design of trials

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NEW Randomized Trials

9 Sessions

Grady (course director), Black (lecturer), Cummings (lecturer)


Turn in homework to Olivia Romero prior to each session

Randomized Trials: the


“Evidence-Based” in


Randomized trials: why bother?


Selection of participants (Inclusion/exclusion)

Design options for trials

Dennis Black, PhD

[email protected]


NEW Feedback from last year (observed)….

Great course but…..


NEW Feedback from this year (predicted)….

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Randomized Trials: the


“Evidence-Based” in


Randomized trials: why bother?


Selection of participants (Inclusion/exclusion)

Design options for trials

Dennis Black, PhD

[email protected]


Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) A study design in which subjects are randomized to intervention or control and followed for occurrence of disease • Experimental (as opposed to observational) Definitive test of intervention Confounders are equally distributed across intervention groups • Treated not younger, richer, healthier, better dieters

Examples of interventions

Drug vs. placebo

Low fat diet vs. regular diet

Exercise vs. CPP

Number of randomized trials published* 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 * Based on Medline search for “Randomized”

Disadvantages of RCTs


Time Consuming

Can only answer a single question

So, why bother?

Alternatives to RCTs (30 second Epi. Course)

Case-control studies

Compare those with and without disease

Cohort studies (prospective)

– –

Identify those with and without risk factor Follow forward in time to see who gets disease

Cohort and case-control are


(not experimental)

Reasons for doing RCTs

Only study design that can prove causation

Required by FDA (and others) for new drugs and some devices

Most influential to clinical practice

Example: Estrogen Replacement Therapy in post-menopausal women

Important therapeutic question

Applies to 30 (?) million women in US


(estrogen/progestin combo) may be most prescribed drug in US

Potentially huge impact on public health

Complex, ERT effects multiple diseases

Estrogen Replacement Therapy (ERT) Disease Coronary heart disease Osteoporosis (hip fx) Breast cancer Endometrial cancer

Alzheimer’s Pulmonary embolism & deep vein thrombosis

Effect on Risk* Decrease by 40 - 80% Decrease by 30 - 60% Increase by 10 - 20% Increase by 700%

Decrease by ?

Increase by 200 - 300%

* From observational (case-control and cohort) studies

Nurses Health Study (NEJM, 9/12/91)

• •

Prospective cohort study, n = 48,470 337,000 person years of follow-up Estrogen Use Never Used Current user Former user Risk of Major Coronary Disease* 1.4



Relative Risk** 1.0

0.56 (0.40-0.80) 0.83 (0.65-1.05) * Events per 1000 women-years of follow-up ** Relative Risk (95% CI) compared to never users

Meta-analysis of ERT, Published ~4/10/97 “Benefits (for CHD, osteoporosis) outweigh risks (breast cancer) and side effects…

All post-menopausal women should be taking ERT”*

* CNN, 4/10/97

Virtually all estrogen results are based on observational data

• • • •

Women chose to take ERT Are ERT users different from non-users?

– – – – –

Age Health status More exercise Health behaviors (see Dr.) SES Try to adjust in analysis, but may not be possible Randomized trials alleviate these problems

Heart and Estrogen-Progestin Replacement Study (HERS)

Secondary prevention of heart disease

HRT (Prempro) vs. placebo (4-5 years)

~ 2763 women with established heart disease

Postmenopausal, < 80 years, mean age 67

20 clinical centers in U.S./UCSF Coordinating center

Funding by Wyeth-Ayerst (post-NIH refusal)

Expected results????

Real results: JAMA: 8/98

HERS: Summary of results Endpoint New CHD Any fracture Placebo 176 138 HRT 172 130 RR 0.99


P 0.91


Conclusion: Randomized

trials can lead to big surprises!

Women’s Health Initiative HRT study* (7/10/02)

Randomized trial (2)

– –

16,608 women with uterus (ERT + progestin vs. placebo) ~11,000 women without uterus (ERT alone vs. placebo)

Ages 50-79, mean age 64

Represent broad range of U.S. women

40 clinical centers

Follow-up planned for 8.5 years, to end in 2005 *

only one component of WHI..more later

WHI HRT study: 7/10/02

Combination therapy arm stopped early (3 years)

Mean 5.2 years of follow-up

Overall, health risks outweigh benefits

Significant increased risk for invasive breast cancer HRT users

WHI: Invasive Breast Cancer

3% 2% 1% years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

WHI: Coronary Heart Disease

years 1 2 3 4 5 6

Other surprises: Beta Carotene and cancer

Strong suggestions that beta carotene would prevent cancer 1. Observational epi. (diets high in fruits and vegetables with beta carotene lower cancer risk) 2. Pathophysiology

Clinical trials needed to establish cause and effect

Beta carotene: Clinical trial #1 The Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta Carotene Cancer Prevention Study RQ: Design: Subjects: Intervention: (factorial) Outcome: Do vitamin E and beta-carotene prevent lung cancer in smokers?

