Ingen lysbildetittel

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Transcript Ingen lysbildetittel

1 Outline:

Fibre and fibercharacteristics Transmitters Modulation Receivers Passive couplers Filters Transmission systems and optical networks


Optical fibre, characteristic

• Large bandwidth (theoretical 50 THZ) • Low attenuation (0,2 dB/km at 1550nm).

• Physical size beneficial, light and thin, simplifies installation • Splicing and mounting connectors more complex • Immune to electromagnetic interference • Environmentally friendly material (sand!).


Propagation through fibre

• Lightpulses are reflected in the core when hitting the cladding => approximately zero loss

Andreas Kimsås, Optiske Nett


Snells law

n kjerne

 sin • Snells law: 


– θ kappe = 90 ° (for total refraction) 

n kappe

 sin 


• Refractive index:

n materiale

c vakum c materiale

n luft

 1 • Critical angle for total reflection: 


 sin  1

n kappe n kjerne


Multi-Mode vs. Single Mode Fibre Multi mode •Core > 50 um. •Light being reflected with different angle travels different distances •Pulse spreading Single Mode • Core < 10 um => single mode • Less pulse spreading

Andreas Kimsås, Optiske Nett



• • Multimode: – Core diameter typical 50-100μm.

– NA = Numerical Aperture – Number of modes (m) depends on normalized frequency (V), a = core-diameter, NA:


 2   



 10 



2 2 Singlemode – Core-diameter typically 10μm.

– Criteria for single-mode is V < 2.4048

– No mode-dispersion gives better transmission properties than multimode more difficult to couple to the lightsource.


Coupling light into the fibre

• Single modus – Coupling into the tiny 10 micrometer core is demanding – Lining up the light-source is a significant part of the production cost – Laser is preferred light-source – LED has too large beam • Multimode – Larger core diameter simplifies coupling


Attenuation in the fibre

• Rayleigh-scattering: – Dominant – Inhomogenities in the fibre and the structure of the glass.

– Occurs when the lightbeam hits the inhomogenities in the glass – Sets the theoretical lower limit of fibre attenuation L≈1/λ^4 • Absorption: – Metal-ions, especially hydroksyliones (OH¯) at approx. 1400nm.

– Pollution from production, or doped material for achieving the optical properties desired. • Radiation loss: – E.g variations in core-diameter and inhomogenities between the core and the cladding, e.g. Microbends or airbubbles.


Attenuation in the fibre


Transmission window and applied wavelength bands Figur fra “Fiber Optic Communication Systems”, G. Agrawal, Wiley



• Pulse spreading when propagating through the fibre.

• To much spreading results in intersymbol interference • Limits the maximum transmissionrate through the fibre. • Three types of dispersion: – Modi-dispersion: Light travelling in different modi undergoes different delays through the fibre. Not present in SM!

– Material-dispersion (chromatic): Refractive index is function of wavelength – Waveguide-dispersion: Propagation of different wavelengths depends on the characteristic of the waveguide, e.g. Index, geometry of core and cladding.


Zero dispersion

• At 1300 nm in standard fibre – Material (chromatic) dispersion is close to zero at 1300 nm – Not minimum loss • ~ 1500 nm in dispersion shifted fibre – Manufactured for zero dispersion in 1500 nm region – Design core and cladding to give negative waveguide dispersion – At a specific wavelength, material and waveguide dispersion will result in zero total dispersion.


Chromatic dispersion

Figure: S. Bigo, Alcatel: Talk at Norwegian electro-optics meeting 2004


Point to point fibre-optical system

Transmitter (Laser+ modulator) Fibre Receiver (fotodiode + amplifier) Important limitation: Attenuation: Some light being absorbed in fibre Dispersion: Speed of light depends on wavelength

Pulse Spreading Time Time

Illustration: Lucent Technologies


Optical transmitters - LASER

Constructive interference 1. Active laser medium 2. Laser pumping energy 3. Mirror (100%) 4. Mirror (99%) 5. Laser beam


Semiconductor laser

• Most common transmitter in optical communication – Compact design • Material give frequency ranges (Fermi-Dirac distr.) – Population inversion: Electrons in n-region and holes in P-region – Electrons in n-region (conduction band) combine with holes (valence band) in p-region • Cavity length decides frequency 1) Forward biasing create population Inversion 2) Electrons combine with holes, releases photons 3) Stimulated emission


Stimulated emission

E i E f


Stimulated emission

A chain reaction!


