Transcript Document

• Provision Map Writer and Learning Plans Edukey -
• Provision Map Writer – Bluehills
• Provision Manager - M.A.C. Consultancy
Services Ltd -
What is it?
It’s a management
system designed
for SENCOs &
school leaders.
It allows for a
whole school
approach to
What are the benefits?
Zero software installation – links with SIMS
Whole school approach
Real time
Staff awareness & information sharing
Time saving
Pupil Premium & Ofsted
Transfer of pupil records from feeders
LA / Academy cluster dashboard – local offer
What does it do?
SEN/ALN register
Assess - Plan - Do - Review
Learning plans
Provision Mapping
Perform reviews & record outcomes
Track Pupil Premium spending & effectiveness
Detailed & flexible reporting
Meetings record
Parental involvement
“Round Robins” (School Robins plugin)
EHC Plans (Spring 2015)
Pupil Passports (December 2014)
What can use it?
• Senior leaders
• Staff
• Access levels:
• Administrator – manage staff and school settings
• School Staff
– Contributor users
– Read Only users
– Custom permissions
• External agencies
How much does it cost?
SIMS link licence is an additional £120/yr
Bluehills - Costs
• Primary, Middle, Special schools
• £210 2nd year onwards
• £520 1st year/
• Secondary schools
• £500 2nd year onwards
• £1250 1st year
• Annual SIMS Link subscription:
• £65 Primary, Middle, Special schools
• £125 Secondary Schools
Provision Manager - Costs
• One year licence - £99.99 + VAT
• Two year licence - £119.99 + VAT
• Three year licence - £254.99 + VAT