RDA & DACS: Using a MARC-EAD Crosswalk to Improving Access

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RDA and DACS: Using a MARC-EAD
Crosswalk to Improve Access to
Special Collections Resources,
a Project at UWG
May 15, 2014
Blynne Olivieri (Special Collections) and
Shelley Rogers (Cataloging)
Process towards implementing EAD Finding Aids
Reviewing DACS2
Reviewing RDA for Archival Materials
Crosswalk for Local Practices
Demo of Catalog Record, Finding Aid, and Informational
6) Wrap Up and Questions
Encoded Archival Description (EAD)
is an international standard
for encoding finding aids.
EAD is represented in XML
(Extensible Markup Language),
a platform-neutral data format
that ensures data longevity
when migrating from one software environment
to another.
XML example
Finding aids
Finding aids are inventories of archival materials,
such as the papers of past university presidents,
the papers of Newt Gingrich,
and the records of local cultural,
religious, and service organizations.
EAD finding aids
EAD finding aids are critical for making archival
collections discoverable through the Internet.
EAD finding aids have a consistent coding and
structure so that it is easy to submit your
finding aids to other discovery access points
like ArchiveGrid
• Technical infrastructure (file management,
delivery, public display/discovery)
• Lack of staff to implement EAD and juggle
other work in special collections
1. Creating a decision matrix for technical infrastructure based on an
assessment of our needs, wants, and what resources did we have to meet
those challenges.
2. Creating crosswalk
3. Obtaining xml software to get started
4. Researching conversion services
5. Process of cleaning up bib records --- starting with our Local History
6. Exporting bib records out of Voyager and importing into Archivists’ Toolkit
7. Training on Archivists’ Toolkit.
8. Writing a grant application to secure $$ for 1st year hosting fees and $$
for finding aid conversion.
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Second edition adopted Jan. 2013
by the Council of the Society of American
“DACS is related to other standards. Descriptions created
according to DACS are shared electronically using encoding
standards, such as MAchine-Readable Cataloging (MARC 21),
Encoded Archival Description (EAD), and Encoded Archival
Context (EAC). There are also close connections with Resource
Description and Access (RDA) and with standards promulgated
by the International Council on Archives (ICA), including
International Standard Archival Description—General (ISAD[G]),
the International Standard Archival Authority Record for
Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families (ISAAR[CPF]), and the
International Standard for Describing Functions (ISDF).”
In the beginning…
- RDA research
- hand-marking up print out of
catalog record
- consulting with Shelley and
- Shelley and I jointly decided to
use RDA for Special Collections
resources on August 5, 2013
Example of RDA Changes & Choices
Date of Production
• RDA now mapped to 260 subfield c or new 264 field (instead of 245 subfield f)
• We chose to use the 264 $c.
RDA & DACS: Cory Nimer
See Cory Nimer's (BYU) presentation,
“Cataloging Archival Materials: Using RDA with DACS”
from ALCTS, May 2012.
Cory Nimer’s summary:
- For archivists, RDA provides greater opportunities for
recording characteristics and attributes of archival materials
and creators.
- For librarians, DACS provides more detailed instructions
(and examples) for describing archival materials.
Blynne's Excel spreadsheet for Local History
morphed into an Excel spreadsheet by Shelley
with tabs for Local History, Manuscripts,
Political Collections, and University Archives.
see the handout
Finding Aid
see the handout for the
Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park records
Bibliographic record example on OCLC
Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park records
see handout
Holdings record on Voyager
verso of bib record handout
• shelf location goes in $c
• extent goes in $z
Wrap-up and Questions
Resources: see verso of spreadsheet handout
Resources for Implementing EAD Finding Aids
• A dated, but full, description of implementing EAD is available at the Library of Congress
website. http://www.loc.gov/ead/ag/aghome.html
• See also their publishing description at http://www.loc.gov/ead/ag/agpub.html
• Implementation brief overview at the University of Washington.
• The EAD Cookbook 2002, available for download through GitHub, also offers an outline for
implementing EAD along with XSLT stylesheets that institutions can modify. http://saa-eadroundtable.github.com/
Resources for Implementing Archive Management Systems
• Google “Implementing Archivist’s Toolkit” for dozens of examples.
• For information on ArchivesSpace see the Google Group for using and configuring the
application. https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/archivesspace
“Over, Under, Around, and Through: Getting Around Barriers to EAD Implementation,” an OCLC
Research publication whose co-authors include Merrilee Proffitt and Mark Matienzo, February