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Transcript TomWelch_TRB-AASHTO_JanuaryFebruary2007

AASHTO Safety Data Systems Task Group

Tom Welch, PE State Traffic Safety Engineer Iowa Dept. of Trans., Traffic and Safety [email protected]

AASHTO | Standing Committee on Highway Traffic Safety | Subcommittee on Safety Management | Task Groups

Task Groups







Technical Information and Resources At Risk Roadway Users Strategic Highway Safety Plans Safety Data Systems & Analysis Safety Information Packages Research

IV – Safety Data Systems & Analysis

Tom Welch - IA (Chair) Kevin Lacy – NC (Vice Chair) Mike Staggs – FHWA Liaison Rick Pain – TRB Chuck Reider – NV Sean Hiraoka – HI Dale Lighthizer – MI Brett Harrelson – SC Douglas Bish – OR Michael Curtit – MO Vernon Betkey – MD Jim Willis – MS David Beach – UT Dan Magri – LA Marsha Ways – WV Michael Sandoval – NM Jennifer Townley – OH Cindy Cashen – AK Brad Foley – ME Michael Pawlovich - IA

IV – Safety Data Systems & Analysis

To support and enhance all safety management support systems, the assessment of common needs, definition of requirements, and development/implementation of new solutions through the AASHTOWare Program, if appropriate.

Develop/distribute crash reduction factors and safety training manuals, identify successful countermeasures, and develop accurate and current traffic records systems. These efforts will help support the implementation of states’ SHSPs.

Background Material

SAFETEA-LU allocated $1M (after reductions) to AASHTO to develop a successor to the TSIMS project (needs match)   AASHTO and AASHTOWare were not making a software proposal Asking Task Group to consider how AASHTO might serve the membership

Task Force Response

No Interest in TSIMS-like data management and analysis tools    Most states have data repository Not feasible or prudent as each state has unique existing systems Very difficult to gain consensus on data analysis tools

     

Summary of Task Force Discussion and Action

Design for basic data model/database infrastructure GIS-based analysis tool for local agencies CRFs website Workforce development and training Synthesis of practice for officer training and crash reporting Data collection synthesis of best practice

State DOT Data Gap Needs

   Local road crash data Locating crashes   Data quality/edit processes Macro/Annual QC Micro/case-by-case

Data Collection Synthesis

    Location referencing (GPS vs. linear referencing) Data validation at the point of entry and/vs during post-processing of data Preferred form factor of the electronic data gathering device Web applications and/vs PC applications

Data Collection Synthesis

     Wireless applications Data for data between agencies Data linkages (spatial and/or attribute/key field) Local law enforcement data uses Central crash data repository access/provision for distribution/dissemination

    

GIS-based analysis tool for local agencies

Simple, basic tool GIS-based Simple, straightforward linkage to existing state data formats Availability throughout a variety of user levels Consideration of expandability

Training Needs

 New TRB Task Force on Road Safety Workforce Development AASHTO Task Group Input:    Safety Engineering courses: Local agencies National 2-3 week new safety engineers course

FHWA Crash Reduction Factors (CRF) Field Guide


 The purpose of this task is to compile a set of accident modification factors (AMFs) for safety and traffic engineering practitioners. There is also a request for crash reduction factors (CRFs) to be added to the list.

CRF Field Guide

Step 1. Create a List of Treatments or Countermeasures

 The iTRANS/VHB team will create a list of treatments grouped by the crash types of intersection, roadway departure, and pedestrian.

CRF Field Guide

Step 2. Gather Sources for Accident Modification Factors

The Highway Safety Manual (HSM) as part of NCHRP Project 17-27 collected and reviewed over 600 publications, which will are available to the iTRANS/VHB team.

Some of the additional publications already proposed to the Team will include:      Research Results Digest (RRD) 299: Crash Reduction Factors for Traffic Engineering and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Improvements: State-of-Knowledge Report Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Report KTC-96-13: Development of Accident Reduction Factors Engineering Countermeasures to Reduce Red-Light Running, FHWA/TX 03/4027-2, August 2002, TTI Hovey, P.W.; Chowdhury, M.; "Development of Crash Reduction Factors" Prepared for Ohio DOT, September 2005 Bonneson, J.; Zimmerman, K.; Fitzpatrick, K.; "Roadway Safety Design Synthesis" Texas Transportation Institute for Texas DOT, November 2005

CRF Field Guide

In order to have the latest and most complete list of AMFs, the iTRANS/VHB Team will coordinate with the following NCHRP projects to request for relevant interim materials.

    NCHRP Project 17-26, Methodology to Predict the Safety Performance of Urban and Suburban Arterials (HSM Part III, Chapter 9).

NCHRP Project 17-29, Methodology to Predict the Safety Performance of Rural Multilane Highways (HSM Part III, Chapter 10).

The TRB HSM Task Force is revisiting the SPFs and AMFs developed by Harwood et al. for IHSDM (2000) for rural two-lane roads (HSM Part III, Chapter 8).

NCHRP 17-35 Evaluation of Safety Treatments at Signalized Intersections.

CRF Field Guide

AMF Selection Guidance Only AMFs which are both precise and accurate should be included in the published deliverables. The NCHRP 17-27 project has developed a “decision rule” in order to determine the acceptability of AMFs for inclusion in the first edition of the HSM.

CRF Field Guide


The following deliverables will be developed as part of this task:    Updated text for joint FHWA/ITE Publication Intersection Safety Issue Brief Number 5:

Traffic Signals

in a camera ready format.

Updated text for joint FHWA/ITE Publication Intersection Safety Issue Brief Number 8: in a camera-ready format.

Toolbox of Countermeasures and Their Potential Effectiveness to Make Intersections Safer

Field Guides with AMFs (and CRFs) for treatments divided in terms of crash types, i.e., roadway departure, intersection, and pedestrian in a camera-ready format.

CRF Field Guide


    Scanned AMF reference materials in an electronic version (CD or DVD).

A 45-minute PowerPoint presentation describing the project and findings complete with speaker notes New text for a Roadway and Lane Departure Safety Issue Brief in a camera-ready format.

New text for a Pedestrian Safety Issue Brief in a camera-ready format.


CRF Field Guide

It is expected that the work will commence in January 2007 and be completed by Mid-July 2007.

CONTACT Clayton Chen, FHWA

Next Steps

   Submit Synthesis of Practice on Data Collection Submit GIS-based Analysis Tool AASHTOWare Proposal Complete FHWA CRF Field Guide