Forensic Image Analysis for Password Recovery

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Forensic Image
Analysis for Password
David C. Smith, CISSP, CISM
Georgetown University
HCP Forensic Services
A little bit about me...
Information Security Officer, Georgetown
 Co-Owner, HCP Forensic Services
Computer Science background, working
towards masters in IA.
The Idea…
Last year at DC15, I overheard a
conversation about the NSA using image
analysis to recovery passwords.
 Your passwords are “buried” in the
machines you use.
 You just need to pull out strings and use
them as a dictionary, right?
Idea… Feasible?
Core dumps, swap space, memory
dumps, logs, deleted temp files, file slack
space, Internet history files, and the such.
 Ever type your password into the
username field?
 User
password1 failed login at …
In this day of absolutely horrible
application programming, the better for
this attack vector!
What exists out there now?
Once I recovered from my DC15 flight home
Dicop-Workerframe from CPAN
 Good,
not complete but has addressed most of the
issues that I foresaw like duplicates and indexing.
 Has not seen progress in a while.
But I did not find anything else relevant or at
least what I was thinking of.. (strings, regex)
A little elaboration on the idea
Ability to pull all stings from an image.
 Length
“Score” strings based on:
 Entropy
 Complexity
and readability
 Password Profiles
Ignore specific OS “trappings”
 system_call,
Generic volume, SymbolicLink
Extract strings
Different ways to extract stings
went with the GNU strings concept.
 User
defined string lengths [8 to 20]
 Brute force / rainbow table first!
Multiple combinations of a string
 1234567890
produces four, 7 letter strings
 1234567, 2345678, 3456789, 4567890
 (Total_string_size – Target_size)+1
(10 – 7) +1 = 4
Extract Strings (2)
This could lead to a large amount of string data to
process on a per image basis.
Some size analysis:
Memory Images
Stripping out strings from forensic image ~10.3% of original size.
Creating passwords from strings ~394% increase
Example 204MB forensic image of memory
24MB of strings
107MB of passwords
Disk Images
Stripping out strings from forensic image ~55% to ~80%
Creating password from strings ~400% increase
Example 75GB forensic image
62 GB of strings
238 GB of passwords
Score Strings
 A measure
of the disorder or randomness in a closed
 Shannon entropy or information entropy is a measure
of the uncertainty associated with a random variable.
just want to avoid “aaaaaaaa3” as a dictionary word.
 But I want “ShmooconRocks!” as a dictionary word.
sub entropy {
my ($hashref, $total, $baselog) = @_;
$baselog = 0.693147180559945 unless $baselog; # log(2)
return undef unless ( ref $hashref and $total > 0 );
my $sum;
$sum += $_ * (log($_)/$baselog) for ( map { $_/$total } values %$hashref );
return -$sum;
ShmooconRocks! entropy =
ShmooconRocks entropy =
shmooconrocks entropy =
aaaaaaaaa3 entropy =
Complexity and readability
Basic password strategies
Dictionary word or sport teams, sports, colors, music groups (1)
Dictionary word with a # at the end (1)
Two words combined with a #, like sun2shine or blue9sky (2)
Quotes “My Half Dead Monkey Died OF WigginG” =
MHFMDOFWG or better, MhDMdofwG! (2)
License plate & l33t (leetspeak) QTGRL and /\/\4D5|<1LL$ (2)
Point is – most of the time users have a readable
Which leads to frequency analysis and base word matching!
(1) Researched password analysis – myspace 20k, Schneier, Fredstie report.
(2) My analysis from various systems and projects, 400k+ over 10 years.
Complexity and readability (2)
 English
uppercase characters [A-Z]
 English lowercase characters [a-z]
 Numerals [0-9]
 Non-alphabetic characters, such as !,$.#%^
 Special symbols, such as β∞£€θ♦ - I like the idea of
having ® in my password!
My thoughts are that complexity is going to be a
key driver in what I developed as password
Password profiles
Idea of password profiles
Based on user and suspected computer ability or paranoia
Standard, Informed, Effort, and AllOut (forced complexity?)
