September 11, 2001 Lessons Learned

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Transcript September 11, 2001 Lessons Learned

De-escalating Potential
Verbal\Physical Violence
and Personal Safety
Karl R. Boland, Director
The Center for Safe and Secure Schools
Harris County Department of Education
6300 Irvington Blvd. Houston, TX 77022
Phone: 713-696-0770 Toll Free: 1-866-713-2343
[email protected]
Different World
 1910 Classroom
Visual 1.1
Different World
 1916 Norwich Academy (High School)
Visual 1.2
Different World
 1920 Dawson School, Dawson, Navarro Co. TX
Visual 1.3
 1939 Memorial School
The famous Dick and Jane books that taught millions of children to read were first
published in 1931.
Visual 1.4
 1940-41 Seymore School , Seymore Texas
Visual 1.5
Different World
 1951 Hillsborough Elementary School
Visual 1.6
Different World
 1960’s Porter, Minnesota
Visual 1.7
 1970 Alief Elementary
Visual 1.8
Different World
 1980
Visual 1.9
Is Today’s School World So Different?
 Maybe Not So Different (Duck and Cover 1960’s)
Visual 1.10
Definition of Violence
 Violence is a general term to describe actions,
usually deliberate, that cause or intend to cause
injury to people, animals, or non-living objects.
Violence is often associated with aggression.
There are essentially two kinds of violence:
random violence, which describes small-scale
acts of random or targeted violence, and
coordinated violence, which describes actions
carried out by sanctioned or unsanctioned violent
groups, such as war and terrorism.
Visual 1.11
Survey of Top School Problems
Visual 1.12
Survey of Top School Problems
Hoax discovered by Professor Barry O’Neill,
The School Administrator, 51, 8-11, 1994.
T. Cullen Davis, Texas Oil Businessman, invented the lists in 1981:
“They weren’t done from a scientific survey. How did I know what the
offenses in the schools were in 1940? I was there. How do I know what
they are now? I read the newspapers.”
Visual 1.13
What Two Significant Events Led To Us Being Here Today?
Columbine High School on April 19, 1999
Visual 1.14
Columbine Students
Columbine Students April 19, 1999.
Visual 1.15
Columbine High School Shootings
 April 20, 1999. – Littleton, Colorado, Columbine High
School: in the most violent public school shooting incident
in U.S. history two students, 17 and 18 years old, fired
more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition and detonated 30
explosive devices during their rampage. 12 people were
killed; 24 students were injured, some of them critically,
160 patients had to be triaged, and more than 2,000
people were evacuated during the shooting. In the
aftermath of the violence more than 60 other live
explosives were found in and around the school.
Visual 1.16
Columbine High School Shooting
The School Shooting Tragedy at Columbine High School on
April 20, 1999.
Visual 1.17
Columbine Students and Staff
12 Students and 1staff member died during the
Columbine tragedy.
Visual 1.18
Safe At Home
World Trade Center Twin Towers September 10, 2001.
Visual 1.19
The World Changes
The World Trade Center Twin Towers on September 11, 2001
Visual 1.20
Where are you safe?
October 1, 2006 Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Visual 1.21
Amish School House Shooting
32-year old Charles Carl Roberts enters the school with evil intent and as
police storm the building he shoots and kills 5 girls, ages 7-13 and wounds
5 more before killing himself
October 2, 2006 Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Visual 1.22
Delaware State University
 Two wounded September 2007
Visual 1.23
A Time Line of Recent Worldwide School Shootings
Feb. 19, 1997
Bethel, Alaska
Principal and one student killed, two others wounded by Evan Ramsey, 16.
Dec. 1, 1997
West Paducah,
Three students killed, five wounded by Michael Carneal, 14, as they participated in a prayer circle at Heath High School.
March 24, 1998
Four students and one teacher killed, ten others wounded outside as Westside Middle School emptied during a false fire
alarm. Mitchell Johnson, 13, and Andrew Golden, 11, shot at their classmates and teachers from the woods.
May 21, 1998
Two students killed, 22 others wounded in the cafeteria at Thurston High School by 15-year-old Kip Kinkel. Kinkel had
been arrested and released a day earlier for bringing a gun to school. His parents were later found dead at home.
April 20, 1999
Littleton, Colo.
14 students (including killers) and one teacher killed, 23 others wounded at Columbine High School in the nation's
deadliest school shooting. Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17, had plotted for a year to kill at least 500 and blow up their
school. At the end of their hour-long rampage, they turned their guns on themselves.
March 21, 2005
Red Lake, Minn.
Jeff Weise, 16, killed grandfather and companion, then arrived at school where he killed a teacher, a security guard, 5
students, and finally himself, leaving a total of 10 dead.
