Distributed Systems Principles and Paradigms

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Distributed Systems
Principles and Paradigms
Chapter 05
Communication & Synchronization
• Why do processes communicate in DS?
– To exchange messages
– To synchronize processes
• Why do processes synchronize in DS?
– To coordinate access of shared resources
– To order events
Time, Clocks and Clock Synchronization
• Time
– Why is time important in DS?
– E.g. UNIX make utility (see Fig. 5-1)
• Clocks (Timer)
– Physical clocks
– Logical clocks (introduced by Leslie Lamport)
– Vector clocks (introduced by Collin Fidge)
• Clock Synchronization
– How do we synchronize clocks with real-world time?
– How do we synchronize clocks with each other?
05 – 1
Distributed Algorithms/5.1 Clock Synchronization
Physical Clocks (1/3)
Problem: Clock Skew – clocks gradually get out of synch and give
different values
Solution: Universal Coordinated Time (UTC):
• Formerly called GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
• Based on the number of transitions per second of the cesium 133
atom (very accurate).
• At present, the real time is taken as the average of some 50
cesium-clocks around the world – International Atomic Time
• Introduces a leap second from time to time to compensate that
days are getting longer.
UTC is broadcasted through short wave radio (with the accuracy of
+/- 1 msec) and satellite (Geostationary Environment Operational
Satellite, GEOS, with the accuracy of +/- 0.5 msec).
Question: Does this solve all our problems? Don’t we now have
some global timing mechanism?
05 – 2
Distributed Algorithms/5.1 Clock Synchronization
Physical Clocks (2/3)
Problem: Suppose we have a distributed system with a UTCreceiver somewhere in it, we still have to distribute its time to each
Basic principle:
• Every machine has a timer that generates an interrupt H (typically
60) times per second.
• There is a clock in machine p that ticks on each timer interrupt.
Denote the value of that clock by Cp (t) , where t is UTC time.
• Ideally, we have that for each machine p, Cp (t) = t, or, in other
words, dC/ dt = 1
• Theoretically, a timer with H=60 should generate 216,000 ticks per
• In practice, the relative error of modern timer chips is 10**-5 (or
between 215,998 and 216,002 ticks per hour)
05 – 3
Distributed Algorithms/5.1 Clock Synchronization
Physical Clocks (3/3)
Where r is the max. drift rate
Goal: Never let two clocks in any system differ by more than d time units =>
synchronize at least every d/2r seconds.
05 – 4
Distributed Algorithms/5.1 Clock Synchronization
Clock Synchronization Principles
• Principle I: Every machine asks a time server for the
accurate time at least once every d/2r seconds (see Fig. 5-5).
But you need an accurate measure of round trip delay,
including interrupt handling and processing incoming
• Principle II: Let the time server scan all machines
periodically, calculate an average, and inform each machine
how it should adjust its time relative to its present time.
Ok, you’ll probably get every machine in sync. Note: you
don’t even need to propagate UTC time (why not?)
05 – 5
Distributed Algorithms/5.1 Clock Synchronization
Clock Synchronization Algorithms
• The Berkeley Algorithm
 The time server polls periodically every machine for its time
 The received times are averaged and each machine is notified of
the amount of the time it should adjust
 Centralized algorithm, See Figure 5-6
• Decentralized Algorithm
 Every machine broadcasts its time periodically for fixed length
resynchronization interval
 Averages the values from all other machines (or averages
without the highest and lowest values)
• Network Time Protocol (NTP)
 the most popular one used by the machines on the Internet
 uses an algorithm that is a combination of centralized/distributed
05 – 6
Distributed Algorithms/5.2 Logical Clocks
Network Time Protocol (NTP)
• a protocol for synchronizing the clocks of computers over packetswitched, variable-latency data networks (i.e., Internet)
• NTP uses UDP port 123 as its transport layer. It is designed
particularly to resist the effects of variable latency
• NTPv4 can usually maintain time to within 10 milliseconds (1/100 s)
over the public Internet, and can achieve accuracies of 200
microseconds (1/5000 s) or better in local area networks under ideal
• visit the following URL to understand NTP in more detail
The Happened-Before Relationship
Problem: We first need to introduce a notion of ordering before we
can order anything.