Optical transmitters - LED


Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)

• Not sufficient in long distance fibre transmission – Wideband source => dispersion – Power is lower than for a laser • Employed at shorter distances – Maximum a few hundred meters, depends on bitrate


Optical receivers

Photodiode: Avalanche diode = Higher sensitivity



• OOK modulation (on-off-keying) – NRZ (No Return Zero) most often used – RZ (Return Zero), some use – More advanced modulation formats being launched for 40 and 100 Gb/s pr. Channel systems. • Employ phase and/or polarisation – Phase and polarisation modulation not employed in systems for < = 10 Gb/s bitrate. • External modulation, e.g. Employing external modulator : MZ interferometer


Modulation II

• Direct modulation of laser – Switch laser on and off – Difficult to fabric laser that can be switched at high speed, simultaneously having proper transmission characteristics. – Undesirable frequency variations (chirp) and Limited extinction ratio • External modulation – Mach-Zehnder interferometer – External component being fed electrically – May be Integrated with laser – High extinction ratio prolongs transmission distance


fibre-optical transmission at longer distances

Transmitter (Laser+ modulator) Fibre Receiver (photodiode + aplifier Must be compensated: Attenuation: Some light being absorbed Dispersion: Light of speed wavelength dependent

Pulse Spreading Time Time

Illustration: Lucent Technologies


What is a long distance?

• 100 m?

• 10 Km?

• 1000 Km?


What is a long distance?

• 100 m?

– LAN • 10 Km?

– Access network • 1000 Km?

– Transport network


Long distance optical system

• Attenuation must be compensated – Regeneration – Attenuation • Dispersion must be compensated – Dispersion compensation employing fibre – Electronic compensation



• 1R regeneration = Amplification (Reamplification) – Usually an optical amplifier – Amplifies the signal without conversion to electrical – Typically transparent for signal (shape, format and modulation) • 2R Reamplification & Reshaping: – Reshapes the flanks of the pulse as well as the floor and roof of the pulse, removes noise. – Usually electronic – Optical solutions still subject to research • 3R Reamplification & Reshaping & Retiming: – Synchronisation to original bit-timing. (regeneration of clock) – Usually involves electro-optic conversion – Optical techniques in the research lab.


Optical amplifier characteristics

• Amplifier parameters: – Gain – Bandwidth of gain – Saturation level – Polarisation sensitivity – Amplifier noise


Optical fibre amplifier

• Doped-fiber amplifier: – Doping = Inserting small amounts of one material into a second material – An Erbium doped silica fibre is fed with a pump-signal together with the original signal.

– Doped atoms are being excited to a higher energy level – The pumping signal is a high power signal with a wavelength lower than the wavelength to be amplified (typically 980 nm or 1480 nm fore EDFA).


Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA)

• Widely deployed in optical networks


Optical amplifiers overview

• Semiconductor-laser amplifier: – Signal is sendt through the active region of the semiconductor – Stimulated emission results in a stronger signal – May be integrated with other components (e.g. Output of a switch or a transmitting laser) – Widely employed in research projects on all-optical switches.

– Recently employed in commercially available compact tunable laser-modules


Available wavelength range depends on amplifier technology

0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 1200 PDFA 1300 nm EDFA C - band 1530-1562 EDFA L - band 1570-1600 ALTERNATIVE AMPLIFIER TECHNLOGIES: RAMAN AND SOA 1300 Commercially available 1400 1500 Wavelength (nm) Still subject to research 1600


Long distance fibre-optical transmission

Transmitter (Laser+ modulator) EDFA Fibre To be compensated: Dispersion: Speed of light is wavelength dependent

Pulse Spreading

Receiver (photodiode + amplifier)

Time Time

Illustration: Lucent Technologies


Dispersion in transmission fibre

• Dispersion depends on fibretype • G652, “Standard fibre” -17 Ps/nm*km @ 1550 nm • Dispersion shifted fibre: 0 dispersion @ 1550 nm • Non – Zero (NZ) dispersion shifted fibre: -3 to -6 Ps/nm*km


