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Evidenze osservative di popolazioni stellari multiple in ammassi globulari (galattici) Giampaolo Piotto

Dipartimento di Astronomia Universita’ di Padova

Collaborators: L.R. Bedin, I.R. King, J. Anderson, S. Cassisi, S. Villanova, A. Milone, A. Bellini, Y. Momany, A Renzini, and A. Sarajedini

+ the HST GC Tresaury Project team

Globular clusters are the ideal laboratory for the study of stellar population and stellar evolution Indeed, normal hydrogen burning stars, in the stellar core or in a shell


behave as canonical stellar evolution models predict.

And we have CMDs which are a clear evidence that globular clusters are


populated by stars with homogeneous composition and born at the same time.

However, we do have a number of problems which have been there, unsolved, for too many years. For example, we never really understood the general behaviour of He core burning sequences.

The classical second parameter problem

, i.e. the fact that GCs with the same metallicity have horizontal branches with quite different morphologies

still lacks a comprehensive explanation.

Ferraro et al. 1997, ApJ, 484, L145

NGC2808 We do have another long standing problem, i.e. the large spread in abundances for some elements, like C,N,O, Na, Mg, Al, s-process elements inside the same cluster (see Gratton et al. 2003, ARAA, for a comprehensive discussion), even in clusters which do not have any dispersion in [Fe/H] and Fe peak elements Some of these abundance spreads are present also at the level of main sequence and subgiant branch stars, which gives strong support to the idea that they could be primordial. (from Carretta et al. 2006, A&A, 450, 523)

Some of these anomalies have a well defined pattern like the NaO anticorrelation, or the MgAl • • • RGB stars unevolved stars NGC 2808 anticorrelation.

Both anticorrelations indicate the presence of proton capture processes, which transform Ne into Na, and Mg into Al.

These processes are possible only at temperatures of a few 10 million degrees, in the complete CNO cycle (which implies also an O depletion) (from Carretta et al. 2006)

Are the HB anomalies and the chemical anomalies related with each other?

not reached in present day globular cluster main sequence and red giant stars.

Extended HB

Omega Centauri

Multiple MSs Bedin et al. (2004) Multiple RGBs Lee et al. 1999 Pancino et al. 2000 Let’s start with my favourite “special” case: Omega Centauri Most massive Galactic “globular cluster” (present day mass: ~4 million solar masses).

Well known (since the ’70s) spread in metallicity among RGB stars.

The main sequence of Omega Centauri is splitted into two “main” main sequences (Anderson, 1997, PhD thesis, Bedin et al. 2004, ApJ, 605, L125).

This is the first


evidence ever found of multiple stellar populations in globular clusters.

Villanova, Piotto, Anderson et al. (2007, ApJ, 663, 296).

Indeed, also a third main sequence is clearly visible

The double main sequence in Omega Centauri

RedMS: Rad. Vel.: 235+-11km/s [Fe/H]=-1.56

17x12=204 hours i.t.

BlueMS: Rad. Vel.: 232+-6km/s [Fe/H]=-1.27

It is more metal rich!

Piotto et al. (2005, ApJ, 621,777)

The most surprising discovery

(Piotto et al. 2005) is that

the bluest main sequence is less metal poor than the redder one: Apparently, only an overabundance of helium (Y~0.40) can reproduce the observed blue main sequence,

as anticipated by Norris (2004), and Bedin et al. (2004)

Bedin et al., in prep The multiple main sequence of Omega Centauri.

Only cluster stars (proper motion selection)

The strong He overabundance is really puzzling, but confirmed by other observational evidence.

E.g., Castellani et al (2007, ApJ, 663, 1021) provide further support to the He enhancement scenario from the comparison of the star counts on the MS, RGB, and HB, and theoretical models Castellani et al. found that

only a mix of 70% of canonical He content (Y=0.23) stars plus a 30% of He enhanced (Y=0.33, 0.42) stars can reproduce the observed ratio of RGB/MS stars.

The same mixture of canonical and He enhanced stars reduces the discrepancy between the predicted and observed ratio of HB/MS stars

, though the observed ratio is still 15-25% higher than expected.

There are at least 4 distinct populations, plus other more spreaded stars (Villanova et al. 2007) The multiple population scenario in Omega Centauri is even more complex than what expected from the already puzzling multiple MS.

