Transcript Folie 1

Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
By Young People for Young People
Youth.Culture.Award.Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
SEE YOU is a(n):
European wide Competition (part one)
Encounter Programme (part two)
Cross-genre Festival (part three)
Organization (part four)
Youth.Culture.Award.Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
Preliminary notes:
Youth Culture Award NRW:
• SEE YOU is based on the Youth Culture Award NRW
• The Youth Culture Award exist since 1990 and takes
place every second year in an other city.
• Only state wide competition amongst best practice in
cultural work with and from (but not only for) youngsters.
• Supported by the youth ministry of North RhineWestphalia
SEE YOU is the XXL-Version of the Youth Culture Award
NRW in the year of the European Capital of Culture.
Youth.Culture.Award.Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
Part one: European wide Competition
Youth.Culture.Award.Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
European wide Competition
The aim of the competition is:
• to provide children and young people with a platform on
which they can present their ideas and projects.
• to open up a pan-European audience for exemplary
children and youth work.
• to stimulate communication and exchanging project ideas
and know-how.
All projects are eligible to win a prize, no matter what field of
artistic activity they involve.
Youth.Culture.Award.Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
SEE YOU 1: European wide Competition
WHO is eligible to take part?
Children, young people and anyone actively involved in the field of
culture for children and young people can.
Participants can be individuals, initiatives or groups, or private or
public institutions.
Applications can be submitted for projects conducted between 2008
and 2010, in three prize categories: …
Youth.Culture.Award.Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
SEE YOU 1: European wide Competition
WHAT prizes are on offer?
1. Youth Culture Award NRW (156 applications)
for exemplary cultural activities conducted in North
by and with young people (teenagers, young adults).
3. NEW: Children’s Culture Award NRW (81 applications)
for exemplary cultural activities conducted in North
by and with children (with a majority age of under 14).
Applicants (for both Awards) may also participate
simultaneously in the Young Europe Award.
Youth.Culture.Award.Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
SEE YOU 1: European wide Competition
WHAT prizes are on offer?
3. RUHR.2010 Young Europe Award (74 applications)
exemplary children and young people’s cultural projects
which fulfil at least one of the following criteria:
• Thematic reference to Europe
• Thematic reference to the European Capital of Culture
• European projects in collaboration with partners from
the Ruhr area.
Applications can be accepted from anywhere in Europe.
Youth.Culture.Award.Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
SEE YOU 1: European wide Competition
WHAT prizes are on offer?
Online Award
In addition
All applicants have the opportunity
• to present a two-minute clip illustrating their project
in the Internet and
• to take part in a public online vote for the best web
Youth.Culture.Award.Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
European wide Competition
WHAT are the results of the call for projects in 2010?
Actively involved:
Federal states:
over 22.000 children and young people
Dortmund 34, Cologne (14), Bochum (14),
Hamm (14), Essen (12), Aachen (10)
North Rhine-Westphalia, BadenWürttemberg, Bavaria, Hamburg, Hessen,
Lower Saxony, Saxony.
Applications directly from Czech Republic,
Poland, Latvia, Turkey, Finland, and Iceland.
About 50 co-operation partners
from all over Europe.
Youth.Culture.Award.Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
SEE YOU 1: European wide Competition
WHO selects the prizewinners?
Initial selection via expressive documentary materials
by 16 experts of the field of youth culture.
NEW: Prizewinners will be selected during the festival by two
independent juries:
The Jury for the Youth Culture Award NRW is composed of
Three experts representatives (Ministry of Youth, City of Dortmund,
RUHR.2010), three young adults (19 -25 years).
The jury of the Children’s Culture Award NRW is composed of
Six children (11 – 14 years)
Youth.Culture.Award.Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
European wide Competition
The jury will base its decisions on the following criteria:
Children or young people were significantly involved in the conception and
development of the project and were stimulated into conscious cultural
Their cultural skills were encouraged by the project.
The project strengthened their ability to organise themselves and determine
their own progress.
The projects were based on the children and young people’s own general
circumstances, locations, everyday life and cultural practice.
The project has shown children or young people that they are able to fashion
their own everyday lives and influence their realities.
The project has dissolved initial contact fears and children and young people
have been given access to further cultural facilities and activities.
As a result of the cooperation, the project has contributed to the formation of
activity networks.
Youth.Culture.Award.Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
European wide Competition
The winners will be announced during the SEE YOU festival:
Children’s Culture Award NRW:
When: Saturday, 14h30 – 16h00
Where: Mirror tent (Spiegelzelt)
Youth Culture Award NRW, RUHR.