Dispersion Compensating Fibre (DCF)

• Negative dispersion compared to transmission fibre • Much higher dispersion/km => Shorter fibre than transmission fibre required for achieving zero dispersion


Long distance fibre-optical transmission

Transmitter (Laser+ modulator) Long Fibre EDFA Compensation of amplitude and dispersion DCF Receiver (fotodiode + amplifier)


Noise from optical amplifiers

• Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) – Photons are being emitted without stimulation • Noise distributed through the entire amplification band • May be limited through filtering out the wavelengths where amplification is desirable • Optical filter needed


Interference between two light sources

• Constructive – Light in phase results in addition and increased intensity • Destructive – Light out of phase (180 degrees) results in extinguished pulse


Mach-Zehnder interferometer

• At given frequencies the delay equals duration of a wavelength => constructive interference • At given frequencies the delay equals duration of half a wavelength => destructive interference


Mach-Zehnder based modulator

• Modulates phase of one or both paths – E.g voltage on => phase being changed => extinguished pulse Electronic modulation


Series of Mach-Zehnder

• Applicable as an optical filter • Adjustable delay enables adjustable frequency – A chain of filters helps sharpening up the filter characteristic – Very fast adjustment-time: As low as 100 ns – High attenuation (multiple stages)


Etalon based adjustable filter

• Cavity with parallell mirrors in each end • Free spectral range (FSR) – Periode between repetition of pass-band • Finesse – FSR/width of channel • Fabry-Perot – Mechanical, large range adjustable, slow adjustment - 10 ms.

Adjustable to n wavelengths


Acusto-optical filter

• RF waves converted to sound-waves in a piezo electrical crystal (transducer) • Soundwaves results in mechanical movements • Mechanical movements in crystal alters refractive index • The crystal then works as a grating • Adjustment within 10 Micro-seconds • Possible to filter out several frequencies simultaneously by sending several RF waves with different frequency to a transducer


Filters with fixed wavelength

• Gratingbased filters e.g. Diffraction gratings – Flat layer of transparent material, constructive interference in bumps for a given wavelength, destructive for other wavelengths • Arrayed Waveguide Grating (explained later)


Optical couplers

• One or more fibers in, several fibres out – Divides the optical signal on several fibres. • Signal power is divided on the output-fibres • Splitting ratio is varying – 50/50, 50 % on each of two fibres – 10/90, 10 % in one, 90 % in a second.

• Attenuation from input to output depends on splitting ratio – 50/50 splitter results in 3 dB attenuation (halving the power) Combiner Splitter


Optical couplers

• Coupler employed as splitter: – One input divided on two or more outputs – Splitting ratio (α) indicates share of power to each output – 1x2 splitter is typical 50:50, however some power is being reflected (40-50 dB weaker than payload signal). This is called return-loss.

– Connection-loss between fibre and coupler also attenuates the signal • Coupler employed as combiner: – Opposite use as a splitter; several inputs, single output.

– Returnloss and connection-loss as for the splitter


Arrayed waveguide Grating

• 1 X N or N X N coupler divides the light on N waveguides of different length • Waveguides is then coupled together, resulting in interference • On each of the N outputs, constructive interference is achieved for a specific wavelength and destructive interference for the other wavelengths



• Optical multiplexing: Couple several waveguides together into a fibre. • Optical demultiplexing: Separate wavelengths from an input fibre into several output fibres with a single wavelength in each. • Is this useful?


Transmission systems and aspects for optical networks

By: Steinar Bjørnstad As part of the training course ”optical networks”


Overview transmission, transmission effects and limitations

• Wavelength Division Multiplexed (WDM) systems • Give a brief introduction to limiting effects in optical transmission systems – Polarization Mode Dispersion – Non-linear effects – Limiting factors


WDM and bandwidth utilization

• Optical fibre has unique transmission properties – 25 THz bandwidth available in low loss region – Another 75 THz available (higher attenuation) • How can we utilize the bandwidth?