Stars at a given metallicity have a large magnitude spread at the level of the SGB (>0.1 magnitudes).

This is a clear indication of an age spread.

The size of age dispersion depends on the assumption on the metal and He content of the different SGBs.

A detailed analysis of the metallicity pattern along the SGB is ongoing.

ω Cen is becoming a really challenging object… But is it a unique case?

The triple main sequence in NGC 2808

Accurate HST’s



shows that

TO Piotto et al. 2007, ApJ, 661, L35 the MS of NGC 2808 splits in three separate branches Overabundances of helium (Y~0.30, Y~0.40) can reproduce the two bluest main sequences.

We tentatively attribute the three branches to successive round of star formation with different helium content.

The TO-SGB regions are so narrow that any difference in age between the three groups must be significantly smaller than 1 Gyr

NGC2808 has a very complex and very extended HB (as ω Cen).

The distribution of stars along the HB is multimodal, with at least three significant gaps and four HB groups

(Sosin et al 1997, Bedin et al 2000)

A clear NaO anticorrelation has been identified by Carretta et al. (2006, A&A, 450, 523) in NGC 2808.

Besides a bulk of O-normal stars with the typical composition of field halo stars, NGC2808 seems to host two other groups of O-poor and super O-poor stars

D’Antona et al. 2005, ApJ, 631, 868 A MS broadening in NGC2808 was already seen by D’Antona et al. (2005).

D’Antona et al. (2005) linked the MS broadening to the HB morphology, and proposed that three stellar populations, with three different He enhancements, could reproduce the complicate HB .

We found them in the form of three main sequences!!!

The Double Subgiant Branch of NGC 1851

Milone et al. 2008, ApJ, 673, 241 Accurate HST’s ACS photometry reveals that the SGB of NGC 1851 splits into two well defined branches The split may be due to a large age spread (1 Gyr) or to a combination of abundance anomalies and a much smaller age spread


37% 63% 45% of the stars are in the lower SGB; 37% in the blue HB.

From Yong and Grundahl (2007) we know that 40% of the stars are CN-strong and s-process element enhanced.

Are the SGB stars related to the blue HB, And to the CN-strong, s-process element enhanced subpopulation??

Very recently, Cassisi et al. (2007, ApJ, 672, 115) showed that the two SGBs and the double HB can be reproduced by assuming that the fainter SGB is populated by a strongly CNNa enhanced population, which evolve into the blue HB, while the brighter SGB contains normal composition stars.

In such a case, the age difference between the two groups may be very small (10 7 -10 8 years).

In conclusion, the SGB split may be mainly due to the presence of two groups of stars, with two different metal patterns, small age difference.

Is NGC 1851 case related to the cases of NGC 2808 and ωCen?

Apparently there is no large He spread among the MS stars. A first quick reduction of new HST data from ongoing GO11233 program sets an upper limit to the He spread in NGC 1851 of Delta Y ~ 0.03

(work in progress)

…continuing… Multiple Stellar Populations in Globular Clusters. IV.

NGC 6388!

Piotto (2008, arXiv0801.3177

): GC ACS/HST Tresaury data

NGC 6388, as its twin NGC 6441, are two, very peculiar globular clusters.

NGC 6388 double SGB present in many, independent databases, and visible in different photometric bands. Including IR (see recent results with MAD in the poster by Moretti et al.)


The HB is anomalous because of: 1) The blueward extension, with the presence of an EHB; 2) The presence of a tilt Also, the RR Lyr (in NGC6441) tells that the HB is anomalously bright Since Rich et al. (1997, ApJ, 484, L25) it is known that NGC 6388 and NGC 6441 have an anomalous HB.

The HB

of these two clusters is very different from the HB of NGC 1851, but

similar to the HB of ωCen and NGC 2808


(Busso et al., 2007, A&A, 474, 105)

Canonical HB models (dashed red) cannot reproduce the observed HB

(Raimondo, Castellani, V. et al. 2002, A&A, 569, 975) Only a HB model with strong helium enhancement (Y=0.40) can reproduce the the observed HB, at all wavelengths About 13% of the stars have such an extreme He enhancement

NGC 6441 Caloi and D’Antona, 2007, A&A, 463, 949 In order to reproduce the anomalous HB, Caloi and D’Antona (2007) propose an even more complicate scenario with

3 distinct populations:

1. a normal population (Y~0.25); 2. a polluted pop. (0.27

Three He populations in NGC 6388 and NGC 6441, as in NGC 2808 and perhaps ωCen?

