Transcript Slide 1

Induction and transition to UK HE
Dr Monika Foster
Edinburgh Napier University
Session outline:
• Induction and transition – key elements
• International student induction – research results
from Asian Learner Experience Project (ALEP)
• Enhancing induction and facilitating transition:
- Peer Mentoring project
– SPICE online induction resource
• Your context
An event:
• Edward (2003) ‘lead in’, ‘first contact that (students) have with the
university and forms their impression’
• Shoefield and Sackville (2006) induction including three parts:
academic, social and administrative
A process:
• Tinto’s theory (1975): integration of the student into the new instruction
style and its systems
• Huczynski and Buchanan’s (2001) three stage socialisation model of
induction: pre-arrival, encounter and metamorphosis
Online induction:
• Lowe and Cook (2003: 75) ‘a process instead of an event, designed to
promote peer group and staff/student interaction as well as academic
integration’. Students play a central part
Transition into new context (Purnell, 2002)
Phase 4
Phases 1
and 5
and The
Phase 3
Time on Task
Phase 2
Clarity of
Peer mentoring
Transition (Purnell, 2002)
Preparation stage:
- Engage with the new learning culture as early as possible, reflect upon
own learning, develop essential skills for the new learning context
Encounter stage:
- Development of supportive peer relationships; Continue to develop
essential skills / awareness of roles and expectations
Adjustment stage:
- Negotiating a place in the new organisational and social settings,
relationship building, role development and personal change
characterise this stage.
- Encourage social networking, peer mentoring; formative assessment
Stabilisation stage:
- Engagement and belonging; developing academic competence.
Transition challenges faced by international students
New place to live and learn
Integration into the new learning and teaching context
Expectations vs reality
Successes and barriers in forming multi-cultural
Different cultural norms including study and socialising
Language, especially academic English
Feeling of being ‘outsiders’
Work / study balance, need for careers advice
Transition challenges faced by international students
How do universities address them?
Commonalities but also fundamental differences:
- Universities’ profile – teaching or research focused /
partnerships abroad or agents
- Different support at different Universities (e.g. SHU / ENU)
- Roles of academics (Director of Studies / Personal
Development Tutor)
- Student associations – status, role in students’ journey
- Profile of students – PG or UG, where from, level of English
- ‘International’ – different nationalities and differences within
Induction and transition to UK HE in your
Task: Part 1
• Individually write down areas that you would like to address / need to
be addressed in your context in relation to engaging international
students (Column 1)
• Then, give as much detail about what has been done so far (by you,
others, institution) to address the issues.
• When ready, discuss your answers in pairs.
• Do not fill in Column 3 yet!
• Keep the answers (part 2 is coming up).
Asian Learner Experience Project (ALEP) – key elements
in transition to UK HE
• Asian Learner Experience Project (2008-2010) with colleagues from
Sheffield Hallam University involved 200 students from Indian subcontinent on similar programmes in Hospitality and Engineering at
SHU and ENU.
A need for:
• Better awareness of University support mechanisms on offer, and their
• Effective, "formalised" peer support (e.g. via peer mentoring scheme)
• Opportunities for social networking created by the University
• Better social integration opportunities through social events, trips, etc.
• Career advice, joint projects within the University with students from
other faculties driven by the University and built into the programmes.
ALEP results- programme of study
Student Satisfaction
Number of Responses Recorded
ALEP results - social integration
Student Satisfaction
Number of Responses Recorded
Research results summary – factors which
enhance induction and transition
The student has changed, has the Institution?
• Institution led projects at the University, programme and local level
which facilitate peer work with other students
• Process driven – steady development of skills and awareness
• Culturally appropriate – e.g. in Asian cultures, students prefer to
seek academic, pastoral, social advice from peers
• Value of peer power– use of peer mentoring, peer support as a
means of engaging students
• Technology – use of social networking for social engagement,
induction, programme study, etc
• Using student stories - student voices appeal to the new students
(by students, for students).
Practices which enhance transition for
international students:
Peer mentoring scheme on BA Hospitality Management at
Edinburgh Napier University
- Internally funded
- Matching students in India with students in Edinburgh (10 pairs)
- Supportive environment – training and point of contact
- Tapping into a cultural preference to get advice from ‘seniors’ rather
then the University, but mentors trained by experienced trainers
- Very positive response from the students in Edinburgh and in India
- Very promising results: Mentees get pastoral and academic advice,
they develop a habit of asking for advice. Mentors acquire new skills,
they feel valued and involved.
- Mentors feedback just after training (attached)
- Mentors and mentees feedback (in progress).
Pre-arrival development of skills and awareness (SPICE)
developing skills and awareness, not information
long term view of developing skills before arrival
and continued at Edinburgh Napier University
Induction for
life and study at Napier including student voices
storing early work and developing it while at
Edinburgh Napier University
interactive tasks, guessing, saving work and
getting feedback
What is it?
An interactive study skills resource for Indian students on BA Hospitality
Management at pilot stage (hope to develop further for all international
Used successfully with 2 cohorts of students. Work on the generic product to
begin soon
What’s new?
Student driven, much of the content based on student feedback /
suggestions, student voices. Students complete activities and get feedback,
rather than read about life and study in the UK.
4 strands:
- life and study at university,
- expectations of you as a students, incl time management, tutorial work,
- academic writing,
- presentation skills.
What to
Expect at
Writing Skills
About the
Get the
Writing with
Picture This
Are You
Ready for
A Precious
Speaking Our
What’s Your
Working with
Giving ‘Credit’
Where it’s
Web Links
Web Links
Web Links
Web Links
Induction and transition in your context
Task: Part 2
• Look back to your answers so far.
• Fill in the 3rd column with further ideas what could be done – possibly
soon or in some near future – by whom, how.
• Be as specific as possible.
Discuss in pairs / groups.
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