Proximal Precursor (even closer to the targeted EE but not quite there)
 Target (This is the level that most closely matches the targeted EE.)
 Successor (goes above and beyond the targeted EE)
 Linkage Levels
 waypoints to the EE
 indicate where the student is in relation to the grade-level target
 The linkage levels of your students’ testlets is based on
information you will provide to the DLM system.
 Testlets will vary from student to student.
 Both the ELA and Math testlets begin with an engagement
 For ELA, it’s a grade-level, adapted text.
 The student first reads the text (with or without accommodations) as a means
of engagement.
 Then the student reads the text a second time. This time, there are questions
that follow the text.
 For Math, the engagement activity is a contextual setup to
the questions.
 We recommend that you download/bookmark the
 There is also a “Guide to DLM Required Training &
Professional Development 2014-2015” PDF available at
 Assessments/testlets
① are NOT to be stored or shared on computers or
personal storage devices.
② CANNOT be shared via email or other file-sharing
③ CANNOT be reproduced by any means (i.e., no
screen shots)
④ CANNOT be printed (except where explicitly
allowed per the Test Administration Manual)
 Each year, you will have to complete a Security
 You’ll be automatically prompted to complete the
Security Agreement when you log into the DLM
 You will not be able to access any testing materials
unless/until you agree to comply with the test security
 DLM provides practice activities and released testlets
to help you and your students prepare for the actual
 DLM practice tests are no longer available until after the
testing window
 But when it comes to the actual tests,
 DO NOT answer for the student
 DO NOT change the student’s answers
 DO NOT underestimate your student’s abilities
 The DLM system uses methods to detect cheating.
 The participating states in the DLM consortia came up
with the test security guidelines, in addition, NH will
investigate any potential breaches
 For breaches, the NH Department of Education will
handle on a case by case basis. If found to be true,
the DOE will speak individually with each district
regarding consequences.
 If you are concerned about a potential breach please
call Dr. Scott Mantie (603-271-3844)
 DLM addresses accessibility in 3 ways:
① Accessible content
② Technology
③ The Personal Learning Profile
 Personal Needs and Preferences (PNP) profile
 First Contact (FC) survey
 Unless noted, Test Administrators may
 Simplify test instructions
 Provide synonyms/definitions, except when not allowed to as
indicated in TIP
 Flexible response modes
 Help the student understand how to indicate or record a response
 For English Language Learners
 All of the above, plus
 Translate the text for the student
 Translate words on demand
 Accept responses in English or their native language
 Test Administrators may
 Translate the text for the student (i.e., ASL/SEE, etc.)
 Simplify/sign test instructions
 Translate words on demand
 Help the student understand how to indicate or record a response
 Provide synonyms/definitions, except when not allowed to as indicated
in TIP
 Accept responses in the student’s sign language system and input the
response for the student
 Re-read the text if the student asks
 The testlets reflect accessible content since they were
 at various linkage levels
 with close attention and consideration of vocabulary
 to show that there are multiple and alternative pathways
to each EE
 with tagged items based on accessibility features
 utilizing the principles of Universal Design for Learning
 The platform used to deliver the the DLM assessment
is called KITE (Kansas Interactive Testing Engine)
 KITE utilizes information you provide about your
student(s) to determine accessibility features and
linkage levels of the testlets.
 You will have to complete a Personal Learning Profile
for each of your students, which is comprised of the
 Personal Needs and Preferences Profile (PNP)
 First Contact Survey (FC)
 The PNP lets the system know what each individual student
needs in terms of accessibility features.
 The accessibility features provided WITHIN the DLM system
 Display (magnification, color, contrast, overlay)
 Language (text-to-speech)
 The accessibility features that require additional tools/materials
 adaptive equipment
 manipulatives
 braille
 switches
 iPads
 The accessibility features that are OUTSIDE of the DLM system
 Human read-alouds
 Sign language translation
 Test administrator-entered responses
 Partner assisted scanning
 The First Contact survey informs the linkage level of what the
student’s first testlet should be.