Oct. 2, 2006
Nickel Mines,
32-year-old Carl Charles Roberts IV entered the one-room West Nickel Mines Amish School and shot 10 schoolgirls,
ranging in age from 6 to 13 years old, and then himself. Five of the girls and Roberts died.
Jan. 3, 2007
Tacoma, Wash.
Douglas Chanthabouly, 18, shot fellow student Samnang Kok, 17, in the hallway of Henry Foss High School.
April 16, 2007
Blacksburg, Va.
A 23-year-old Virginia Tech student, Cho Seung-Hui, killed two in a dorm, then killed 30 more 2 hours later in a classroom
building. His suicide brought the death toll to 33, making the shooting rampage the most deadly in U.S. history. Fifteen
others were wounded.
Visual 1.24
Visual 1.25
School homicides are increasing?
Visual 1.26
Who Is To Blame?
“School shootings and other forms of school
violence are not just a school’s problem or a law
enforcement problem. They involve schools,
families, and the communities. An adolescent
comes to school with a collective life experience,
both positive and negative, shaped by the
environments of family, school, peers,
community, and culture….”
National Center for Analysis of Violent Crime
Visual 1.27
Why pay attention to student appearance?
Visual 1.28
When Seconds Count!
 When seconds count!
Visual 1.29
What If ?
 Have you thought how you would react if you
where one of the staff in this incident?
 How would you attempt to control the student use
of cell phones during this event?
 If your office notification method/device did not
function, how could you communicate with the
Visual 1.30
Who is responsible for school safety?
 Central Administration
 Local Administration
 Campus Police or Security
 Other Teachers
Visual 1.31
Warning Signs of Violence
Social withdrawal
Excessive feelings of isolation or rejection
Being a victim of violence
Feelings of being picked on and persecuted
Uncontrolled anger
Low school interest and poor academic performance
Impulsive and chronic hitting, intimidating, bullying
Expression of violence in writings and drawings
History of discipline problems
Past history of violent and aggressive behavior
Drug use and alcohol use
Affiliation with gangs
Inappropriate access to, possession of, and use of firearms
Intolerance for differences, prejudicial attitudes
Serious threats of violence.
Visual 1.32
What stressors can contribute to young children becoming violent?
 A variety of social and economic factors can
contribute to violent and aggressive behavior by
children at home, in school, and in the
community. In cases of workplace violence, we
tend to look at the offenders to identify what
"stressors" lead them to committing violent
acts. Ironically, we tend not to look at our juvenile
population from the same perspective, particularly
in terms of thinking about prevention and "early
recognition" or warning signs.
Visual 1.33
Stressors Might Include:
 Physical, psychological, and/or emotional abandonment by
parents, adults, and significant others
Domestic violence, abuse, neglect, and/or other severe
family stress or dysfunction
Lack of order, structure, and discipline
Self-concept formation, peer pressure, need to protect
reputation, and related developmental issues
Alcohol, drug, and similar influences
Gang, cult, or other deviant subculture attraction
Pressure to succeed academically
Fear of the unknown, fear of rejection, and fear of failure
Visual 1.34
How can parents, school officials, and other
concerned adults best help children?
 Establishing ongoing, sincere, and trusting relationships with youth built upon
regular, quality communications
 Being sensitive to the stressors influencing children and providing timely
intervention support
 Being alert for, and promptly responding to, issues such as:
Detachment: A lack of bonding and "connectedness" to others
Threats --- and the efforts to establish the means and opportunity
to carry out the threats
Disciplinary problems in school and/or delinquent, criminal activity
in schools or communities
Unusual interest or preoccupation with weapons, bombs, and `
violent forms of "entertainment"
Abuse of animals, suicide threats or attempts, self-mutilation, etc.
 Talk to children honestly and, if necessary, seek professional help BEFORE a
Visual 1.35
What can I do?
 Be observant
 Watch students
 Listen to students (Keeping in mind your
professional obligations.)
 Have a hall partner, (Class Change)
 Be on time for duties
 Help Line
Visual 1.36
What can I do?
 Help Line available 24/7
 1-800-418-6423
ext 359
Reports can be made via the web at
Visual 1.37
Texas Penal Code Criminal Trespass
§ 30.05. CRIMINAL TRESPASS. (a) A person commits an offense if he enters
or remains on or in property, including an aircraft or other vehicle, of another
without effective consent or he enters or remains in a building of another
without effective consent and he: (1) had notice that the entry was forbidden;
or (2) received notice to depart but failed to do so. (b) For purposes of this
section: (1) "Entry" means the intrusion of the entire body.