The happened-before relation on the set of events in a distributed
system is the smallest relation satisfying:
• If a and b are two events in the same process, and a
comes before b, then a  b. (a happened before b)
• If a is the sending of a message, and b is the receipt of
that message, then a  b.
• If a  b and b  c, then a  c. (transitive relation)
Note: if two events, x and y, happen in different processes that do not
exchange messages, then they are said to be concurrent.
Note: this introduces a partial ordering of events in a system with
concurrently operating processes.
05 – 6
Distributed Algorithms/5.2 Logical Clocks
Logical Clocks (1/2)
Problem: How do we maintain a global view on the system’s
behavior that is consistent with the happened-before relation?
Solution: attach a timestamp C(e) to each event e, satisfying the
following properties:
P1: If a and b are two events in the same process, and a
b, then we demand that C (a) < C (b)
P2: If a corresponds to sending a message m, and b to
the receipt of that message, then also C (a) < C (b)
Problem: How do we attach a timestamp to an event when there’s
no global clock?  maintain a consistent set of logical clocks, one
per process.
05 – 7
Distributed Algorithms/5.2 Logical Clocks
Logical Clocks (2/2)
Each process Pi maintains a local counter Ci and adjusts this counter
according to the following rules:
(1) For any two successive events that take place within Pi, Ci is
incremented by 1.
(2) Each time a message m is sent by process Pi, the message
receives a timestamp Tm = Ci.
(3) Whenever a message m is received by a process Pj, Pj adjusts its
local counter Cj:
Property P1 is satisfied by (1); Property P2 by (2) and (3).
This is called the Lamport’s Algorithm
05 – 8
Distributed Algorithms/5.2 Logical Clocks
Logical Clocks – Example
Fig 5-7. (a) Three processes, each with its own clock. The clocks
run at different rates. (b) Lamport’s algorithm corrects the clocks
05 – 9
Distributed Algorithms/5.2 Logical Clocks
Election Algorithms
Principle: Many distributed algorithms require that some process acts
as a coordinator. The question is how to select this special process
Note: In many systems the coordinator is chosen by hand (e.g., file
servers, DNS servers). This leads to centralized solutions => single
point of failure.
Question: If a coordinator is chosen dynamically, to what extent can
we speak about a centralized or distributed solution?
Question: Is a fully distributed solution, i.e., one without a coordinator,
always more robust than any centralized/coordinated solution?
05 – 18
Distributed Algorithms/5.4 Election Algorithms
Election by Bullying (1/2)
Principle: Each process has an associated priority (weight). The
process with the highest priority should always be elected as the
Issue: How do we find the heaviest process?
• Any process can just start an election by sending an election
message to all other processes (assuming you don’t know the weights
of the others).
• If a process Pheavy receives an election message from a lighter
process Plight, it sends a take-over message to Plight. Plight is out of
the race.
• If a process doesn’t get a take-over message back, it wins, and
sends a victory message to all other processes.
05 – 19
Distributed Algorithms/5.4 Election Algorithms
Election by Bullying (2/2)
Question: We’re assuming something very important here – what?
Assumption: Each process knows the process number of other processes
05 – 20
Distributed Algorithms/5.4 Election Algorithms
Mutual Exclusion
Problem: A number of processes in a distributed system want exclusive
access to some resource.
Basic solutions:
• Via a centralized server.
• Completely distributed, with no topology imposed.
• Completely distributed, making use of a (logical) ring.
Centralized: Really simple:
05 – 22
Distributed Algorithms/5.5 Mutual Exclusion
Mutual Exclusion: Ricart & Agrawala
Principle: The same as Lamport except that acknowledgments aren’t
sent. Instead, replies (i.e., grants) are sent only when:
• The receiving process has no interest in the shared resource; or
• The receiving process is waiting for the resource, but has lower
priority (known through comparison of timestamps).
In all other cases, reply is deferred (see the algorithm on pg. 267)
05 – 23
Distributed Algorithms/5.5 Mutual Exclusion
The most straightforward way
to achieve mutual. exclusion in
a distributed system is to simul
ate how it is done in a one-proc
essor system. One process is
elected as the coordinator
• Read Chapter 5