Young Europe Award (RUHR.2010)
and Online Award:
When: Saturday, 19h00 – 21h00
Where: FZW – Halle
Total value:
20,000 Euros (in 2008: 10,000 Euros)
Youth.Culture.Award.Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
Part two: Encounter Programme
Youth.Culture.Award.Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
SEE YOU 2: Encounter Programme
300 participants had the chance to win a place in our special
encounter programme. (First request: 900 interested)
The programme is completely free, including:
• Artistic workshops
• Accommodation (tents around the “Big Tipi” in the North of
• Catering.
Only conditions:
• The participators must be applicants and present their
• Each group must have a responsible tutor.
Youth.Culture.Award.Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
SEE YOU 2: Encounter Programme
14 workshops for 200 youngsters (older than 14 years)
• Music, theatre, dance, graffiti, fine arts, photography, film,
media, radio, comic, poetry slam
• 14 Artists (youth work and international experiences)
• Small groups (12 – 15 participants)
• Possibility (no “must”) to present the results during the SEE
YOU festival
The results of the workshops can be presented during the SEE
YOU festival.
Sunday, 14h30 – 16h30
FZW, Halle
Youth.Culture.Award.Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
Part three:
Cross-genre Festival “By Young People for Young People”
Youth.Culture.Award.Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
SEE YOU 3: Cross-genre Festival
WHAT is the SEE YOU Festival?
• Over 1,500 children and young people from across the
entire Ruhr conurbation, the rest of NRW and Europe are
• They present about 200 projects to each other, to the
general public as well as two special juries.
• Documentation as a festival magazine with 255 individual
portraits of the projects.
Youth.Culture.Award.Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
SEE YOU 3: Cross-genre Festival
Locations and kind of presentations
Dortmunder U (U Tower):
1. Exhibition (about 60 projects on the second floor)
Freizeitzentrum West (FZW):
Youth stage (about 50 projects)
Cinema (about 50 films)
Mirror tent:
Children`s stage (about 35 projects)
Youth.Culture.Award.Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
Part four: Organization
Youth.Culture.Award.Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
SEE YOU 4: Organization
• 1 Freelance project manager: Heiko Rothenpieler (14 months, full time).
• 2 volunteers in their cultural social year: Lena Mattheis, Lara Neumann (12
months, full time).
• 30 youngsters from the Youth festival team (about 5 meetings)
• 2 directing managers: Peter Kamp, Nadja Höll (permanent employee, LKD)
• 4 LKD office: Marina Abromeit (graphic), Brigitte Bongers (book-keeping), Ulrike
Kastner (administration), Bärbel Müller (editorial stuff).
• 1 manager of the Arts4all-meeting: Mechthild Eickhoff (Federal Association of
Youth Art schools in Germany)
• Chairperson: Kurt Eichler, Vice chairperson: Simone Schmidt-Apel and
Detlef Heidkamp
More than 60 volunteers and helpers during the festival.
All together: more than 100 persons in action.
Youth.Culture.Award.Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
SEE YOU 4: Organization
Main sponsors / partners:
• Ministry for family, children, youth, culture and sport of
North Rhine-Westphalia
• City of Dortmund (culture office and youth welfare office)
• Sparkasse Dortmund
• RUHR.2010 GmbH (and their sponsors)
Local project partners:
• Dortmunder U, Fletch Bizzel, Big Tipi, FZW, balou e.V.,
Depot e.V., Dietrich-Keuning-Haus, domicil e.V.,
Hartware MedienKunstVerein, ProoJazz e.V.
• LKD: Federal state-wide association of Youth Art
Schools in North-Rhine Westphalia (LKD)
• LKJ: Federal state-wide association of Cultural Youth
work in North-Rhine Westphalia (LKJ)
Youth.Culture.Award.Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
In a few hours…
18h00 at the U Tower
Vernissage of
„face to face – visions of the Ruhr Metropolis“
Common exhibition of the Youth Art Schools in the Ruhr area
I hope to meet you there!!!
Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
By Young People for Young People
”By Young People
for Young People
Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
Youth.Culture.Award.Festival NRW & RUHR.2010”
Good to know / Preliminary notes:
North Rhine-Westphalia (state with the highest population density in
Germany, 18 million inhabitants)
Ruhr region: 5 million inhabitants (highest population density in NRW,
biggest metropolitan area in Germany)
• Ruhr region wants to become a metropolitan area (Ruhr Metropolis)
• Ruhr Metropolis: 53 cities, people from 171 nations, more than 100
• Dortmund biggest city of the Ruhr region: about 580.000 inhabitants
(Essen: 576.000 inhabitants in 2009)
• Federal state-wide association of Youth Art Schools in North-Rhine
• Counts about 60 members
• Annually, 60.000 children and young people in courses, projects and open
• “All arts under one roof”: visual arts, dance, theatre, music, literature, new
media etcetera
• LKD is the organizer of the SEE YOU Festival