Transcript Slide 1

Adrenal Steroid Hormone
General Structural Features for the Steroid Hormones:
1. Intact four ring system (except vitamin D where the Bring has been opened).
2. Often contain hydroxyl side chains ----> sterols.
Hydroxyl groups are denoted β if they are oriented
above the plane (solid line).
3. ".......................................... "α if they are oriented
below the plane (dashed line).
General Structure and
Numbering Scheme
Steroid hormones are classified according to their
physiologic action and tissue of origin:
Biosynthesis of the Adrenal Steroid
1. The adrenal steroid hormones are synthesized from
cholesterol derived mostly from the plasma (some
cholesterol is synthesized in situ from acetyl-CoA).
2. Much of the cholesterol is esterified (by ACAT: AcylCoenzyme A:Cholesterol Acyltransferase) and stored in lipid
3. Upon stimulation of the adrenal zona fasciculata (ZF)
by ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) (cAMP second
messenger), or the adrenal zona glomerulosa (ZG) by
angiotensin II (IP3 / Ca2+ and DAG) ---------> an
esterase is activated and the free cholesterol formed is
transported into the mitochondria.
4. In the mitochondria a cyctochrome P-450 cleavage
enzyme (P-450scc or 20,22-lyase) converts cholesterol
to pregnenolone.
Cholesterol Side-Chain Cleavage (SCC): A "Key"
Reaction in Adrenal Steroid Hormone Synthesis
All mammalian steroid hormones are formed
from cholesterol via pregnenolone
Subcellular Compartmentalization of
Glucocorticoid Biosynthesis: Next slide
Key to Figure, "Biosynthesis of Mineralo- and
Gluco- Corticoids"
i) Pregnenolone is converted to progesterone by
3β-hydroxysteroid DH (3 β -OHSD) and D5-D4
ii) Progesterone is hydroxylated at C21 to form 11deoxycorticosterone (DOC). DOC is an active
(Na+-retaining) mineralocorticoid.
iii) Next hydroxylation is at C11 producing
Key to Figure, "Biosynthesis of
Mineralo- and Gluco- Corticoids
iv) 18-Hydroxylase acts on corticosterone to form
v) The alcohol is oxidized to an aldehyde forming
aldosterone. This conversion is regulated by
renin-angiotensin and K+. Concentration of
receptors is "up-regulated" by high K+ and
"down-regulated" by low K+. Angiotensin II
stimulates the conversion of cholesterol to
pregnenolone, and corticosterone to 18hydroxycorticosterone and aldosterone via
Gp induced increases in IP3/Ca2+ and DAG
(more next lecture...).
Key to Figure, "Biosynthesis of
Mineralo- and Gluco- Corticoids
i) 17α-Hydroxylase acts upon either
progesterone or pregnenolone to form 17
α - hydroxyprogesterone and/or 17 α hydroxypregnenolone.
ii) 17 α -hydroxyprogesterone is
hydroxylated at C21 to form 11deoxycortisol which is then hydroxylated at
C11 to form cortisol. Cortisol is the most
potent natural glucocorticoid hormone is
Adrenal steroid biosynthesis involves the shuttling of precursors between mitochondria
and the ER
STAR: Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Protein
(1) P-450scc / 20,22-lyase (Mitochondria)
(2) 3 β-hydroxysteroid DH and D5,4 isomerase
(3) 17
α -hydroxylase (ER)
(4) 21-hydroxylase (ER)
(5) 11 β -hydroxylase (Mitochondria)
Proposed Mechanism of Action of ACTH in the ZF of the Adrenal Cortex
Sex Steroid Hormone
Biosynthesis and Action
Testicular Androgens:
A.The conversion of pregnenolone to testosterone
requires the action of 5 enzymes , all found in
the ER of the testes cells.
B.The conversion of pregnenolone to testosterone
is referred to as the "Progesterone Pathway":
(1) 17a-Hydroxylase
(2) C17,20 Lyase
(3) 3 β -Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase (3bOHSD)
(4) D5-D4-Isomerase
(5) 17b-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase (17bOHSD)
Adrenal Androgen (Testosterone) Biosynthesis:
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), is the most potent
androgen, it is formed from testosterone, by the
reduction of the A ring through the action of the
enzyme 5α-Reductase.
The testes also produce 17 β -estradiol, the female
sex hormone in small amounts, but most of the
estrogens produced by the male are derived
from peripheral aromitzation of testosterone.
Ovarian Sex Steroid Hormones:
Biosynthesis of Estrogens:
The ovaries are bifunctional
organs that produce both
estrogens and progestins.
The most active naturally
occurring hormones of these
classes are 17β-estradiol (E2)
and progesterone.