RCT, factorial, 6.1 years 29,133 smokers, Finnish men aged 50-69 1. Alpha-tocopherol, 50 mg/day vs. placebo 2. Beta-carotene, 20 mg/day vs. placebo Lung cancer incidence

Beta-carotene: Clinical Trial #1 Results Incidence per 10,000 person years Beta-Carotene Control RR* Lung Cancer Cases Lung Cancer Deaths 56.3






* Relative risk: Beta carotene vs. control

Beta carotene: Clinical trial #2 The Beta-Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial (CARET) RQ: Design: Subjects: Intervention: Outcome: Do vitamin A and beta-carotene prevent lung cancer in smokers?

RCT, 4.0 years 18,314 men, smokers or asbestos workers Retinol (25,000 IU) and beta carotene (15 mg) vs. placebo Lung cancer incidence

Beta-carotene: Clinical Trial #2 Results All Subjects Asbestos-exposed Smokers Lung Cancer* 1.28 (1.04-1.57) 1.40 (0.95-2.07) 1.23 (0.96-1.56) Death (all causes)* 1.17 (1.03-1.33) 1.25 (1.01-1.56) 1.13 (0.96-1.32) * Relative Risk (95% CI), treatment vs. placebo

Beta Carotene RCTs

Beta carotene not recommended for cancer prevention

Similar story for beta carotenes and heart disease

RCT’s very useful

Examples of major breakthroughs from RCTs

Protease inhibitors and AIDS

Aspirin and heart disease

Lipid lowering (statins) and heart disease

Steps in a “Classical” Randomized, Controlled Trail (RCT)

1 .

Select participants

2. Measure baseline variables

3. Randomize (to 1 or more treatments)

4. Apply intervention 5/6. Follow-up--measure outcomes Most commonly: one treatment vs. control Can be used for various types of outcomes (binary, continuous)


Key element of RCT’s

Assure equal distribution of both...

measured/known confounders

unmeasured/unknown confounders

Important to do well

True random allocation

Tamper-proof (no peaking, altering order of participants, etc)

Simple randomization

Low tech

High tech

Other types of randomization

Blocking*: equal after each n assignments

e.g., block size of 4, treatments a and b abab aabb bbaa baab

Assure relatively equal number of ppts. to each treatment

Disadvantages of blocking

Size of block: 2 treatments--4 or 6

Very commonly used *Formally: random, permuted blocks

Randomization to balance prognostic variables

Stratified permuted blocks

Blocks within strata of prognostic variable

e.g., HRT study of prevention of MI. High LDL at much higher risk--want to avoid more higher LDL in placebo.

Stratum High LDL: aabb baba … Normal LDL: baab abab ….

Limited number of risk factors

Very commonly used in multicenter studies to balance within clinical center

Fancier techniques for assuring balance

Adaptive randomization (not much used)

Implementation of randomization

Less challenging for blinded studies

Sealed envelopes in fixed order at clinical sites

Alternatively: list of drug numbers

– –

a b a b b b a a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Clinic receives bottles labeled only by numbers--assign in order

Unblinded studies: important to keep next assignment secret

Problem with blocks within strata

Who to Study: Principles for Inclusion/exclusion

Widest possible generalizability

Sufficiently high event rate (for power to be adequate)

Population in whom intervention likely to be effective

Ease of recruitment

Likelihood of compliance with treatment and FU

Explicit criteria for inclusion in a trial

Typically written as “inclusion/exclusion” criteria in protocol

The more explicit the better

Want centers or investigators to be consistent

Examples of exclusion decisions

1. Women with heart disease vs. Women with CABG surgery or documented MI by ecg (criteria) or enzymes (criteria)

2. Users of estrogen vs Use of ERT for more than 3 months over last 24 mos.

Valid reasons to exclude participants (Table 10.1)

Treatment would be unsafe

Adverse experience from active treatment

“Risk” of placebo (SOC)

Active treatment cannot/unlikely to be effective

No risk of outcome

Disease type unlikely to respond

Competing/interfering treatment (history of?)

Unlikely to adhere or follow-up

Practical problems

Design-a-trial: Inclusion criteria options for HRT

Study HRT and prevention of heart disease, 4 years (HERS-like)

Women over age 50 years

Women over 60 years

Women over 75 years

Women with existing heart disease


Feasible sample size?

Population amenable to intervention?

