Transcript Document

Environmental Management
for Sustainable Rural
Environment Management Framework
for Poverty Alleviation Projects
Providing environment management support to the
State Government’s initiatives supported by World
Bank to enable rural poor to improve their
livelihoods through their own organizations
CEE is Environment Agency for
Indira Kranthi Patham (Andhra Pradesh District
Poverty Initiatives Project - APDPIP and Andhra
Pradesh Rural Poverty Reduction Project APRPRP)
Vazhndhu Kaatuvom (Tamil Nadu Empowerment
and Poverty Reduction Project - TNEPRP)
In other states…
Developed Environment
Management Framework
(EMF) for Bihar Rural
Livelihoods Project (BRLP)
Conducted Environment
Audit and Supervisions for
Chhattisgarh District
Poverty reduction
Programme (CDPRP) and
Rajasthan District Poverty
Initiatives Project (RDPIP)
Environment Management
Framework (EMF)
 To ensure that neither the livelihoods of the
poor nor the environment are compromised
 Explore possibilities of making efforts to
improve livelihoods as well as conservation of
the environment complimentary so that there
are sustained benefits from the development
activities initiated
 To promote eco friendly livelihood activities
Components of EMF
Environmental Assessment (EA) : Process
of identifying any negative impact of
livelihood activity on local natural
resources and suggesting alternatives
 Proactive Interventions: Encouraging
activities having complimentary
relationship with environment
Proposal for livelihood activity by the community
CEE provides training for
District Office
Screening by District Office
CEE developed material and
tools for assessment and
provided training
Level Decision
Level 0
Proposal can be
Level 1
Assessment by AT
Level 2
Assessment by
Resource Group
CEE provided training
and material for ERG
Monitoring by CEE and convergence
with line departments during the
monitoring visits and follow up
Environmental Assessment (EA)
Components of EA:
 Capacity building
 EA Tools for livelihood activities
 IEC Materials
 Monitoring (Supervision Visit)
Capacity Building
Capacity building at State level
For Project
 Trainings for the
DPMU staff and
Resource Group
(ERG) Members,
 Main trainings
 Refresher trainings
Capacity Building at District level
Community: Community
Resource Persons (CRPs),
Zilla Samaikya (ZS)
members, Manadal
Samaikya (MS) members,
Village Organization (VO)
members, Beneficiaries
 Facilitation during main
trainings for CRPs
 During supervision
visits to ZS, MS, VO
and beneficiaries
 Training Area
Coordinators (ACs)
during supervision visit
Environmental Assessment Tools
Checks the compliance of the
proposed activity with the
World Bank safeguard policies
and relevant rules and
regulations of Government
Identifies the common
practices and suggests
alternatives wherever required
Developed for different kinds
of activities and for different
use groups
Parts of an EA Tool
Over view of the tool
 Natural resource – Impact
 Impact – Mitigation Measures
 Indicators for Mitigation Measures
 Available support for mitigation measures
Levels of Assessment
Dos and don’ts
Details of Mitigation Measures
Activities for which tools are
Level 0
Doesn’t depend on or use any
natural resource directly, doesn’t
adversely impact any natural
resource, detailed assessment not
Rural Insurance, Readymade Garments
and embroidery
Level 1
Marginal or short-term impact or Bamboo baskets ,Food preparation, Land
positive impact on the
development, Cashew Vegetables,
Groundnut, Paddy, Dairy, NTFP, Cattle
sheds, Woodchips cutting, Pottery,
Washing powder, Fish pickle unit
Level 2
Significant or irreversible or
long-term negative impact
Brick making, Sheep rearing, Bore well,
Severe adverse environmental
impact, which cannot be
mitigated within a feasible
timeframe and budget
Not yet come
Level 3
Check dam, Power laundry, Country
bricks, Leather
IEC Materials
For Indira Kranthi Patham – Andhra
Handbooks on proactive
agricultural technologies
or practices
Cropping Systems
Soil and Water
Organic Nutrient
Non Chemical Pest
Community awareness materials
A set of 10 posters
on process of EMF
and issues in most
common livelihoods
and mitigation
Flip charts
Four flip charts on
 Livestock and
 Non Chemical Pest
Management (NPM)
 Drought
 Integrated Nutrient
Management (INM)
Handbook on proactive
energy technologies
Sakthi Parignanalu: This
book gives information
about proactive energy
technology, their benefits
and limitation along with
the cost and suppliers
Bio mass Energy
Improved stoves, Improved
Brick kiln, Improved Pottery
Kiln, Lime Kiln, etc
Solar Energy
Solar cookers, dryers, pump
sets ,etc
Documentation of Best
Documentation of best
practices followed by the
beneficiaries as tradition
Recording of best
practices during the
supervision visits
News letter – Haritha
• District Baseline Report
• Environmental Monitor Report
Material for Vazhndhu Kaatuvom (Tamil Nadu
Empowerment and Poverty Reduction Project TNEPRP
 A manual on Environment Management Framework (EMF)
 A manual on Content and Methodology for training for EMF
Hand books:
 Eco friendly livelihood activities
 Environment management of livestock activities
 Energy efficient technologies for rural areas
Flip charts:
 Livestock and environment
 Small scale industries
 Water and sanitation
 A set of 10 posters on Environment Management Framework
Supervision methodology
Desk review to check if EA process
is being integrated or not.
 Minimum 50 subprojects
randomly selected and checked
per district per every six months.
Field visits to check if measures are
being implemented or not and to get
updated on the type of activities,
issues etc.
 15 sub projects of various
activities are selected to check the
implementation of the EMF per
district once every six months
Convergence with Government
Linkage with the Govt.
departments for
possible convergence
and technical support &
Documenting the
relevant Govt schemes
Facilitating VO
Establishing a
committee responsible
for follow up
Beneficiaries interacting with Project Director
for further support for implementation of
alternatives suggested by CEE
Feed back
To the DPMU: In the
form of report
To the VOs/MS:
Report in the form
of poster
Few out comes. …. at Guntur District
Water facility near
the shed
Financial support for
shed construction
Fencing for sheep in
front of the shed
Permanente container for
Shed construction for sheep
with proper place and
Fodder Development – Grass and Trees
Fodder development at Community
Subabul Tress raised around the
Fodder development at individual
SRI cultivation at Ibrahimpatnam
Non Chemical Pest Management Practices
Thank you