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Arrangement of the
Deuteronomic Code
12:1-16:17 laws about worship
12 laws about centralization of sacrifice
16:18-18:22 laws about authorities and
16:18-20 judges and officials
17:14-20 the king
18:9-22 prophets
Deuteronomic Code (continued)
19-25 other private and public laws
20 Holy War
22:13-23:1 Sexual offenses
24:1-4 divorce
25:5-10 Levirate marriage
The Ten Commandments and
Deut 12-26
#1-3 Deut 12:2-16:7
#4 Deut 16:18-18:22 authorities and institutions
#5 Deut 19:1-21:23
#6 Deut 22:13-23:15
#7 23:16-24:7
#8 Deut 24:8-25:4
#9 Deut 25:5-12
#10 Deut 25:13-16
Reasons for Centralization
Other sites were idolatrous or syncretistic
Old central sanctuary now became sole
Reforms of Hezekiah and Josiah were in
part political: rejection of Assyria led to
rejection of their religious inroads
Deduction from Yahweh’s oneness
Effects of Centralization
Survival of Israel--a rallying point
A criterion for evaluating history--DTR
Secularized much of life--pre condition for
Ambivalent attitude toward Jerusalem
Temple--cf. Jeremiah’s temple sermon
Emancipation of Debt Slaves
Exod 21:2-11
Only men freed
If male slave given
wife by master, he
goes out alone
If slave desires to stay,
ear pierced in presence
of God.
Deut 15:12-18
Men and women freed
Given gifts upon
If slave desires to stay,
awl through ear into
the door
Function of Prophet in
Reports God’s word; mediator between God
and people
Intercessor 9:18-25
Suffers as representative of the people 4:2122
False Prophets (13:1-5; 18:9-22)
False if their words do not come true (cf.
Second Isaiah and Ezekiel’s word against
False if they ask you to go after “other
False if they have not stood in God’s
council (Jer 23:9-32) or if they are not sent
by God
False if they prophesy “peace”
Future Prophet(s)
The Lord your God will raise up for you a
prophet like me from among your own
people; you shall heed such a prophet. Deut
Prophetic movement fulfills this verse
34:10 Never since has there arisen a prophet
in Israel like Moses
Mal 4:5-6 “Elijah” to come before day of
the Lord
Eschatological Prophet
1 Macc 4:41-50 altar stones; 14:41 Simon the
High Priest
Qumran Prophet precedes messiahs of Aaron and
John 6:14 Jesus feeds 5,000; cf. John 1:21: Are
you the prophet?
Acts 3:24 God raised up his servant
Acts 4:34 fulfillment of Deuteronomy 15
Acts 7:37 Stephan quotes Deut 18:15
The King
Deut 17:14-20 King subject to Law--he
shall read in it all the days of his life
no horses, chariotry
should not multiply wives
2 Sam 7 and 23
Pss 2 and 110
1 Samuel 8
Name Theology
Yahweh causes his name to dwell in
sanctuary (e.g. Deut 12:5, 11, 21)
Ark a box to hold ten commandments
• sign of God’s presence in war (older sources)
• mercy seat (in P)
• P tabernacle; dwell (not live)
• 1 Sam 4 Yahweh enthroned on cherubim
• What is this house you would build for me? Isa 66:1