(2) "Notice" means: (A) oral or written communication by the owner or
someone with apparent authority to act for the owner; (B) fencing or other
enclosure obviously designed to exclude intruders or to contain livestock; (C) a
sign or signs posted on the property or at the entrance to the building,
reasonably likely to come to the attention of intruders, indicating that entry is
forbidden; (D) the placement of identifying purple paint marks on trees or posts
on the property, provided that the marks are:
Visual 1.38
Texas Education Code - Trespass
unauthorized person who trespasses on the grounds of
any school district of this state commits an offense. An
offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor.
Visual 1.39
Approaching Strangers
 Observe for visitor badge
 Identify self and offer assistance
 If no visitor badge visible:
Visual 1.40
Indicate that you will accompany visitor to office so that
he/she can sign-in and acquire a badge.
Walk beside or slightly behind.
If they refuse send for help and observe individual. (No
physical Contact is appropriate.)
Note anything out of ordinary.
Physically hand-off to office personnel.
Who would you stop?
Visual 1.41
Notorious Killers
September 27, 2006. 53-year-old[1] Duane Roger Morrison entered the school building,
claiming to be carrying a bomb. He was initially reported as a bearded 35-year-old man
with a camouflage backpack[2] and dark hooded sweatshirt.[3] Morrison took six female
students hostage and sexually assaulted them, later releasing four. When police entered
the classroom, Morrison opened fire before shooting hostage Emily Keyes in the head.
The other remaining hostage escaped unharmed, and paramedics confirmed that
Morrison had committed suicide. Keyes was pronounced dead at 4:32 p.m. MDT (23:32
UTC) at Saint Anthony's Hospital in Denver, Colorado after undergoing emergency
Theodore Robert 'Ted' Bundy (November 24, 1946 – January 24, 1989) is one of
the most infamous serial killers in U.S. history. Bundy raped and murdered scores of
young women across the United States between 1974 and 1978. After more than a
decade of vigorous denials, Bundy eventually confessed to 30 murders, although the
actual total of victims remains unknown. Typically, Bundy would rape then murder his
victims by bludgeoning, and sometimes by strangulation. He also engaged in
In stark contrast to the brutality of his crimes, Bundy was frequently described as
educated and charming. His friends and acquaintances would remember him as a
handsome and articulate young man.
Visual 1.42
Tools And Strategies To Prevent or De-escalate Violence
 Non-Verbal Warning Signs
 Body Language Cues
 Verbal Threats
 Classroom Conflicts
 Fights
 Parents or Visitors.
 Threat Assessments
Visual 1.43
Non-Verbal Warning Signs
 The “Stare”
 Clinched Fists
 Body Stance
 Breathing
 Color (flush)
 Movement toward individual of interest
Visual 1.44
Body Language Cues
Poor Eye Contact:………………………….... Dishonest, closed, unconcerned, nervous
Sitting Back in Chair:……………………….. Uninterested, unenthusiastic, unconcerned, uncooperative
Standing, Weight on Back Leg:…………… Same as “Sitting Back in Chair”
Arms Crossed on Chest:…………………… Uninterested, unconcerned, defiant, not listening,
impatient, stubborn, defensive
Rocking Movements:………………………... Nervous, lack of self confidence
Frequent Hand-to-Face Contact:………….. Dishonest, deceitful, nervous
Touching and/or Rubbing Nose/Eyes……. Doubt, disagreement, nervous deceitful
Hidden Hands:……………………………...... Deceptive, guilty, insincere
Pencil/Pen Chewing:………………………... Lack of self confidence, doubt
Jingling Pocket Change:…………………… Nervous, lack of self confidence or control, deceitful
Drumming Table/Tapping Feet:…………… Nervous, hostile, impatience, anxiety, boredom
Head in Hand:………………………………… Boredom
Locked Ankles:………………………………. Apprehensive, deceitful, nervous
Crossed Legs:……………………………….. Defensive, closed
Palm to Back of Neck:……………………… Frustration, anger, irritation, hostility
Slumping Posture: …………………………. Nervous, poor self control
Frequent Blinking: …………………………. Nervous, deceitful, inattentive
Raising Voice:………………………………. Nervous, deceitful, arrogant
Shrugging Shoulders:……………………… Unconcerned, indifferent
Tight Lipped:………………………………… Nervous, deceitful, angry, hostile
Visual 1.45
Verbal Threats
 Threats should not be ignored. However, if possible do not exhibit
outward signs of fear. The threatening individual usually looks at the
person they have threatened carefully for traces of fear or shock.
If possible attempt to depersonalize threatening comments.
Steps should be taken to protect oneself, such as attempting to isolate
the threatening individual or calling in additional staff and security.
After a serious threat is made, an immediate notice should be sent out to
all school administrators, school security personnel, teachers, etc. about
the specific threat and the school’s response to the threat.
After a student has made a serious threat, special security checks should
be required any time the student enters school campus. Friends of the
student may also need to under go security checks.
