5_ LL984 Editor and

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Transcript 5_ LL984 Editor and

Legacy Upgrade Agenda

Hardware Upgrade Overview

Legacy Application Import Tool

Add Quantum Ethernet DIO drops 45 minutes

Add new X80 Ethernet DIO drops 45 minutes

LL984 Editor and Unity Overview 20 minutes 60 minutes 60 minutes

Legacy Application – LL984 Editor

What are the topics:

●Segment and Networks ● Online

Segments & Networks

What are the topics:

● User Interface – same ‘Look and Feel’ ● Segment Scheduler ● Logic Solve Order ● Adding LL984 Logic ● View Modes of LL984 Editor Networks ● Documentation Import ● Hybrid Application

User interface has same ‘Look and Feel’

• Same ‘look and feel’ with the 7 x 11 Nodes in each Network • Instruction bar (with XMIT) and Tool Bar • Now up to 64 Segments and 2000 Networks

Segment Network: LL Icon, gray = empty network 7 x 11

Segment Scheduling

ProWORX32 Unity Segment 1 Remote Drop Number: Black = Drop is configured Red = Drop is not configured Unity Segment 4

Logic Solve Order

LD IEC will solve this logic _1, _2, _3 Then _4, _5, _6.

LL984 in Unity will solve this logic _1, _2, _3, _4, Then _5 and _6 Free Formed Text boxes are allowed in the LL984 networks

Adding LL984 Logic

When adding an instruction it will be Blue when it is invalid data and will not build, it will also have a Red ~~~ under it.

When the add instruction has valid references it will be Black and have no Red ~~~

View Modes of LL984 Editor Networks

Documentation Import

Network Comment ProWORX32 Descriptor Comments Short Comment Unity Long Comment

IEC and LL984 mixed

LL984 and IEC applications are allowed and the Sections can be intermixed. This is a Concept application Import


Lab Exercise – Networks and Segments

At the completion of this module the participant should be able to: ● Navigate Unity Pro project using the Project Browser.

● Access LL984 editor networks ● Create variable in LL984 editor ● Look-up Segment Scheduler through Remote IO Properties


What will we discuss:

• Network Power Flow • Animation Tables • Forced Booleans • Imported Forced Booleans • Show Instruction

Network Power Flow

PLC in Run

Contact %I1153 (_101153) displays both Power and State flow When the PLC is stopped Power flow is no longer displayed Highlighted contact information

● Power & State Flow display in one place PLC Stopped

The last scan State is displayed

Animation Tables

(Data Watch Window, RDE etc.) ● ● ●

Animation Tables are easy to create The easiest way is CTL A, CTL T, this will create an animation of the current network Or you can rubber band the logic (selecting multiple nodes while holding down Shift Key), then right click and select Initialize Animation Table

● ●

Or you can manually enter the references Additionally, if you need to view a Real (float) enter %MFx (x=1 column of the Animation Table st %MW) in the Name

Forced Booleans

Forced nodes will have a box around the displayed address, 984 address or variable and the color indicates the state In logic, right click on the node and force to the desired state or unforce In the animation table select Force then the desired state Unforce

● ● ●

You can easily force your contacts and coils Force either while viewing the logic or from the Animation Table Unity allows Forcing/ Unforcing and state changes with Memory Protect on

Imported Forced Booleans

1) 2) 3) 1) 2) 3) Select: Force Select: Swap to Multiple Mode Select: Executes Multiple Identified that there are Forced Bool’s in the Application

Show Instruction

(Register Editor, Instruction Editor etc.)

Right click on the instruction then select Show Instruction will display its “zoom” screen. You must be built and Online to use this feature.

Lab Exercise 4 – Online

At the completion of this module the participant should be able to: ● Create Animation Table from Project Browser.

● Create Animation Table from logic section.

● Selectively create an Animation Table from logic section.

