Kielistrategiat toimivan monikielisen

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Opiskelu- ja harjoittelumahdollisuudet ulkomailla

Miksi ulkomaille?

Kansainvälistä kokemustasi arvostetaan työmarkkinoilla Kehität kielitaitoasi Opit ymmärtämään eri kultuureja paremmin Kasvat ihmisenä Saat uusia elämyksiä


Erasmus Nordplus Kiina-ohjelma Overseas Terve Afrikka

KOR-EU Leaders for Global Education (KE-LeGE)


Vaihto-opiskelu ja harjoittelu ulkomailla

Vaihtoon voi lähteä, kun perusopinnot on suoritettu Ulkomailla suoritetut opinnot lasketaan osaksi kotimaassa suoritettavaa tutkintoa Vaihto-opiskelua ja harjoittelua tuetaan stipendein


Lähteneet opiskelijat (yli 3 kk)


Saapuneet opiskelijat (yli 3 kk) Lähteneet harjoittelijat (yli 3 kk)

71 48

”…minusta tuli entistä itsenäisempi ja osaan kohdata haasteita entistä paremmin…” ” Opin uusia kulttuureja, sain paljon uusia ystäviä, maailmankuvani avartui ja olen monia uusia kokemuksia rikkaampi” ” Suosittelen vaihtoon lähtöä lämpimästi kaikille”

HAKU KE-LEGE OHJELMAAN LUKUVUODELLE 2011-2012 Maaliskuu: Huhtikuu:

Infotilaisuuksia yksiköissä Hakuaika syyslukukaudelle päättyy


Ilmoitus valinnoista 30.4 mennessä Vahvistus Koreasta 31.5 mennessä

Toukokuu: Kesäkuu – elokuu:

Käytännön asioiden järjestelyä ( viisumi, asunto, lennot…)


Lähtö elokuun loppupuolella

Seuraava vaihto vastaavasti syksyllä 2012



Opintotuki Ulkomaan asumislisä Erasmus apuraha 200/220/270 euroa/kk Overseas apuraha 300 euroa/kk Kiina-ohjelma apuraha 500 euroa/kk

KE-LeGE apuraha 1000 euroa/kk + 1500 euroa matkaraha Työharjoittelu

Opintotuki Ulkomaan asumislisä Harjoitteluapuraha 400 Euroa/kk


COU vakuutus

EU and Korean consortiums

List of institutions or organisations EU consortium:

- Lead:

Central Ostrobothnia University of Applied Sciences

, Finland,

- Leopold-Franzens Universität Innsbruck -

University of Innsbruck

, Austria,


University of Oulu

, Finland,

Tallinn University

, Estonia,

Korea consortium:


Chungbuk National University



Sunchon National University



Korea University


A Map of South Korea


Where KU is located in


Where SCNU is located in KU - CBNU: 138.75 km, 2 hours by car, CBNU - SCNU: 248.59 km, 3 hours and 15 minutes by car KU - SCNU: 341.05 km, 4 hours and 37 minutes by car Trains and buses are also available to get each location.


Where CBNU is located in

Project schelude

• The main schedule for student exchange is as follows :

• • •

• Spring 2011 : Preparation of the program

Fall 2011 : 1


exchange of students Fall 2012 : 2 Fall 2013 : 3

nd rd

exchange of students exchange of students

• Spring 2012- Program Review, Evaluation

Project activities

Student exchange

- Exchange of 40 undergraduate students with focus on pedagogy from each consortium. - Korean students will spend

5 months

at hosting institutes taking courses in global education, English, and the local language as part of cultural learning, and teaching practice at local schools. - EU students will have a similar


experience supported by local universities and communities. Students will be supported by cultural and linguistic education, and student services including housing, coaching, and social integration. •

Faculty member exchange

- Mobility program for 24 EU faculty members (1-week stay) and 9 Korea faculty members (2-week stay) for co-teaching and collaborative research - Joint seminar/conferences for sharing experiences and on-going evaluation of the project •

Development of courses for global education

Collaborative development and implementation of essential courses in Global Education

Curriculum Development

Primary schoolsMiddle schoolsHigh schools

+ local communities

Educational practicum General education

Educational theories and


Instructional designICT in educationGlobal education for

sustainable development


Cultural studies Language education

EnglishLocal language

Division Language Cultural studies Course Title Orientation Cultural experiences in Regions


English Local language (Korean) Culture Global education Introduction to Global Education


Credit Hours

3 3 3

Description Leading organi zation

This course helps foreign students to adjust thems elves to new circumstances. It offers them to experience the ways of living in regions and visit cultural heritage.

This course offers learners a chance to enhance their English language proficiency. It covers listening, speaking, reading and writing in English.

This course offers learners a chance to learn a local language. It covers listening, speaking, reading and writing in local language.

This course provides learners with comprehensive understanding of Korean culture. It covers traditio nal as well as modern culture of Korea. This course guides learners who want to know the fundamentals of global education and how it migh t be applied in their institution or setting. It includes many different aspects of global education: history and meaning, implementation, theories, research, technologies, design and deve lopment, learning/teaching methods and issues.

All All All All CBNU

Gene ral educa tion Education and ICT Educational methods and materials Educational Practicum Community service in Education

3 3 3 3 This course explores how education can be supported effectively and efficiently by ICT (information and communication techno logy). It covers theories and practices of ICT use in education. SNU This course aims to understand the design an d development of educational methods and materials. It covers an in-depth review of educational theories and critical implementa tion with concrete subjects KU This course provides learners with authentic experiences in primary and secondary school s. It offers pre-service teachers opportunities to teach courses, consult students and work with real teachers in schools. All This course allows working voluntarily for community and society. It covers practices of diverse educational services in community, such as serving in senior education institutions and working in welfare centers. All

Project’s web pages

• •

• Open pages, can be used for advertising and informing

Main page General Information Partners Project Materials and Publications Financiers

For exchange students

Links Contact information