Extern conference 20 sep 2007

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Transcript Extern conference 20 sep 2007

20 SEP 2007
Admit september 6 ,2007
14-year-old Thai boy
 CC: hemoptysis for 2 hours
 PI :
2 hr. PTA, after school, the patient felt like something caught
in his throat so he went into the bathroom and cough up a
large amount of bright red blood (about 1 cola can) , no air
bubble, food particles, sputum or clotted blood was seen
 He continued to have hemoptysis since then, the total amount
was about 3 cola cans
 1 hr. PTA , he started to have nose bleeding
 He had palpitation but no fainting or dizziness
History : Present illness
He never had unexplained bleeding, petechiae,
epistaxis, hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria,
He denied history of chronic cough, recurrent
pneumonia, jaundice, weight loss, low grade fever,
None of his family member or friends have similar
No history of trauma
Underlying disease :
Personal history
No history of hematologic disease
No history of tuberculosis
No smoking, no alcohol drinking, no IVDU
Family history
for 10 years, last attack 3 years ago
No current medication
No history of drug allergy
No current medication
Developmental history: normal
Complete EPI programme
History : Present illness
First, his mother took him to Srivichai hospital
At Srivichai hospital
Massive hemoptysis with epistaxis
 Physical examination
V/S : BP 140/80 mmHg., T 38.3oC, RR 40/min,
 GA : dyspnea
 HEENT : Epistaxis in nasal cavity, Bloody discharge at posterior
 RS : wheezing both lungs with transmitted sounds form upper tract :
after ventolin NB –> crepitation RML field
 CVS, Abdomen : WNL
 Cervical lymph node : not palpable
Ventolin & adrenaline aerosol – wheezing improved but hemoptysis
History : Present illness
At ER Siriraj
Physical examination
V/S : BP 121/75 mmHg., T 37oC, PR 108/min, RR 32/min
 O2 sat. 86%
nose : blood clot in Rt. Nasal canal, normal Lt. side, pale mucosa
Pharynx : not injected
Oropharynx : mild injected
ENT : TM- no erythema, bleeding
CVS : normal S1 & S2, no murmur
 RS : mild dyspnea, substernal retraction, decreased breathsounds
RLL, crepitation RML, wheezing both lungs, secretion sounds
 LN : no superficial lymphadenopathy
CBC (6/9/07)
 Hb
11.6 mg/dl., Hct 37.2%
 WBC 12,770/mm3 (N 82.5%, L 13.4%, Mo 3%)
 Platelet 275,000/mm3
Blood chemistry (6/9/07)
 Na
141 mmol/l
 K 4.1 mmol/l
 Cl 106 mmol/l
 HCO3 26 mmol/l
 BUN : Cr = 10 : 0.6
Rt. Middle lobe
silhouette to Rt.
heart border, no
infiltration Rt. lower
lung field
Right lateral
decubitous: no
pleural effusion
was seen
Problem lists
Massive Hemoptysis for 2 hours
Bleeding per nose for 1 hours
Underlying disease : asthma for 10 years
Differential diagnosis
Infectious cause : most likely
 Atypical
 Pulmonary tuberculosis
Pulmonary hypertention:
 congenital
heart disease
Trauma: lung contusion
 pulmonary
 Adenoid tumor
Hemoptysis : the coughing up of blood derived from the lungs or
bronchial tubes as a result of pulmonary or bronchial hemorrhage.
 Non-massive : blood vol. < 200 ml./day
 Massive : usually from bronchial system (systolic pressure)
First step :
hemoptysis VS.
or hematemesis
Massive hemoptysis
 Tuberculosis
 Bronchiectasis
(including cystic fibrosis)
 Nontuberculous mycobacteria
 Lung abscess
 Mycetoma (aspergilloma, or fungus ball)
 Pulmonary contusion or trauma
Based on 2 important issues
 The
underlying cause
 The severity of bleeding
To protect airway, maintain oxygenation(ET
tube/rigid bronchoscopy in case of severe
respiratory distress)
Maintain sufficient blood volume
Stop hemorrhage
Treat the underlying cause
How to approach
Progress note
Progress note
Management 6 september 2007
To protect airway, maintain oxygenation
 On
oxygen canula 3 LMP
 Position: lying right side down
 Arterial blood gas stat
Maintain sufficient blood volume
 5%D/N/2
(1000ml) iv drip 100cc/hr
 recordV/S q 2 hr
 G/M PRC 550 cc
Management 6 september 2007
Observe bleeding
 Serial
Hct q 6 hr
Treatment the underlying cause
lateral decubitous stat,then F/U again tomorrow
 Claforan 100 MKD> sig 1 gm IV q 6 hr
 Paracetamol (500mg) 1 tab oral prn
Progress note 7 Sep 2007 1.30am
V/S: T 37.5 P 98/min, BP 124/64 mmHg,
RR 32/min
RS: decreased breath sound RLL, coarse crepitation
RML, Dullness on percussion & Decreased vocal
resonance at RLL, trachea in midline, decreased
chest movement on Rt. side
Opacity area at
RLL silhouette to
Rt. Diaphragm
and Rt heart
mediastinal shift
to the right
Progress note 7 Sep 2005 1.30am
DDX: (film)
 - Consolidation from pneumonia
 - Hemorrhage
 - Pleural effusion
Film right lateral
-Minimal pleural
-haziness at RLL&lateral
side of Rt.lung
suspected atelectasis
Progress note 7 September 2007
-5% D/N/2 1000 cc IV drip rate 100 cc/hr
- Oxygen cannula 3 LPM
-Pleural fluid gram stain, AFB,modified AFB, fresh smear
,culture for bacteria fungus ,LDH,sugar
(Pleural fluid gram stain ,AFB,modified AFB : neg )
Progress note 7 September 2007
CXR all members of the family
 Result:
All negative
Management 7 September 2007
- Claforan
- Azithromycin(250mg)sig 2 tab oral OD
Blood for Clamydia Ab, Mycoplasma Ab titer
Tuberculine skin test
Sputum for AFB x 3 days
Progress note 8 September 2007
Lab sputum AFB (8 sep 07) not found
Progress note 9 September 2007
Lab sputum AFB (9 sep 07) : positive 5 cells/slide
Tuberculin skin test results:
48 hr.: 13 mm.