Logistic difficulties (recruitment? cost? adherence)

HERS inclusion options

HERS trial options (event rate)

Women over age 50 years (0.1%/year)

Women over 60 years (0.5%/year)

Women over 75 years (1%/year)

Women with existing heart disease (4%/year)

HERS inclusion options

HERS trial options (event rate) [n required]

Women over age 50 years (0.1%/year) [55,000]

Women over 60 years (0.5%/year) [45,000]

Women over 75 years (1%/year) [34,000]

Women with existing heart disease (4%/year) [3,000] (Choose last option as most practical: common to generalize from secondary to primary prevention)

Exclusions/inclusions examples

Important impact on generalizability of both efficacy and safety

Example: Fracture Intervention Trial (FIT)

Study of alendronate (amino-bisphosphonate) vs. placebo in women with low bone mass

6459 women randomized to alendronate or placebo

Fracture endpoint

Upper GI and esophagitis concerns with bisphosphonates, esp. aminos

Who to exclude?

FIT inclusion/exclusion example

Alendronate studies (pre-FIT) excluded:

Any history of upper GI events

Any (remote) history of ulcer

Esophagial problems, etc.

Reports of upper GI problems in clinical practice: 5% to 20% of patients stop alendronate. Due to:

Use by “real world” patients?

Use in real world?

Psychological--due to warnings about potential problems

Inclusion may impact effect of treatment

FIT: Included women with baseline BMD T-score below -1.6 (only those below -2.5 officially osteoporotic)

Reduction in hip fractures only among those with more severe osteoporosis

Similar findings in statin trials: higher lipids, more benefit

Effect of alendronate

on hip fx

hip BMD depends on baseline

Baseline BMD T-score

-1.6 – -2.5

< - 2.5

1.84 (0.7, 5.4) 0.44 (0.18, 0.97)

NEW Overall 0.1


0.79 (0.43, 1.44)

10 Relative Hazard ( ± 95% CI)

Effect of alendronate

on non-spine fx

baseline hip BMD depends on

Baseline BMD T-score

-1.6 – -2.0

-2.0 – -2.5

< - 2.5

1.14 (0.82, 1.60) 1.03 (0.77, 1.39


0.64 (0.50, 0.82)

NEW Overall 0.1


0.86 (0.73, 1.01)

10 Relative Hazard ( ± 95% CI)

Inclusion, exclusion, Conclusion

Many factors to balance in deciding who to include

Generally not a clear cut or single correct decision

Many academics have simplistic understanding of issues NEW

Alternative RCT designs: Factorial design

Test of more than one treatment (vs. placebo)

Each drug alone and in combination

Allows multiple hypotheses in single trial

Efficient (sort of)

e.g., Physician’s Health Study

Test aspirin ==> MI

beta caratene ==> cancer

Factorial design: Physician’s Heath Study Placebo Aspirin Beta carotene Aspirin plus Beta carotene Beta carotene vs. no beta carotene (cancer) Aspirin vs. no aspirin (MI)

Factorial design assumptions/limitations

Treatments do not interact

Effect of aspirin on MI is same with and without beta-carotene

Must test for interaction of treatments

Difficult to prove, requires large sample

Factorial design assumptions/limitations

Women’s Health Initiative (MOAS, $600M +)

– –

Estrogen vs. placebo (all outcomes) Calcium/Vit D vs. placebo (fractures)

Low fat vs. regular diet (breast cancer)

Effect of calcium on fractures is the same/additive with and without estrogen..

• very shaky


NEW 3-way factorial design of WHI HRT vs. no HRT Low fat vs. regular diet

Factorial design assumptions/limitations

Factorial designs are seductive but problematic

Best used for unrelated RQ’s (both treatments and outcomes) NEW

Cross-over designs

Both treatments are administered sequentially to all subjects

Subject serves as own control, random order

Compare treatment period vs. control period

Diuretic vs. beta blocker for blood pressure

1/2 get d followed by bb

1/2 get bb followed by d

Cross-over assumptions/limitations

Continuous variables only

No order effects

No carry-over effects

Need quick response and quick resolution

“Wash out” period helpful

More commonly used in phase I/II

Other special designs

Matched pairs randomized

One of each pair to each treatment

e.g., two eyes within an individual (one to each treatment)

Diabetic Retinopathy study

Other special designs

Cluster or grouped randomization

Randomize groups to treatments

Often useful especially for public health type interventions

Other special designs (clusters)

Cluster or grouped randomization examples

Medical practices to stop-smoking interventions

Cities to public health risk factor reduction (5 Cities Project)

Baseball teams to chewing-tobacco intervention

Analysis complex

Sample size complex: true n is between n clusters and n individuals (closer to clusters)

Previews of coming attractions

Blinding, interventions, controls (placebo vs. active) (1/16)

Follow-up, compliance, etc. (1/23)

Outcomes (efficacy and adverse effects)

Ethical issues (many!!)

Nuts and bolts

Interim monitoring

Multi-center trials and working with the evil empire (drug cos)