Transcript Document

A Financial Market Model
G. Yang1, K. Wang1, B. Zhao1, L. Zheng1, T. Y. Fan1, C. H. Wang1
W. Wang1, L. Zhao1, Y. Chen2 and J. P. Huang1
of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
of Systems Innovation, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
Regulation of the trade
For a long time, people are trying to predict
the trend of price changes. But even Isaac
Newton exclaimed that he could calculate
celestial motion, but could not calculate
human madness.
We present here a financial market model
using the technique of agent-based modeling
(ABM). In the model, we mimic the human
decision-making process of buying or selling
a certain stock. We find that the trends of the
simulated stock price are similar to what we
see in the real markets. In particular, we also
use the Bouchard-Sornette formula to do the
European option pricing. With the adjusted
parameters , the option prices based on the
simulated data are well fitted with the ones
on SH index (2000.1.2-2009.10.27).
European option pricing
The time series
Agent i
Time T
Market Situation: PT
Time T+1
Market Situation: PT+1
His highly-scored
strategy ST gives
the prediction: +1
His highly-scored
strategy ST+1 gives
the prediction: -1
A buy order
A sell order
A sell order
Note that if his predictions of the two
periods (T to T+1 and T+1 to T+2) are
the same, he will give a sell and a buy
order at T+1. The total effect is: he
will not give an order.
Assuming a proportionality between
price change and excess demand:
ln xT 1  ln xT  k  ln Nb  ln Ns 
we can get the time series of the price.
Structure of the model
For the European option, under several
assumptions, we can use the BouchardSornette formula to do the option pricing:
A buy order
Assume that each agent can only have one unit stock
Call option && Put option:
If you purchase a call option, you will have
the right to choose whether to buy a given
assets at a striking price X at the expiring
date T. And if you buy a put option, you
will have the right to sell the underlying
Simulated results
N=1000, S=6, P=32, k=0.09
n 1
Vc 
 (H[ x[ j]  X ]
Vp 
 (H[ X  x[ j]]
j 0
n 1
j 0
n[ R
x R
n[ Rmin  jR]
( x[ j ]  X  0 ))
x R
n[ Rmin  jR]
( X  x[ j ]  0 ))
 j R ]
The item min n
in the formula can be
calculated using the history price series of
the real markets. It represents the occurrence
frequency of de-trended return Rmin  jR .
Here we set the parameters of the financial
market model as N=1000,P=32,S=6,
k=0.09 and simulate for 2000 time steps.
Then we use the simulated stock price series
to do the option pricing (see the red dots in
the figures below). To be contrast, we also
use SH index (2000.1.2-2009.10.27) to do
the pricing (the black dots) .
Initial spot value x0=500, expiring date T=21.
A strategy
+1 stands for the
prediction of the
stock price to rise
and -1 is the
contrary opinion.
The number of +1 denoted as L.
L represents the optimistic degree of the strategy.
Each agent has S strategies. The
integer L of each strategy is randomly
chosen from 0, 1, 2, …, P.
At each time, an agent uses his highly
–scored strategy. The strategies which
give a right prediction will be added 1
unit score.
Fig.(a), (b), (c) are obtained by the
input of the different values of the
random function's original seed.
Order flow is defined as the total
number of sell orders and buy orders
at each time.
• We design a financial market model.
Inputting different original seeds, we can
simulate various trends of price changes.
• We also use the simulated data to do the
option pricing. It shows that with the
parameters properly set, the results are
well fitted with the ones using SH index.
• In this work, we don’t take into account
several nontrivial properties when
designing the model, such as herd which
can cause fat tails and extreme volatility.
The methodology of the combination of
option pricing and this model is not
perfect, either. We will concentrate on
these problems in the following work.