Designing a Successful Simulation

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Transcript Designing a Successful Simulation

Designing a Successful Simulation Paul E. Phrampus Director Winter Institute for Simulation, Education and Research (WISER) University of Pittsburgh


What city in the US is currently home to both the NFL football champions and the Stanley cup champions of hockey?

1. Philadelphia 2. San Diego 3. Pittsburgh 4. Cincinnati 5. Charlotte

Was this a successful simulation?

1. Yes 2. No

What was this simulation for?

1. Task Analysis 2. Communications Skills 3. Technical Knowledge 4. Critical Thinking Analysis 5. Protocol Testing

Who was the simulation for?

• • • • Student mid way through school Student at graduation Professional at the end of first year of practice Professional at the end of 20th year of practice

• What is most important aspect to debrief?

Is this a problem?

Can we fix it?

Ok then, Let’s Debrief Any Volunteers ????

What is a simulation for?

1. Education 2. Assessment 3. Fun 4. 1 and 2

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Learning Objective • You have to have a clear reason of why you are running any simulation.

Where does a simulation fit?

• It depends on what your doing!

EACH Sim is part of a bigger plan!

What is this?

Does it belong here?

You can only keep track of so many things at one time

Course (Global) objectives v sim objectives

Global Objectives • Course Objectives – 1. Demonstrate a proper patient assessment – 2. Demonstrate following the emergency protocol – 3. Demonstrate Airway Management Skills

Course Schedule / Flow • • • • • • Sim 1 Sim 2 Lecture Skills Lab Sim 3 Sim 4 Course Objectives Session Objective 1. Ventilate w BVM 2. Recognize Narcotic Overdose 3. Activate Protocol

How do you determine “success” of a simulation?

1. Students liked it 2. Learning objectives achieved 3. Students passed the scenario 4. Not Sure

25% 25% 25% 25% St ud en ts lik ed ...

Lea rn in g o bj ec ...

St ud en ts pa ss e.


N ot S ur e

How do you determine “success” of a simulation?

Instructor Number 1 Instructor Number 2 Instructor Number 3

How do you determine “success” of a simulation?

Instructor Number 1 Instructor Number 2 Instructor Number 3 Measure Here

Tools for Success • Make it easy for your faculty to stay on track • “In my opinion…..”

Dropping in Behind the Scenes

The Birth of an Sim Idea Objectives • Learning • Assessment Material Requirements • Equipment • Student • Instructor • Operations Testing • Alpha • Beta Production • Satisfaction • Instructor Notes • Data Surveillance

Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes

Summary • • • • Know why you are doing the sim Each sim is part of a bigger picture Design tools for consistency Make it easy for your faculty!

Thank You