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Andrea de Polo
Andrea @ alinari . it
1. R.I.T. university, Rochester NY (USA)
2. Long work on IPR and watermarking
3. European Projects experience:
5-8 percent of IPR lost every year!
Reminder - What are DRMs ?
• Systems that replicate and extend existing methods
of control of rights for digital media
• DRMs define rights to content through a rights model
• DRMs enforce the granting of rights through:
– Legal tools including license agreement, copyright notices,
registration, and EU and international copyright laws,
– Audit trails, including, IP address tracking, and
– Technological measures including encryption, user
authentication and conditional access.
Where are DRMs applied?
Typical DRMs are B2C or B2B models
Video Content (package & streamed)
Audio Content (package & streamed)
Computer Software (professional, consumer & games etc)
Electronic Publishing (eBooks, news, entertainment,
business Intelligence etc)
• Educational (training programmes, open learning etc)
Who provides DRM Technologies ? (1)
Ebook compiler &
delivery system for
secure delivery of
published content
Content Server,
documents and
document control
systems (PDF)
Atabok DRM focused
onCorporate data – File
protection system and
digital wrapper, also
VCNMail for Email.
Mirage Client/Server
technology for
encrypted delivery to
Streaming &
technologies for
Giovanni Digital
Watermarking And
Trusted Transaction
Preview Ziplok DRM,
HASP electronic
security systems and
Privilege Commerce
XrML 2.0 and Toolsets Extensible Rights
Markup Language and
implementation support
NOTE : this is not an exhaustive list of companies or technologies, nor does it
necessarily indicate all of a company’s DRM- related offerings
Who provides DRM Technologies ? (2)
RightsLink Transaction
ImageBridge, MarkSpider,
MediaBridge Digital
KineticEdge DRM System
TitleVision - drag-anddrop transfer of licensed
content to PDA and
wireless devices for
secure viewing and use.
Traceware - IP location
system for tracing and
control of media.
DWS Rights Clearing
System - Napster
Enterprise/Hosted OS-Level management
of digital rights
Commerce engine
EMMS Electronic
Media Management
NOTE : this is not an exhaustive list of companies or technologies, nor does it
necessarily indicate all of a company’s DRM- related offerings
Who provides DRM Technologies ? (3)
iCopyright Instant
Clearing Service
Digital Property
Protection InTether
Desktop / Server for
corporate solutions
Metatrust Rights System
Hardware and Software,
Digibox secure container
& InterRights point.
Liquifier Pro – digital
watermark embedding.
Liquid Player/Plus streaming, downloading,
purchase & playback of
digital audio
MacroSAFE - IP-based
system for secure
distribution /
management of
broadcast content to
PCs and set-top boxes.
DRUM - Encryption,
Metering, Tracking and
biometric Verification
technology (EMTV) for
secure distribution of
music content over the
Digital Asset Server
(DAS), MediaPlayer
Integrated WinOS DRM
Magex Commerce &
DRM Platform
NOTE : this is not an exhaustive list of companies or technologies, nor does it
necessarily indicate all of a company’s DRM- related offerings
Who provides DRM Technologies ? (4)
NetActive Reach - DRM
/ Security system - uses
‘holes’ in content.
Overdrive DAM/DRM
incorporating Microsoft
Digital Asset Server and
Adobe Content Server
NetDRM Security and
Rights management
system for Broadcast
Audiovisual content
Ziplok, Vbox
Dig rights commerce
RealSystem G2 Media
Commerce Suite
XMCL Extensible
Markup Commerce
Language. (turned
down by MPEG21)
RightsVault end-to-end
solutions for selling,
securing and tracking
digital content.
Photon-Rights - online
publishing and rights
management of digital
ELS Enterprise License
Server - access rights
and licenses (digital
keys) for digital content
on Internet devices using
SealedMedia Unsealer
NOTE : this is not an exhaustive list of companies or technologies, nor does it
necessarily indicate all of a company’s DRM- related offerings
Who provides DRM Technologies ? (5)
SimpleDevices, SimpleServe
and SimpleMedia automated
content delivery and
interaction from server to PC
and out to a variety of thinclient devices.