 Learner characteristics that go beyond demographics
 Systematic reduction of emphasis on FC information and more on
 The system routes the student to a first testlet that isn’t too difficult but
isn’t too easy, either. It balances access with challenge.
 PNP and FC need to be completed before the first testlet is
 PNP and FC can be updated if/when the student’s characteristics
 Keep in mind that changing the PNP and FC could change the
 DLM assessment covers ELA and Math for grades 3–8 and High School.
 For each grade, a select number of the available EE are tested.
 The states that participated in the DLM consortia decided which EE would
be tested.
 Math
 9–16 EE are assessed per grade
 16–18 EE are assessed per grade
 You can find a list of the assessed EE here:
 Spring Testing Window
 March 31- May 15
 Instructionally Embedded
 Every student participating in
the DLM assessment must
complete all of the testlets
for both tests (ELA and
Math) during this window.
 These are available for use
 Results are used for
in the fall and early spring.
 They do NOT count towards
summative purposes.
 Each testlet contains 3–8 items with an engagement activity.
 The items are from one or more EE.
 The Math test is made up of 6–7 testlets.
 The ELA test is made up of 4–6 testlets.
 Each student is assigned a linkage level for each testlet.
 The linkage level for the student’s first testlet is based on the FC.
 Dynamic Routing System determines the link level of the next
testlet based on the FC and the student’s performance on the first
 So, for example, a student whose first testlet is at the Distal
Precursor Level may get bumped up to the Proximal Precursor
Level OR bumped down to the Initial Precursor Level.
 The more testlets a student takes, the less the Dynamic Routing
System relies on the FC. It considers the student’s testlet
performance instead.
 Remember, these are optional.
 They are available in the fall and early spring.
 Each of these assessments covers the nodes for a single EE and
linkage level.
 They contain 3–5 questions.
 The ELA assessments take 10–15 minutes and include a grade-
level adapted text.
 The Math assessments take 5–10 minutes and include an
engagement activity.
 They are available in the Educator Portal, which can be accessed
via DLM’s website
 The Instructionally Embedded Assessments are NOT included in
the summative reports.
 As for the spring window tests, the DLM takes everything it knows
about the student and the map to determine the degree to which
the student has mastered the EE.
 There are no raw scores or scale scores.
 The system provides a summary score report for each student,
which includes information about the student’s
 EE mastery
 conceptual area summary
 overall performance
 NH will work with the DLM consortia to determine the proficiency
 Everything you’ll need will be found in the Educator Portal. This is
where you will
 Manage student data
 Access professional development
 You should receive an email asking you to activate your Educator
Portal account after your district or state data steward uploads
your user information.
 Contact the NH DOE Helpdesk if you haven’t yet been signed up.
[email protected]
 You will need to verify that all of the student information
associated with your account is correct.
 Contact your data steward if something is not correct.
 Confirm that each student’s state ID, first/last name, and grade
are correct.
 The student’s name should show up twice—once for the ELA test
and once for the Math test.
 Monitor the PNP and FC before the start of the test window.
 All questions on the PNP and FC must be completed.
 A blue square means the question has been completed.
 A yellow square means the question has not been completed.
 Make sure all questions have been completed before you click
 It’s possible those will have already been completed. If so, verify
that the information is correct and update as necessary.
 The DLM assessment is intended for the student to interact with
the computer independently (with special devices as needed).
 Multi-state learner characteristics data indicate that out of all the
students who participate in an alternate assessment, 80%-90%
are able to interact independently with or without devices.
 DLM has additional practices that go beyond the PNP (Module 3)
 You will not be able to assess multiple students at once because
you need to sit with each student throughout the test and will
sometimes have to give further directions.
 Try to make the assessment as private as possible for the
 As mentioned earlier…
 The ELA testlets involve 2 readings of the text
 The first reading familiarizes the student with the text
 The second reading includes the questions
 The student may read the text, the computer can read the
text to the student, or the test administrator can read the text
aloud to the student depending on the PNP settings for your
 The Math testlets start off with an engagement activity, but
there are no questions for the student to answer regarding the
engagement activity. It sets up the context of the testlet
 Most testlet items are single select multiple choice (e.g., choose
A, B, C, or D)
 Some items are multi-select multiple choice (e.g., choose all that
 Other testlet item types include
 Matching
 Sorting objects (drag and drop OR click to place, based on
PNP settings)
 Selecting text (only ELA at some upper grade levels)
 The sample activities have one or more of each of these item
 Most of the testlets and items are administered within the DLM
 However, there are some testlets that must be administered by
the test administrator.
