Pushdown Automata

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Pushdown Automata
Chapters 14-18
Generators vs. Recognizers
• For Regular Languages:
– regular expressions are generators
– FAs are recognizers
• For Context-free Languages
– CFGs are generators
– Pushdown Automata (PDAs) are recognizers
All regular languages can be generated by
CFGs and so can some non-regular languages
Languages generated by
defined by regular
PDA vs. FA
• Add a stack
• Each transition can specify optional push and
pop operations
– using an independent alphabet
– use Λ (or e) to ignore stack operations
• a,e/A means with input ‘a’, pop nothing, push an ‘A’
• Can use accepting states for success
– Or can just use an empty stack
– We’ll do both simultaneously (usually)
Example: anbn
b, A/e
b, A/e
Example: anbn
• Every input ‘a’ pushes a ‘A’ on the stack
• Every input ‘b’ pops an ‘A’ off the stack
– if any other character appears, reject
• At end of input, the stack should be empty
– else the count was off, and we should reject
• Code: anbn.cpp
Example: PalindromeX
• Accepts strings of the form wcwR
• Pops the first half onto the stack
• We need the middle delimiter to know when to
start comparing in reverse
– otherwise, the process would be non-deterministic
– each popped character should match the
corresponding input character
• Diagram on next slide
• Code: palindromex.cpp
Example: EvenPalindrome
No delimiter
Determinism vs. Non-determinism
• Deterministic if:
– Only one transition exists for each combination of (q,
a, X) = (state, input letter, stack top)
– If a = e, then no other rule exists for that q and X
• Other, multiple moves for the same
state/input/stack are possible
• As long as an acceptable path exists, the
machine accepts the input
• Interesting note:
– The class of languages accepted by NPDAs is larger
than those accepted by DPDAs!
PDA more powerful than FA
Languages accepted by
nondeterministic PDA
accepted by FA or
Languages accepted by
deterministic PDA
• Has two states:
– start, accepting
• Have an empty move from the start state
to the accepting state that pushes the start
• Cycle on the accepting state:
– empty moves that replace variables with each
of their rules
– moves that consume each terminal
CFG => PDA Example
S => e | (S) | SS
Derive (())
• Using CFG (do a leftmost-derivation):
– S => (S) =>((S)) => (())
• PDA (non-deterministically)
– do by hand, showing stack at each step
A DPDA for (…)
Exercise: accept (( )( ))
• Any CFG can be represented by a PDA
– But some CFLs require non-determinism
• unlike NFA’s => FAs => regular expressions
– i.e., the languages accepted by DPDAs form a
subset of those accepted by NPDAs
• Any PDA has a corresponding CFG
– Lots of work to find!!!
Converting from PDA to CFG
A PDA “consumes” a character
A CFG “generates” a character
We want to relate these two
What happens when a PDA consumes a
– It may change state
– It may change the stack
Converting from PDA to CFG
• Suppose X is on the stack and ‘a’ is read
• What can happen to X?
– It can be popped
– It may replaced by one or more other stack symbols
• And so on…
• The stack grows and shrinks and grows and shrinks …
– Eventually, as more input is consumed, the effect of
having X on the stack must be erased (or we’ll never
reach an empty stack!)
– And the state may change many times
– We must track all of this! (see picture next slide)
Observing a PDA
Converting from PDA to CFG
• Let the symbol <qAp> represent the movement in a PDA
that starts in state q and ends in state p
– This will result in possibly many moves and stack changes
– It represents moving from q to p while erasing the net effects of
having A on the stack
• The symbol <sλf> represents accepting a valid string (if f
is a final state)
• These symbols will be our variables/non-terminals
– Because they track the machine configuration that accepts
– Our grammar will generate those strings
Converting from PDA to CFG
• Consider the transition ((q,a,X),(p,Y))
– This means that a is consumed, X is popped, we
move to state p, and subsequent processing must
erase Y and its subsequent effects
• A corresponding grammar rule is:
<qX?> => a<pY?> (?’s represent the same state)
We don’t know where we’ll eventually end up
But we know we immediately go through p
So we entertain all possibilities
From Transitions to Grammar
• 1) S => <sλf> for all final states, f
• 2) <qλq> => λ for all states, q
– These serve as terminators
• 3) For transitions ((q,a,X),(p,Y)):
– <qXr> => a<pYr> for all states, r
• 4) For transitions ((q,a,X),(p,Y1Y2)):
– <qXr> => a<pY1s><sY2r> for all states, r, s
– And so on for longer pushed strings
Theoretical Results
• Pumping Lemma for CFGs
• Closure properties
– different from regular languages!