So far, we have identified four massive globular clusters for which we have a direct evidence of multiple stellar populations, and they are all quite different:

1) In

Omega Centauri (~4x10 6 solar masses),

the different populations manifest themselves both in

a MS split

(interpreted as a split in He and metallicity abundances) and in

a SGB split

(interpreted in terms of He, metallicity, and

age variations > 1Gyr)

which implies at least four different stellar groups within the same cluster. Omega Centauri has also

a very extended HB (EHB),

as NGC 2808.

2) In

NGC 2808 (~1.6x10

6 solar masses),

the multiple generation of stars is inferred from the presence of

three MSs

(also in this case interpreted in terms of three groups of stars with different He content), possibly linked to

three stellar groups with different oxygen abundances, and possibly to the multiple HB.

Age difference between the 3 groups must be significantly <1 Gyr.

It has an EHB.

3) In

NGC 6388 (~1.6x10

6 solar masses)

we have evidence of

two stellar groups from a SGB split. An EHB as in NGC 2808 suggests He enhancement.

No information on the MS, yet. NGC6441 may be an analogous case.

4) ) In the case of

NGC1851 (~1.0x10

6 solar masses),

we have evidence of

two stellar groups from the SGB split,

which apparently imply

two star formation episodes.

No evidence of MS split.

Bimodal HB, but no EHB.

(data from HST GO10775)

Relevant exception to the presence of a double MS in massive clusters: 47Tuc.

It is at least as massive as NGC6388 and NGC2808 but it

does have neither an evident double main sequence nor an anomalously hot HB.

The investigation continues.

38 HST orbits allocated in Cycle 16 (GO 11233, PI Piotto) for the Search of multiple MSs

So far, no evidence of large MS splits in NGC1851, M13, and M80

Proposed scenario (1)

Ejecta (10-20 km/s) from intermediate mass AGB stars (4-6 solar masses)

could produce the observed abundance spread

(D’Antona et al (2002, A&A, 395, 69).

These ejecta must also be He, Na, CN, Mg) rich, and could explain the NaO and MgAl anticorrelations, the CN anomalies, and the He enhancement.

Globular cluster stars with

He enhancement could help explaining the anomalous multiple MSs, and the extended horizontal branches.

Alternative explanation

(2) Pollution from fast rotating massive stars (Decressin et al.

2007, A&A, 475, 859).

The material ejected in the disk has two important properties: 1) It is rich in CNO cycle products, transported to the surface by the rotational mixing, and therefore it can explain the abundance anomalies; 2) It is released into the circumstellar environment with a very low velocity, and therefore it can be easily retained by the shallow potential well of the globular clusters.

Open problems

Both proposed scenarios have a number of problems. Among them: 1) Both scenarios need either an anomalously flat (top heavy) IMF or to assume that a large fraction of the original cluster population has left the cluster (e.g., because of the evaporation).

2) There are serious dynamical problems: how is the gas retained? How is the gas re-accumulated? How is the second epoch star formation event triggered?

3) Is (part of) the ejected material He-rich enough to explain the strongly He-enhancement populations? Y>0.32-0.33 might be a serious problem.

The case of M54

Data from the ACS Tresaury and from GO10922, Piotto et al. (in preparation) Multiple RGB Multiple SGB Multiple MS?

But… Who is who?


coincides with the nucleus of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy It might be born in the nucleus or it might be ended into the nucleus via dynamical friction (see, e.g., Monaco et al. 2005), but the important fact is that, today, M54 is part of the nucleus of a disaggregating galaxy.


It is very likely that M54 and the Sagittarius nucleus show us what Omega Centauri was a few billion years ago: the center of a dwarf galaxy, now disrupted by the Galactic tidal field.

Is this true for all globular clusters?

The CMDs of M54 and Omega Centauri are

astonishingly similar!

Omega Centauri

NaO anticorrelation present also il low mass globular clusters (M71: 3x10 4 solar masses)

Marino et al., in prep.