 Teacher = Test administrator in this sense.
 With teacher-administered testlets, the student’s answers are
entered by the teacher/test administrator.
 These testlets are still accessed via KITE.
 There are three types of teacher-administered testlets:
① Lower linkage level testlets sometimes have to be teacher
administered since the student is at a pre-symbolic or early
symbolic level.
② Math assessments at higher levels are sometimes teacher
administered to keep the testlet from becoming too abstract.
(e.g., estimating volume)
③ All writing testlets are teacher administered.
 All 3 types of teacher-administered testlets include
 Items and engagement activities
 Directions to the teacher/test administrator
 Script for the teacher/test administrator
 Items that are written to the teacher/test administrator
 Lower linkage level testlets
 ELA items focus on foundational skills that precede conventional
literacy (e.g., recognizing objects, identifying words that describe
familiar people)
 Math items focus on foundational skills that precede conventional
math skills (recognizing some, recognizing separateness)
 BUT…the nodes involved in these testlets still link directly to the EE
for the student’s grade
 Math assessments at higher levels
 Teacher administered offline to ensure accessibility
 Intent is to prevent the test from becoming too abstract given the
higher level of the math content
 Writing assessments
 There are two types of writing assessments
 Emergent
 Conventional
 Students use whatever orthography tools they need (pen,
pencil, keyboard, modified keyboard, eye gaze, talking
word, word prediction) but must have access to all 26
alphabet letters.
 The student’s writing product is NOT submitted or scored by
Selects Topic
follows script
writing &
responds to
items based
on the writing
 There are some testlets that have a combination of computer-
administered items and teacher-administered items.
 In these cases, the teacher-administered items are presented
 You are now ready to complete the required quizzes for each of the
required training modules.
 You are advised to refer to this training as well as to the Test
Administration Guide and Accessibility Manual as you complete the
 Although you participated in this facilitated training, you are certainly
welcome to go into DLM’s Educator Portal and view DLM’s provided
training modules. They range from 5-15 minutes each.
 You must enroll in each of the modules in order to access the
trainings and quizzes.
 Once you enroll and go into each quiz, you will be asked whether or
not you did the training on your own or as part of a facilitated group.
 You must score 80% or better on each quiz. If you do not, you will
have to retake the quiz until you do.
 The number of questions varies per quiz.
 The DLM system will not tell you which questions you answered
correctly or incorrectly—only if your final score was 80% or better.
 Like your students’ testlet items, the test administrator quiz
questions are mostly single-select multiple choice.
 However, there are some that are multi-select multiple choice.
 Usually, multi-select multiple choice items will direct you to
“select all that apply.” However, some multi-select choice items
neglect to direct you to do so. So, keep that in mind as you
answer the questions.
 When you finish this training you may go to the KITE portal to
complete the quizzes. You must score at least 80% correct in
order to pass each quiz.
 If you do not pass the first time, you must retake the quiz (same
questions) until you do.
 You may download this training from
 Remember that you will not be able to access the test materials
until you have completed all of the required trainings AND you
must sign the test security agreement.
 Test Administration Manual:
 Accessibility Manual:
Questions related to…
Becoming certified to
administer the DLM
assessment (content related)
Becoming certified to
administer the DLM
assessment (e.g., registering
Administering the DLM
assessment to students
Technology questions and
Contact Info
Mike Burdge [email protected]
Debbie Taub [email protected]
NH contact
Mike Burdge
Debbie Taub
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
1-855-277-9751 (free)
 A series of recordings from this training will be posted. A link for
viewing them will be available through
 An additional Question and Answer webinar will be held April 13
from 8:00-9:00 a.m. EST.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States (Long distance): +1 (571) 317-3131
Access Code: 979-151-373