Transcript Slide 1

To A Presentation on
Employment Services
• Your Presenters
• April Grainger, Career Specialist
• Paul Burns, Career Specialist
vpi Services
• vpi has provided employment services to
eligible Canadian residents since 1988
• vpi Employment Services are funded by the
Ministry of Training Colleges and
Universities (MTCU) / Employment Ontario
• No cost to clients
Eligibility Criteria
Our Unique Programs & Services
The Ideal Candidate
Referral Process
vpi Unique Service Objectives
• Assist individuals who are looking for
work by assessing their employment
• Help them connect with appropriate vpi
services & programs, and Ministrysponsored programs
• Provide ongoing support until
sustainable employment is secured
vpi Unique Languages
• Although not really a service, vpi can
assist referrals with first-language
support to get them off to a great start
• Even though we prefer our referrals to
be strong in their English skills (Level 5
CLB minimum), vpi does have Mandarin &
Cantonese speaking staff in the
Richmond Hill office
• At vpi we also have a diverse base of
other languages to draw from if
vpi Unique Job Readiness Workshops
Hidden Job Market
Job Management
Resume Building
Resume Feedback
Workplace Safety
Budgeting Basics
Writing Winning
• Researching The
Labour Market
• Interview
• Interview Practice
• Positive Thinking
• Goal Setting
• Understanding
the Canadian
Job Matching, Placement & Incentives
• Objective: to match individual’s skills and
interests with employment opportunities and
employers’ needs in the local labour market.
• Placements can include: apprenticeship training;
work trials (for determining employability) and
work experience opportunities.
• Additional assistance is available through
placement monitoring, support and follow up.
• Wage incentives may be available to employers.
Job Matching, Placement & Incentives
• Eligibility:
– Unemployed /Underemployed persons
not in full-time training.
– Unable to secure work independently
due to multiple employment barriers.
– Legally entitled to work in Canada.
Second Career – What is It?
• The objective of Second
Career is to support laid
off, unemployed
individuals who require
skills training to assist
them to find
employment in
occupations with
demonstrated labour
market prospects in
Skills Enhancement Programmes for
Persons with Disabilities
• vpi will assist with the application process to
obtain funding for upgrading from
Employment Ontario & The Opportunities
Eligibility Criteria:
- Unemployed
- Legally entitled to work in Canada
- Currently not on EI / reach-back status
- Identify as having a disability
Ontario Self-Employment Benefit –
What is it?
• Provides entrepreneurial skills development
support to approved participants to help them
develop and implement their business plan
and become self employed.
• Allows participants to concentrate on building
a sustainable business by providing them with
financial assistance while they receive
business advice and support.
Eligibility for the Ontario Self
Employment Benefit program
Basic Client Eligibility:
– Have an active claim with Employment
Insurance (E.I.).
– Have had an active claim that ended in the
past 36 months (3 years).
– Have had a Maternity or Parental claim that
began within the past 60 months (5 years).
Business Eligibility
• Client must have a viable business
• Requires the business support and
• Client must posses the skills and relevant
qualifications (if any) necessary to carry
out their business concept.
• Client must not have previously owned
and operated a successful business.
Job Creation Partnership
• Provides an opportunity for individuals
who want to develop their skills, gain
work experience, build their résumé, and
create networking connections.
• Can last up to 52 weeks.
• Partnership ends if employment is
• Must be eligible for EI Benefits or qualify
for Reachback status.
Practice Firms
• Modeled after real businesses to
provide unemployed individuals with
“hands on” experience in their field in
which they have experience and/or
training while looking for employment.
Practice Firms
– Unemployed or under employed
– 18 years of age or older
– Have an active claim with Employment
Insurance (E.I.)
– Have had an active claim that ended in the
past 36 months (3 years).
Practice Firms
• Participants work in real departments of a
simulated business & gain valuable work
experience in areas including:
• Administrative
• Marketing/Sales
• Purchasing
• Graphic Arts
• Accounting
• Human Resources • Information
What is an Apprenticeship?
• Apprenticeship is the
entry point and the path
to a rewarding career in
a skilled trade.
• Involves hands-on
training learned in the
• Also involves
classroom based
instruction at a postsecondary institution.
• Ontario has apprenticeship programs
for more than 150 trades and
occupations in FOUR sectors:
3.Motive power
Training Programs
These programs will support potential
entrants to the apprenticeship
system who require job readiness
skills and trade readiness experience
to gain employment as Apprentices.
Employment Resource Centre
• Free faxing, photocopying, local phone
calls and computers with high speed
• Employment resources are available to
assist you with your job search.
• A Resource Specialist is always
available for assistance in the Centre.
Ideal Referral
• An ideal candidate for vpi Richmond Hill
employment services is someone;
• Who is unemployed (under 20 hours/wk)
• Not a FT student
• Not on EI Parental or Sick benefits
• Not registered at another Employment Service
For ES services:
• 900 SINS require a work permit
• Work Permit must have no conditions
For MTCU Programs:
• Convention Refugees require a letter of decision
Making a Referral
• All referrals to vpi Richmond Hill go through
our 1-888-882-9550 Call Centre and then are
transferred directly to our office in Richmond
Hill where they are booked directly into our
Steps To Success information session.
• Individuals can call on their own behalf, or
• An organization can make the call for them
• The caller should say where they heard
about us
We are here to help you
We ask that you call us at anytime if you
have questions or require additional
information at 905-882-9561.
Any Last Questions?
Thank You For Asking Us To
Present Our Services To You.