– Electronic components can not process signals beyond ~100 GHz

Optical fibre loss spectre 0,4 0,3 25 THz 0,2 0,1 0 1200 1300 1400 1500 Wavelength (nm) 1600


Fibre optical transmission system

Laser & modulator Optical fibre Single modus Amplifier or regenerator Optical fibre Single modus Receiver Electric input data Time Division Multiplexing = TDM Electric output data Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) transmission system: Add lasers & modulators + receivers


Fibre optical transmission system

Laser & modulator Optical fibre Single modus Amplifier or regenerator Optical fibre Single modus Receiver Electric input data PBS Combine! At Telenor 32 WDM X 2.5 Gb/s TDM Polarisation multiplexing: Doubles capacity PBS Electric output data


Wavelength Division Multiplexing From regenerator to optical amplifier

2,5 Gb/s = 30000 Terminal Fiber Før: 1 kanal pr fiber Regenerator Tidligere utbygging 1 1 1 4 4 WDM: 4-128 kanaler pr fiber Opptil 20 000 000 1 1 Nåværende utbygging 2 2 3 3 Optisk forsterker Multiplekser Demultiplekser


Polarisation Mode Dispersion (PMD)

• Fibre has two principle states of polarization – Light travels with different velocity in the two states – Difference in arrival time: Differential Group Delay (DGD) • Caused by elliptic fibre core – Bad fabrication process – Optical components may also cause PMD • PMD is frequency dependent • It varies with time – Statistical process, Maxwellian probability density – PMD: Mean value over time of DGD (expressed in picoseconds)


PMD impact

• Maximum tolerable PMD – 10 % - 20 % of bit period (Depends on modulation format) – Dt = 10 ps for 10 Gb/s, Dt = 2.5 ps for 40 Gb/s (Alcatel standard fibre) • Distance limits of new fibre Dt = D PMD /


TDM Bitrate 2.5 Gb/s 10 Gb/s 40 Gb/s 160 Gb/s 640 Gb/s PMD Max length 1.6*10 5 Km 10,000 Km 625 Km 40 Km

- Can be compensated, currently expensive


PMD on installed fibre can be as high as e.g. 2 ps/ - Distance limit: 1.5 km at 40 Gb/s

2.5 Km



The good, The bad, The Ugly

Non-linear effects: Impact & Applications

Superhero! Enables signal processing components Nightmare! For system designers Ugly pulses!


Non-linear effects

• Scattering effects in fibre medium – Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS): Backward scattering from acoustic waves – Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS): Interaction of light waves with phonons (molecular vibrations) • Fibre refractive index dependence on optical power – Four Wave Mixing (FWM) – Self-Phase Modulation (SPM) – Cross-Phase Modulation (XPM)


Distortion by non-linear effects

• Four-Wave Mixing (FWM) – Intermodulation products – In WDM and as intrachannel products for high TDM rates

Original Wavelengths 2 f 1 - f 2 f 1 f 2 Frequency New Wavelengths 2 f 2 - f 1 Number of new wavelengths = N 2 (N-1)/2 where N = number of original wavelengths Especially a problem in WDM!

N FWM Products 2 4 8 2 24 224



Distortion by non-linear effects

• Suppress by – Moderate channel powers – Avoid zero dispersion fibre – Polarisation interleaving of channels

Dispersion-Shifted Fiber (25 km)

Signals 

0 1546.55

Wavelength (1 nm/div.)

Mixing products

Especially a problem when D = 0! N FWM Products 2 4 8 2 24 224



Raman amplifiers principle

• Using the transmission fibre as a gain medium • Pumping the fibre forwards and/or backwards • Coupled in through couplers or multiplexers

Sender (Laser+ modulator) Laser Pump forward Fiber Laser Pump Backward Mottaker (fotodiode + forsterker)


Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS)

• SRS in high channel count WDM systems – Higher wavelengths experience gain – Lower wavelengths attenuation 150 nm 10 THz 20

Power is shifted to upper from lower channels

Input spectrum Output spectrum Frequency shift Stolen-79


Raman amplifiers

• Decreases noise • Increases bandwidth • High pump powers needed – High demands for installation • Expensive (very) • Not widely deployed


Raman amplification benefits