AuthortoReader, Rights
& Royalties - financial,
production and editorial
management application
DRM support.
Get-a-seal - online digital
notary, Get-a-copy purchase of reproduction
rights,Get-a-song, - secure
music distribution/delivery
service, eBookSuite Content preparation
and DRM system for
ArchiText – information
management system.
iSyndicate – news
syndication with Digital
Rights Management.
NOTE : this is not an exhaustive list of companies or technologies, nor does it
necessarily indicate all of a company’s DRM- related offerings
Who is working on DRM Standards? (1)
• DOI Digital Object Identifier
• Method for identifying content
• similar to ISBN / SKU numbers for
books / retail goods.
• Created in 1996, now managed by
International DOI foundation.
• Increasing numbers of Publishers
and DRM application developers use
Who is working on DRM Standards? (2)
• Xerox PARC defined comprehensive
rights model (mid-90’s)
• Embodied in Digital Property Rights
Language (DPRL).
• Xerox spin-off - ContentGuard Inc.
• Enhancement of DPRL.
• XrML – Extensible Rights Markup
Language - rights-focused extension to
XML meta-language.
• Adopted by MEG21 – needs
simplification / rework
Who is working on DRM Standards? (4)
• Open Digital Rights Language – a Digital Rights
Management expression language and data dictionary
• vocabulary for terms and conditions over digital content
including permissions, constraints, obligations,
conditions, offers and agreements with rights holders.
• ODRL positioned to be extended by different industry
sectors (eg; ebooks, music, audio, mobile, software)
• ODRL targeted at being a core interoperability
• freely available - no licensing requirements
• Adopted by MPEG21 along with XrML
DVB Copy Protection / Rights Management offerings
VWM group (video watermark)
Digimarc (video watermark)
Verance (audio watermark)
4C Entity, LLC (DVD audio/video/SD)
Digital Content Protection, LLC (DVI)
Pioneer (recordable DVD)
IBM (Home Network security)
NDS (End-to-End)
Broadcom (System on Chip DRM)
Philips (Security framework)
Irdeto (copy protection framework)
OCCAM (Conditional access framework)
• MEI/Panasonic (end-to-end NetDRM &
Veridian (license ticket)
Macrovision (end-to-end)
Nokia (end-to-end and rights expression)
DTLA (link encryption)
Sony (link encryption)
• Thales (trusted network)
• Cisco (end-to-end)
Sample of dital watermarking:
another sample, from Signum T
ARTISCOPE: web pages
What is the Current Status for DRMs ?
• DRM Systems offer solutions by enabling right owners
to make digital content available in a secure manner,
and to receive remuneration.
• Industry has robust effective & flexible DRMs
• Speed of uptake and interoperability of DRMs is an
Open issues: Europe-China?
• Is IPR applicable in the same • Has been the Berne
convention mutually signed
legal framework in both
in the SAME way between
Europe and China and if not
• Is local law dealing with
what are, still, opening point
foreign companies/artists
of discussion?
rights on the SAME way as
dealing with the local parties?
Business / Market Issues for DRMs
• Uptake rate of DRM solutions and volume of protected
content must both increase.
• Confidence in DRM solutions must increase.
• Right business models must exist in order to earn
consumer confidence in DRM solutions
• Interoperability will secure significant increase in all the
above aspects.
Technology Issues for DRMs
• DRM technologies offer means to manage and control
content delivery and to protect content.
• DRMs need to be as robust as reasonably possible
• No system can be totally perfect, and DRMs may be
• Key tools to fight hackers and professional pirates are
adequate legislation with appropriate sanctions and
strong enforcement
• Interoperability is essential in some form, but currently
mandated technology standards may harm innovation
and competition, undermining move to flexible solutions
expected by consumers and right owners.
Andrea de Polo
Andrea @ alinari . it