Introduction to the Workplace Health & Safety Module SMS

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Transcript Introduction to the Workplace Health & Safety Module SMS



ntroduction to the Workplace Health & Safety Module

SMS 2001.2 Release

Designed for:

Staff injuries and work caused illnesses Student injuries and illnesses that are serious Visitor injuries and illnesses Recording and Reporting of Dangerous Events General Hazard Identification Risk Assessment, and Event Investigation

Why Record and Report Accident/Incident Details?

• Legal Requirement

(Workplace Health &Safety,WorkCover & Education Acts)

• EQ Policy Requirement

(HS-07,-08, HS-15, CM-02)

• Audit Directorate Requirement • Documentation needed if there is legal action (also subject to state archives retention rules) • Allows the monitoring of trends over time and control strategies • Knowledge gained from one event may be used to prevent recurrence state-wide.

Feedback on the Existing System







Too many forms / too much paperwork Accident forms are not school friendly Process confusing – which forms, who do I notify?

Timeframes are different depending on severity Can’t get any useful data for my school I often get asked for paper forms by the Legal Section (5 years after the event and always on last day of school year!)

The process has been further complicated by the many mandatory forms coupled with new forms invented by schools to meet their specific needs.

This complication has made state-wide reporting unreliable and unproductive. A simpler system is needed so that procedures are consistent.

CURRENT SITUATION The current recording and reporting system is paper based and cumbersome. It does not reflect the needs of schools.

Current situation

Schools Se rio us ev ent District offices Division of Workplace Health and Saf ety (DETIR) S er io us e ve nt Se rio us e ve nt Central office Serio us e ven t Cleaners As raised End of term Manual notif ication of DWHS, district of f ices (DO) and central of f ice (CO) Conf usion as to w ho to notif y, especially in schools Quality of data collected too low to support statistical analysis Original EdSaf e w ith questionable data f or non-cleaners Modif ied version of EdSaf e w ith timely, verif ied data f or cleaners

What was needed?:

EQ must ensure that there is a consistent approach to recording health & safety information in compliance with the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 and the WorkCover Act 1996. Risk assessment and reporting procedures that are less time consuming and complex.

Simplification of procedures, to allow resources to be diverted from administration to teaching and learning. Improved systems to allow school-based reporting and provide School management with data for informed decision making.

How have school needs been addressed?

The Organisational Health Unit sought assistance from the SMS Services Team to develop a school based Health & Safety system. A Reference Group of school based staff provided direction and advice on development.

SMS was chosen as it is effective in all schools and has an existing support structure through the SMS Help Desk and SMS News and it is regularly updated/enhanced. Existing data tables for staff, students and facilities made SMS the obvious solution.

What will the new WHS Module Include? …

• • • •

General school information (WHSO etc) Injury, Illness, Dangerous Event Recording and Reporting (generate fax report) Hazard Register (stand alone & linked to events) Risk Assessment / Management templates needed

What will the new WHS Module Include? (cont)

Accident Investigation Report template

Combine all reporting forms into one

Reports for communication and analysis

Fax notifications for rapid response and support

The next slide illustrates the streamlined nature of the new WHS System.

Response to Recommendation – WH&S Module in SMS School This streamlined approach minimises paperwork and reduces duplication. Fax notifications allow district and central office health & safety staff to be more responsive to school needs.

Staff and Serious Student Injury

Division of Workplace Health & Safety Central Office H&S District Office Less Forms: Report produced by the new system is a one-size-fits-all form reducing forms from 4 to 1.

EQ Executive/Minister (as requested)

Accessing the Workplace Health & Safety Module ….

The Workplace Health and Safety Module is located within the School Module of the School Management System (SMS).

Select the Workplace Health & Safety button to open the WH&S Main Menu.

Welcome to the Workplace Health and Safety Module

The WH&S Main Menu has five simple sections and is easy to navigate

Getting Started …..

Setting Up the Administration Details Section

The Administration Section of the WHS Module holds all the standard information needed for each record. If it is set up correctly

(and maintained as circumstances change)

ongoing recording and reporting will be greatly simplified.

The information needed to set up the Administration Section is as follows:

Workplace Registration Number

Fax numbers for your local Division of Workplace Health and Safety Office, District Office and the EQ Health and Safety Team

Number of staff and regular volunteers at your school

Name of your Workplace Health and Safety Officer(s) (WHSO) (

if required)

and their certification details

The information needed to set up the Administration Section is as follows:

Name of your Workplace Health and Safety Representative(s) (WHSR)

(if required) 

Name of your Workplace Rehabilitation Coordinator(s) (WPRC)

(if required)

and their certification details

The way your school communicates health and safety

(eg. health and safety committee) 

Any school specific health and safety concerns

Where to find the Workplace Registration Number: You will find the School’s Workplace Registration Number on one of these Certificates – Otherwise, just contact the Division of Workplace Health and Safety.

Workplace Registration Number

Where to find Certification Details … Certification Samples for Workplace Rehabilitation Coordinator and Workplace Health and Safety Officers.

Identification Numbers

Accessing the Administration Section … Click here to begin The Administration Section Setup

This is the Administration Details Screen. Simply fill in the spaces and save. The data from this screen will be transferred to all relevant documents to minimise duplication and maximise accuracy.

Fax Numbers Officials Consultation Processes

More than one designated official can exist in a school, so.. The system can record many such records via the WH&S Officials section.