• Decidability
– we won’t cover most of this (Chapter 18)
– you’ll get the important stuff in Compilers
– need determinism to do efficient parsing
Infinite CFLs
• How can you tell if a CFG generates an
infinite language?
Parse Trees from CNF
• What do CNF Parse Trees Look Like?
• Relate depth of tree to length of possible
CNF Parse Trees vs. Strings
• We want to go the other way:
– determine the possible depths of CNF trees
from strings of a given length
The Pumping Lemma for CFGs
• Similar to the one for regular languages
• Based on self-embedding (a type of loop)
– For sufficiently-long strings (≥ p = 2v), a non-terminal
will be a descendant of itself in the parse
• Because the language resulting from never reusing nonterminals is finite
– leads to repetition properties, similar to loops in FAs
• Every string of sufficient length from an infinite
CFL can be written as uvxyz, and pumped as
uvixyiz, which string is also in the same CFL
– |x| > 0, |v| + |y| > 0, |vxy| <= p (= 2v)
anbnan is not context-free
• Intuitively: You’ve already used up the
stack to coordinate the anbn prefix
• Must consider all cases for a proof
ww is not Context Free
Closure Properties of CFLs
• CFLs are closed under union,
concatenation, and Kleene Star
• CFLs are not closed under intersection or
• But the intersection of a CFL and a
Regular language is a CFL
Union of CFLs
• Let S1 be the start symbol for L1, and S2
for L2
• Just have a new start symbol point to the
OR of the old ones:
• S => S1 | S2
S1 => …
S2 => …
Concatenation of CFLs
• S => S1S2
S1 => …
S2 => …
Kleene Star of CFLs
• Rename the old start non-terminal to S1
• S => S1S | Λ
S1 => …
Intersection of CFLs
Let L1 = anbnam
Let L2 = anbmam
(The CFGs for the above are on page 385)
L1 ∩ L2 = anbnan
– We already showed this is not context free
Complement of CFLs
• Proof by contradiction, derived from the
result of intersection, because:
L1 ∩ L2 = (L1' + L2')'
Since the intersection is not closed, but
union is, then the complement cannot be.
Complements of DCFLs
• These are closed under complement
• Just invert the acceptability conditions,
similar to FAs
– String is in L' if either an accept state is not
reached or the stack is not empty
• So, you would think that DCFLs are also
closed under intersection, but they’re not,
DCFLs not Closed under Union!
• Consider:
L1 = {aibjck | i = j}
L2 = {aibjck | j = k}
• Each of these is DCF
– (Show this!)
• The union is not!
– It requires non-determinism
– It’s CF, but not DCF
Another Interesting Fact
• DCFLs always have an associated CFG
that is unambiguous
Closure Properties of CFLs
• Closed under Union, Concatenation,
Kleene Star
• Not closed under intersection, complement
• CFL ∩ Regular = CFL
• DCFLs are closed under complement
– But not union!
• Unanswerable questions
• Answerable questions
Undecidable Questions
• Do 2 arbitrary CFGs generate the same
• Is a CFG ambiguous?
• Is a given CFL’s complement also CF?
• Is the intersection of 2 given CFLs CF?
• Do 2 CFLs have a common word?
Decidable Questions
• Does a CFG generate any words?
– Substitute each “terminating production” (RHS
is all terminals) throughout and see what
• “back substitution method”
• Example, page 405
• Is a non-terminal ever used? (p. 406-408)
• Is a CFL finite or infinite? (p. 408-409)
CYK Algorithm
• Answers the question: “Is this string
accepted by this grammar?”
– A “dynamic programming” algorithm
– Works backwards in stages
• There are better ways of parsing
– Take the compiler class to learn those