The interesting case of M4

Mass: 8x10 4 solar masses

Strong NaO anticorrelation

Two distinct groups of stars CN weak CN strong Na rich, O poor stars are CN strong Na poor, O-rich stars are CN weak

The two stellar groups are well distinguishable also in the color-magnitude and two color diagrams:

M4 Marino et al., in prep.

A double generation of stars in a globular cluster with a present day mass ~2% of the mass of Omega Centauri?

The distribution of the Na-rich, CN strong stars along the RGB does not depend on the evolutionary state: the split is well visible also below the RGB bump.

It must be primordial!

saturation M4 Apparently no main sequence split. However, it needs further investigation with the refurbished ACS camera or WF3.

Note: this CMD is proper motion cleaned and corrected for diff. redd.

Mackey et al. (2007, MNRAS, 379,151) suggested the presence of

two populations with an age difference of ~300Myr in the 2Gyr old LMC cluster NGC 1846.

The presence of two populations is inferred by the presence of

two TOs

in the color magnitude diagram of the cluster.

Three additional LMC candidates proposed by Mackey et al. (2008, astro ph 0804.3475).

Are these two populations the consequence of tidal capture of two clusters, or are they showing something related to the multiple MSs identified in Galactic Globular clusters?

Multiple generations of stars in LMC clusters was already proposed in the past (see the case of NGC 1850, Vallenari et al. 1994, A&A, 244, 487)

Work in progress but…

…there are more!

About 15% of the clusters in the sample LMC cluster

field cluster

See also Mackey et al. (2008) 200 Myr age difference

LMC cluster

The LMC clusters are one or more orders of magnitude less massive than Omega Centauri and NGC 2808.

Does the same scenarios proposed for the multiple population in Galactic clusters work also for these objects?

What is the role of the

capture of field star scenario

proposed by Kroupa (1997)? It might work, at least in the case of LMC clusters.


Thanks to the new results on the multiple populations

we are now looking at globular cluster (and cluster in general) stellar populations with new eyes. De facto, a new era on globular cluster research is started:

1) Many serious problems remain unsolved, and we still have a rather incoherent picture. The new HST cameras that will be available after SM4 will play a main role in composing the puzzle.

2) For the first time, we might have the key to solve a number of problems, like the abundance anomalies and possiby the second parameter problem (which have been there as a nightmare for decades), as well as the newly discovered multiple sequences in the CMD.

3) Finally, we should not forget that what we will learn on the origin and on the properties of multiple populations in star clusters has a deep impact on our understanding of the early phases of the photometric and chemical evolution of galaxies .

In a very interesting paper, Carretta (2006, AJ, 131, 1766) provides a few additional hints for our discussion. He calculated the interquartile range of the various NaO and MgAl anticorrelations, and used it as a quantitative estimate of the extension of the chemical inhomogeneities within a cluster.

Despite the fact that the NaO anticorrelation is much better defined than the MgAl relation,

the spread in [Mg/Al] increases at increasing the spread of [O/Na]:

this is a clear cut evidence that the NeNa and MgAl cycles involved come from the very same source, which cannot be active in present day MS or RGB stars.

The level of chemical inhomogeneites is clearly higher for more extended HBs:

further evidence that the two phenomena may be related.

The level of chemical inhomogeneites seems higher for higher mass clusters.

Does this indicate a better ability of more massive clusters to retain the polluting ejects?

Carretta (2006) found also that the larger the orbit sizes and revolution periods, the larger the amount of inhomogeneities.

Larger spreads in [O/Na] and [Mg/Al] distributions are also clearly found for clusters with large maximum heights above the Galactic plane and/or with larger inclination angles of the orbit with respect to the plane.

To be further investigated!!!!

Bedin et al. 2008a, ApJ, in press .

NGC 6791 WD cooling sequence has a double peaked LF.

Two peaks are not expected by standard cooling theory

Brighter peak significantly brighter than expected from TO age.

Fainter peak still too bright, but some modification to classical cooling theory can account for it)

NGC 6791 has a large fraction of binary.

About 35 of the measured stars are in photometric binaries.

Total binary fraction >50% (as in M67)

34% of WD+WD binaries (implying a total binary fraction of 54% can solve the problem Binaries may be the solution of the puzzle.