End of the Administration Section – Well Done!

Giving Schools Data Entry Rights

Data integrity is best when it is entered at the source Legal timeframe requirements can be met Schools access their own data and run reports for informed decision making Existing tables are utilised for minimal data entry Information can be updated and reviewed Schools currently fill out up to 4 forms per incident – SMS can combine data into one generic form A robust system that integrates with existing technology will perform despite organisational changes

Entering a WHS Event

(for an injury/work caused illness or dangerous event).

Go to the WHS Event section from the main WHS Menu …..

Select the WHS Event Option from the main WHS Menu.

Screen 1 of the WHS Event: Captures the details surrounding the event (eg. date, time, what happened and where).

Screen 2 of the WHS Event: Captures information about who was involved, what they were doing at the time and how they were affected.

Screen 3: Captures injury and illness details.

Screen 4: Provides a place to record details about contacting the parents, next of kin etc.

The Services Contacted Screen, allows all the emergency services and other services required as a result of the event to be recorded .

(e.g. Ambulance, Police, Fire Services etc.)

Through the Hazard Register Details screen, hazards associated with an event are clearly identified and become part of a school wide hazard register. Later, this register can be accessed so that hazards in a school can be assessed, controlled and reviewed

(i.e. … The Risk Management Process made easy!).

End of Data Entry Requirements for a Standard WHS Event (Well Done!)

The report will print and tell you to either file as a school copy or fax to the appropriate people – so there is no need to remember the rules.

This should make accident reporting much easier and more time efficient!

Adding a Hazard to the Hazard Register

Access the WH&S Main Menu and select Hazard Register The Hazard Register is automatically populated by hazards associated with WH&S Events. It can also be populated directly in response to hazards that are identified by other means e.g. a variation to school routine.

It is a Legal requirement to manage health and safety in all Queensland Workplaces, this is done by the identification of hazards, assessment of the risks, control and then subsequent review of those controls to ensure the risks are managed.

The Hazard Register Details screen captures the basic information about the hazard. Drop-down lists and background calculations allow the categorisation of hazard types for the purposes of statewide analysis and subsequent attention


You have now reached the end of the Hazard Register section.


Performing a Risk Assessment on a Recorded Hazard

Access the Hazard Register section and call up an existing hazard that needs to be assessed or alternatively create a new hazard.

Risk Assessments are carried out via the Hazard Register Section. This is because, identification of hazards is the first step in correct Risk Management practice.

All known details on the hazard will be transferred automatically to the risk assessment section (e.g. from an existing record).

This process is very useful for recurring events.

Many schools will enter all of their recurring events (such as excursions) into the hazard register so they have a ready risk assessment that can be updated each year for the Variation to School Routine documentation requirements.

The people who are exposed to the hazard are also recorded. Interventions can be targeted to specific groups e.g. a year level or type of worker.

The Risks are captured here. More than one risk can be associated with a given hazard.

This screen provides the assessment date, the review period and allows the effectiveness of a control option to be recorded. This screen is particularly useful for recurring events.

This screen allows an accurate record of control methods or corrective actions associated with a hazard to be documented. It specifies responsibilities, sets timeframes and considers other actions that need to be completed.

End of the Risk Assessment Section

The report can simply be printed out by accessing the reports section of the WH&S Main Menu. Select on the relevant hazard and press print.

Creating and Printing Reports

Access the reports section via the WH&S Main Menu.

All reports are located here.

A basic suite of reports has been provided with the first release. More reports will be available in future releases.

Select the report you wish to print or view and select OK. Remember that reports may be emailed from the “view report” option if necessary.


Data from the SMS Workplace Health and Safety Module will be collected with the regular data download – via email. The data will be stored in a central system for analysis and archiving purposes.

Reports will be generated from the central system for the purposes of feeding information back to schools, prioritising resources for the Organisational Health Unit and for executive management information.

End of Reports Section


Reports may be used for analysing school data Often the simplest causal factors are not obvious until the data is reviewed.

Optional Paper Forms for: WHS Events, Hazard Register & Investigations.

Note: These forms may never be used by your school, however they have been designed to complement the WHS Module if needed. They may be useful when going on camp/excursions or when information is being gathered. You may print the forms directly from the installation CD as necessary.

SMS Workplace Health and Safety Module will also be useful to schools in the following circumstances:

•For a notifiable event / death etc.

•Internal Audit Directorate Visits •Legal Action •Division of Workplace Health & Safety Inspection •Annual Operational Plan Preparation •Prioritisation and Budget Preparation

Further Support and Other Resources

•The SMS Help Desk •SMS News •The Organisational Health Unit •Creating Healthier Workplaces Web Site •Creating Healthier Workplaces Discussion List •InFocus Newsletter / Health and Safety Newsletter •Policy documents – the DOEM •Legislation (Workplace Health and Safety)

Thank you to - The Reference Group

For providing direction and advice on the school based application of this module.

Alan Goldsworthy Greg Ward Ingrid Hansen John Aspland Margaret George Barbara Dundas Susan O ’ Shea Janet Krinke Stephen Logan Marion Stock Kevin Fowler Linda Wearing Frank Rademacher John Mucahy Sharon Taylor Heather Whittaker Cathy Searle Darryl Bauer Noel Marsden Alan Singleton Bob O ’ Doherty Neil Rogers