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Arrangement of the
Deuteronomic Code
 12:1-16:17 laws about worship
12 laws about centralization of sacrifice
 16:18-18:22 laws about authorities and
16:18-20 judges and officials
17:14-20 the king
18:9-22 prophets
Deuteronomic Code (continued)
 19-25 other private and public laws
20 Holy War
22:13-23:1 Sexual offenses
24:1-4 divorce
25:5-10 Levirate marriage
The Ten Commandments and
Deut 12-26
#1-3 Deut 12:2-16:7
#4 Deut 16:18-18:22 authorities and institutions
#5 Deut 19:1-21:23
#6 Deut 22:13-23:15
#7 23:16-24:7
#8 Deut 24:8-25:4
#9 Deut 25:5-12
#10 Deut 25:13-16
Reasons for Centralization
 Other sites were idolatrous or syncretistic
 Old central sanctuary now became sole
 Reforms of Hezekiah and Josiah were in
part political: rejection of Assyria led to
rejection of their religious inroads
 Deduction from Yahweh’s oneness
Effects of Centralization
 Survival of Israel--a rallying point
 A criterion for evaluating history--DTR
 Secularized much of life--pre condition for
 Ambivalent attitude toward Jerusalem
Temple--cf. Jeremiah’s temple sermon
Emancipation of Debt Slaves
 Exod 21:2-11
 Only men freed
 If male slave given
wife by master, he
goes out alone
 If slave desires to stay,
ear pierced in presence
of God.
 Deut 15:12-18
 Men and women freed
 Given gifts upon
 If slave desires to stay,
awl through ear into
the door
Function of Prophet in
 Reports God’s word; mediator between God
and people
 Intercessor 9:18-25
 Suffers as representative of the people 4:2122
False Prophets (13:1-5; 18:9-22)
 False if their words do not come true (cf.
Second Isaiah and Ezekiel’s word against
 False if they ask you to go after “other
 False if they have not stood in God’s
council (Jer 23:9-32) or if they are not sent
by God
 False if they prophesy “peace”
Future Prophet(s)
 The Lord your God will raise up for you a
prophet like me from among your own
people; you shall heed such a prophet. Deut
 Prophetic movement fulfills this verse
 34:10 Never since has there arisen a prophet
in Israel like Moses
 Mal 4:5-6 “Elijah” to come before day of
the Lord
Eschatological Prophet
 1 Macc 4:41-50 altar stones; 14:41 Simon the
High Priest
 Qumran Prophet precedes messiahs of Aaron and
 John 6:14 Jesus feeds 5,000; cf. John 1:21: Are
you the prophet?
 Acts 3:24 God raised up his servant
 Acts 4:34 fulfillment of Deuteronomy 15
 Acts 7:37 Stephan quotes Deut 18:15
The King
 Deut 17:14-20 King subject to Law--he
shall read in it all the days of his life
 no horses, chariotry
 should not multiply wives
 2 Sam 7 and 23
 Pss 2 and 110
 1 Samuel 8
Name Theology
 Yahweh causes his name to dwell in
sanctuary (e.g. Deut 12:5, 11, 21)
 Ark a box to hold ten commandments
• sign of God’s presence in war (older sources)
• mercy seat (in P)
 Compare
• P tabernacle; dwell (not live)
• 1 Sam 4 Yahweh enthroned on cherubim
• What is this house you would build for me? Isa 66:1