● Utilize Forced Boolean tools

Legacy Application – Tools and Advantages

What are the topics:

● Unity Tools ● Unity Advantages

Unity Tools

What will we discuss:

● Searching ● Locate Writing and Reading ● Bookmarks ● Online Help ● Imported Forced Booleans ● Show Instruction


Direct: Highlight and Right Click Enter the address in the search window of use the list box Custom Search by accessing the Data Editor

Search Navigation

Cross reference element location Cross reference element operation Causes a jump to either the previous or next instance Jumps to the highlighted instance Jumps to the next or previous instance

Locate Writing and Reading


Locate Writing Locate Reading Bookmark

•Trace/Retrace highlights the nodes and creates automatic bookmarks. There is also a bookmark table created, it can be found in Tools >> Bookmarks.


Double left click then rename (be patient) Bookmarks, both, can be disabled by unchecking. When disabled they will be skipped when using next/previous. They will then be light gray.

The bookmark with the arrow is the current selected bookmark To add a bookmark (manual) place the cursor on the row location in the bookmark column right click and Toggle Bookmark. It can be removed by repeating Toggle Bookmark.

● Bookmarks allow you to tag specific rows in the networks and then quickly transition from one bookmark to next ● They are saved with the project

On Line Help

Lab Exercise – Unity Tools

At the completion of this module the participant should be able to: ● Navigate the Search results for references, addresses, and variables.

● Establish Bookmarks in the program.

● Trace and Retrace ladder logic.

● Access

Help on Type available for the LL984 Editor and LL984 instructions

Unity Advantages

What will we discuss:

Derived Data Types ● Derived Function Blocks ● Events ● Diagnostics ● Operator Screens ● Data Dictionary

Derived Data Types

(DDT’s )

DDT’s allow you to create custom arrays (mixed data types) These arrays can be referenced many times .

Example of a tank Tank Level Floats High And Low Tank Flow Meter


Pump Contactor And Aux Input Without the uses of Derived Data Types You would create the following variables for each tank:

● Tank_High_Float ● Tank_Low_Float ● Pump_Contactor ● Pump_Aux_Input ● Discharge Flow_Meter

If the application had 10 tanks, that would be 50 variables


Using DDT’s in Unity for the same example 1. Create the DDT named “Tank_System” 2. Create one variable “Soap_Tank” which is an array of 10 of the DDT “Tank_System” 3.

Done, All 50 variables created in two steps complete with documentation . Referenced in logic:

Derived Function Blocks

(DFB’s) Used for repetitive logic, create a DFB that internally contains the required logic. Now the block can be used many times to control.

Tank Farm Example: The Derived Function Block has 5 logic sections which controls one tank. Enter the DFB 10 times in the logic with the proper references and all 10 tank have been programmed.


(Timer and I/O) Event Timers or I/O Events programmed in a Structured Text Section.

This Timer Event ST code accumulates all of the flow from each tank flow meter every second.


(%S and %SW) ● Benefits of System Words (%SW) and System Bits (%S), extensive bit and word level diagnostics information ● LL984 STAT block is not needed because PLC and I/O status is in %SW’s and %S.


(Diagnostics Viewer) It is a tool that is built into Unity The information can be synchronized with up to external 16 devices (like HMIs) by creating a DFB using the Diagnostics instructions

Operator Screens

Virtually any SCADA or HMI screen can be displayed in the Unity Environment Operator screens are not loaded into the PLC.

Data Dictionary

Create all your tags in Unity using data dictionary and then ● those tags are available in: FactoryCast (Web Pages) ● Vijeo Designer (HMI) PlantStruxure also provides single database access between Unity and Citect SCADA.

Configured under Tools >> Project Settings >> General >> PLC diagnostics and PLC embedded data

Lab Exercise – Unity Advantages

At the completion of this module the participant should be able to: ● Create (Derived Function Blocks) DFBs and explain advantages.

● Combine (Derived Data Types) DDTs with DFBs.

● Add new DFB using FBD program editor. ● Create new variable using user defined DDT ● Add entire sections of new logic using proven, tested, DFB logic.