Standard (the masses)
Informed (computer professionals, individuals that somehow
connect to computer crime as “real”).
Average 7 to 8 characters
Rising percentage adding a digit, 1 or 2 to end
Small amounts two word combo
Good amounts English frequency hits
Entropy less than 4, more than 1.4
[a-z] [0-9] [!#$]
Average 9 to 10 characters
Two word combos, l33t passwords
Still good amounts of English frequency
Entropy less that 4, more than 2
[a-z] [0-9] [A-Z] [!@#$%^&*()_+=-]
Don’t forget to check and see if a password policy or forced
strong passwords exist!
Scoring Passwords
Password profiles weight the potential password
 By
identifying a profile you score those passwords
higher for the dictionary sort.
 Why? Because due to space or size requirements you
may only want the top 20% or 30% of potential
 You can still have 100% of passwords with or without
the “trash” [low complexity, low entropy, known system
 Yes, AllOut Profile rates all passwords high with trash.
Turning Scored Passwords into a
The primary purpose of scoring passwords
is to reduce the dictionary size to a
manageable level
 This
can be done by choosing to only keep
the top X% of passwords
 Or splitting the password output into multiple
1st round output: Top 15%
 2nd round output: 15% to 30%
Dictionary formed, now what?
My #1 choice, John the Ripper
 Has
LM, Kerberos, Unix crypt(s)
 Contributed resources include NTLM,
SHA/SHA1, MySQL, Apache + more.
Any other password cracker that takes
dictionary (Cain & Abel, ElcomSoft + more).
 Build your own, if you need it!
 Either
John or programming choice.
John the Ripper
Test]# uname -a
Linux CBlack1 #1 SMP Fri Nov 2 09:10:15 EDT 2007
i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
[root@CB1 test]# cat crack.txt
[root@CB1 test]# /usr/local/bin/john -wordlist=PassScan-image-dcsmith8password-out.txt crack.txt
Loaded 1 password hash (FreeBSD MD5 [32/32])
guesses: 1 time: 0:00:15:29 100% c/s: 4234 trying: sys21tem88
3.9 Million passwords checked before found
Cisco Pix – Cain and Abel
Your Scripts too!
use Digest::SHA1;
use MIME::Base64;
my $targethash = "{SHA}Dyw5fW2lhFlQNepIjVHwvdRfwFA=";
my $passfile = "/work/sha1/PassScan-image-dcsmith9-password-out";
open (SOURCE, $passfile) || die "\nCan't open file $passname: $!";
foreach $line (<SOURCE>) {
root@CB1 Test]# perl
MATCH! Password is why88askwhy
sub checkhash
my($secret) = @_;
$ctx = Digest::SHA1->new;
$hashedPasswd = '{SHA}' . encode_base64($ctx->digest,'');
if ($targethash =~ m/$hashedPasswd/) {
print "MATCH! Password is $secret\n";
That’s pretty much it…
Version 1 is available at
 (HCP Forensics)
 Still fragmented in perl, and
 Lots of HD space needed for strings, passwords, and
duplicate removals.
Next version is needed!
 Port
for speed!
 Combine functionality to allow for one pass processing
 Still not sure about on-the-fly dup removal
 Shmooballs!
 Shout outs:
 My
Georgetown security team
 Trent Beckett
 Wife, who is nice enough to let me follow
these pursuits.
Does anyone else brute-force passwords like this:
[a-z] to 10 characters
[a-z][0-9] to 8 characters
[a-z][0-9][A-Z] to 7 or 8 characters
[a-z][0-9][A-Z][SYMBOLS] to 7 characters
Sometimes I start them all at the same time
Can they be segmented?
Like [a-z][0-9] minus the [a-z] matches
[a-z] for 8 characters = 208,827,064,576 (208 billion)
[a-z][0-9] for 8 characters = 2,821,109,907,456 (2.8 trillion)
Sure it is still 2.6 trillion, but I won’t have to check 208 billion of