Publicize to students the penalties for making a threat. Students must
understand the seriousness of making threats and the consequences that
will be implemented when a threat is made.
Utilize the buddy system which attempts to prevent assaults on campus.
Visual 1.46
Classroom Conflict
 Do not raise your voice.
 Attempt to remain calm and rational.
 Do not touch an agitated or angry student. (touching may escalate
Be aware of student’s personal space and do not invade it if possible.
In general, try to have the student remain seated to attempt to correct
the student’s behavior. If student’s inappropriate behavior continues,
have the student step into the hall away from the general view of the
class. (If student refuses to comply and leave the room, remove other
students from class room and seek assistance.) Otherwise, position
yourself in door way to view both class and student.
Attempt to speak to the student privately to resolve the issue.
If needed, send another student for help. The student should be told to
go to the nearest office or classroom to summon assistance from the
Visual 1.47
Handling Fights
 Do not physically get in the middle of a fight or try to restrain
If possible disperse student spectators away from the fight.
Use your best authoritative, loud voice to let the fighters know
you are there and you want the fight to end immediately.
You may use commands such as: "Break it up. Stop right there.
Everyone back off. Move away from each other, now!"
If you know the names of the fighters, call them by name.
Take time to analyze the fight. You need to know if the fight just
began, is it winding down, who is the aggressor, etc.
Obtain additional help from other teachers to stop the fight.
Visual 1.48
Guidelines for Dealing with Agitated Parents
The parent was already upset-
Steer the parent to a safe place—an office area with
Do not give him/her the impression that you can
resolve the concern — stay neutral, but listen
Demonstrate empathy and allow the parent ventilate.
Maintain neutrality and let him/her know that he/she
has been heard.
Plan for a method to obtain assistance if necessary.
Visual 1.49
Guidelines for Dealing with Agitated Parents
The parent was asked to come for a conference-
Arrange a meeting location with administrative or
counseling staff present.
Forewarn staff of a potential difficult situation.
Remember a parent might feel threatened and perceive
that something is either wrong with him/her or him/her
A parent might be defensive; be prepared, plan and
rehearse what to say and how to say it.
Maintain control of your emotions and present a
professional demeanor.
If you feel threatened, stop the conference and indicate
that it will be rescheduled for a later time.
Visual 1.50
Front Office Dealing With Agitated Parents
 Maintain a calm voice and demeanor.
 Be civil and polite; use a normal voice. “Let me
find someone who can help you.”
 Call for another adult
 Observe the individual
 Keep your face front to individual.
 To end the encounter and redirect the individual
use “Let me get your name and number and I will
have _____ contact you.”
Visual 1.51
Threat Assessment
 1. Identification of threats made by students.
 2. Evaluation of seriousness of threat and danger
it poses to others, recognizing that all threats
are not the same (e.g., toy guns are not
 3. Intervention to reduce risk of violence.
 4. Follow-up to assess intervention results.
Visual 1.52
Schools are violent places?
Visual 1.53
Is School Violence A Major Threat for Student Deaths?
Visual 1.54
Possible Scenarios To Think About
 Approaching a stranger
 Front Office – conflict with parent or visitor
 Agitated parent at a teacher’s conference.
 Classroom Disruption - Student acting out
 Refuses
to leave.
 Gets louder and leaves.
 Limited English speaking parent.
 Custody Issue (two parents)
Visual 1.55
Likelihood Of Homicide At Your School
What is the likelihood of a student committing
a homicide at your school?
• 93 student homicides cases in 10 years = 9.3/year
(1992-93 to 2001-02)
• 119,000 schools
• 9.3/year ÷119,000 = .0000781
• 1 case every 12,800 years
Visual 1.56
In Conclusion
 Be part of the solution.
 Be Observant – Look for people or things that are out of
Be in the halls during passing time.
Be on time for duty.
Approach and identify strangers.
Report concerns immediately.
Listen to your students.
Practice a personal safety plan!
Remain calm
Visual 1.57
Copy of Presentation
Visual 1.58
•R4 The National School Safety Center's Report on School Associated
Violent Deaths
•R5 by the U.S. Department of Education
•R6 Dewey G. Cornell, Ph.D.
•R10 Sound Clip Bucky Covington - A Different World
Visual 1.59
Where can I learn more?
You can learn more about school safety by contacting:
The Center for Safe and Secure Schools
Harris County Department of Education
6300 Irvington Blvd. Houston, TX 77022
Phone: 713-696-0770 Toll Free: 1-866-713-2343
Visual 1.60
Karl R. Boland, Director
The Center for Safe and Secure Schools
Harris County Department of Education
6300 Irvington Blvd. Houston, TX 77022
Phone: 713-696-0770 Toll Free: 1-866-713-2343
[email protected]
Alan Ward
Educational and Technology Consultant
Visual 1.61