Transcript Document

Draft SEN Code of
for 0 to 25 years
What is it and what does it mean for you?
The DfE has produced statutory guidance concerning Part 3 of the Children
and Families Bill; the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Code of Practice.
The 174 page guidance was published in October 2013 and contains a
wealth of information that school leaders and local authorities (LAs) may find
valuable. The Code provides practical advice on how to identify, assess and
make provision for children and young people with SEN.
This information will enable schools to gain a clear understanding of the
duties, policies and procedures inherent within the Code and also to ensure
that the statutory duties towards Children with SEN are effectively fulfilled.
The key points concerning the SEN Code of Practice Statutory Guide have
been presented in this 3-Minute Read in an efficient and concise manner.
Changes from the 2001 Code of Practice
The main changes from the SEN Code of Practice (2001), to reflect the new
legislation, are:
Covers the 0-25 age range.
Clearer focus on the views of children and young people and their role in
Guidance on the joint planning and commissioning of services to ensure
co-operation between education, health services and social care.
For children and young people with complex needs, a co-ordinated
assessment and the new 0-25 Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC
plan) replace statements and Learning Difficulty Assessments (LDAs).
New guidance on the support pupils and students should receive in
education and training settings.
Greater focus on support that enables those with SEN to succeed in their
education and make a successful transition to adulthood.
Family centred system
LAs must ensure that parents and children participate in discussions and
decisions about every aspect of the assessment and provision of SEN,
planning outcomes and making provision to meet those outcomes, and in:
Planning and reviewing the local offer.
Reviewing SEN and social care provision.
Drawing up individual EHC plans, reviews and reassessments.
Also, when a child is over compulsory school age, it is their views that take
precedence over their parents in respect of assessments and EHC plans.
LAs should work in partnership with health professionals, educational
institutions (including early years), and other agencies to promote aspiration
for children with SEN and their parents.
Working across education, health and care
LAs have a duty to promote integration between SEN, health and social care
provision, where this would improve the quality of the provision.
The local offer must set out the range of services available locally across
these sectors for Children with SEN and the support that Children with SEN
can access outside the local area. Joint commissioning arrangements for the
planning, implementation and review of SEN, health and social care provision
should be agreed accordingly.
Governing Bodies, Principals and Headteacher’s should be included in the
review of EHC plans.
The local offer
LAs must publish a local offer, setting out in one place, information about
provision they expect to be available for children and young people in their
area who have SEN, including those who do not have EHC plans. The local
offer has two key purposes:
1. To provide clear, comprehensive and accessible information about the
provision available.
2. To make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations by
directly involving children and young people with SEN, parents and
carers, and service providers in its development and review.
Education providers
Maintained nursery schools, mainstream schools, 16-19 academies, further
education institutions and pupil referral units must:
Ensure that all necessary provision is made for any individual with SEN.
Cooperate with their LA in developing the local offer.
Designate a member of staff (the SENCO) to coordinate provision for
children with SEN.
Ensure that Children with SEN take part in school activities with children
who do not have SEN, as far as possible.
Publish information on the school’s SEN policy, and the measures and
facilities put in place to assist access for Children with Disabilities.
Assessments and EHC plans
The child’s parents, a young person or a school representative have the right
to request a SEN assessment from the LA.
LAs must conduct an assessment of education, health and care needs and
prepare an EHC Plan if they consider that it may be necessary for SEN
provision to be made for the child.
EHC plans must be focused on the outcomes the child seeks to achieve
across education, health and care. EHC plans must set out how services will
work together to meet the child’s needs in delivery of these outcomes.
Children in specific circumstances
Children who have been accommodated or taken into care by LAs are legally
defined as being ‘looked after’ by a LA. Over 70% of ‘looked after’ children
have some form of SEN.
All maintained schools, academies and free schools must appoint a
designated teacher for ‘looked after’ children.
Where that role is carried out by a person other than the SENCO, designated
teachers should work closely with the SENCO to ensure that the implications
of a child being looked after and having SEN are fully understood by relevant
staff members.
Resolving disputes
LAs must make disagreement resolution services available to parents and
young people.
Details of the disagreement resolution arrangements must be included in the
local offer when developing EHC plans.
A number of avenues are available to address disagreements, including
Ofsted, Local Government Ombudsman and First-tier tribunals. The
Secretary of State for Education can also be addressed if the dispute cannot
be solved at the local level.
The First-tier tribunal is explained in more detail in the SEN (Appeals)
Regulation 3-Minute Read, downloadable from TheSchoolBus website.
Transitional Arrangements
From 1 September 2014, transitional arrangements will be put in place to
support the changeover from the current system to the new system in a way
that is manageable.
These arrangements will set out the elements of the following legislative
instruments that will remain in force during the transition period:
SEN Code of Practice (2001).
Section 139A Learning Difficulty Assessments Statutory Guidance (2013).
What’s next?
From 1 September 2014 the provisions in the Children and Families Bill, its
associated regulations and Code of Practice will be in force.
Subject to any transitional arrangements made, from that date the following
guidance will cease to have effect:
• SEN Code of Practice (2001).
• Inclusive Schooling (2001).
• Section 139A Learning Difficulty Assessments Statutory Guidance (2013).
If you wish to discover more about the SEN (2014) Code of Practice and / or
its Statutory Guidance, you can download them in full on TheSchoolBus