 72 hr.: 18 mm.
Question for medical student !!!
Progress note 10 September 2007
S: dyspnea , no fever
Massive pneumothorax
at right lung
Massive loss of lung
volume right side
Blunt costophrenic
Progress note 10 September 2007
Right lateral
Fluid level was
Progress note 10 September 2007
Consult CVT for applied ICD
 After
ICD insertion: Air + pleural effusion
CXR after ICD insertion
Applied intermittent suction 20 mmH2O
CXR again after applied suction
Sputum AFB day 3 : negative
Progress note 10 September 2007
Oxygen 8 LPM keep Oxygen > 95 %
CXR tomorrow
Pleural fluid for cell count, cell diff, gram stain, AFB,
modified AFB, fresh smear ,Culture for bacteria ,
fungus, mycobacteria, LDH, sugar, protien, pH, ADA
, PCR, pleural fluid cytology
serum LDH, protein
Progress note 10 September 2007
Off Azithromycin
INH(100mg)(6mg/kg/day) sig 3 tab oral hs
Rifampicin(600mg)sig 1 tab oral hs
Pyrazinamide (500mg) sig 2 tab oral hs
Ethambutol (500mg) sig 2 tab oral hs
Vitamin B6 sig 1tab oral OD
applied ICD
Haziness at
right lung
After ICD
insertion with
Increase lung
Progress note 10 September 2007
ICD content : 50 mL.
lab investigation
sputum AFB not found
Pleural effusion gram stain (10sep07)
: moderate PMN , no bacteria seen
Progress note 10 September 2007
Pleural effusion modifiedAFB(10sep07)
:moderate PMN ,not found modified acid fast
Pleural effusion : total protein 3.8 g/dl , glucose
74 mg/dl
LDH 1880 u/litre
Blood chemistry :total protein 6.8 g/dl ,LDH 254
Conclusion: pleural fluid is exudate
Progress note 11 September 2007
Asymmetrical CXR
Rt. Main bronchus
was not seen
Airway trapping
Diff Dx – atelectasis
or pleural effusion
Progress note 11 September 2007
pleural fluid (11 sep 07) :serosanguinous fluid,
negative for malignancy ,reactive cellular changes
associated with inflammation
H/C : NG
Plan: Treat pulmonary TB at least 2 weeks then F/U
Progress note 12 September 2007
Increased lung
Management 12 September 2007
 after
improvement of Rt. Lung atelectasis
off ICD
 Pleural effusion will improve after starting anti-TB
 Lung expansion therapy: suck triflow 4 times a day
 Start
steroid: Prednisolone (2mg/kg/day)3 tab oral tid
Progress note 13 September 2007
 S&O:
He got exhausted after going to the bathroom
 O2 sat. 77%
on O2 mask with bag 15 LPM
O2 sat 95%
 ICD content(13/9/07): 20 ml.
 The 3rd ICD bottle was wrong connection
correct ICD connection
Progress note 14 September 2007
ICD(14/9/07) 70 ml.
O2 mask with bag 10 LPM keep O2 >95%
Progress note 15 September 2007
Rt. pneumothorax
Progress note 15 Sep 2007
ICD content: (15 Sep 2007)no content
 On
oxygen mask with bag 10 LPM.
Progress note 16 Sep 2007
ICD content: (16 Sep 2007)20 mL
Continue O2 mask with bag 10 LPM
 (for
improvement pneumothorax)
Progress note 17 Sep 2007
Mild dyspnea, No hemoptysis or epistaxis
 V/S:T
37.2 C, BP 122/84 mmHg, RR 18/min. PR
 RS: Equal chest movement, Decreased breath sound
Rt.lung, dullness on purcussion.
Plan: Clamp ICD tomorrow,if no dyspnea
off ICD
Progress note 18 Sep 2007
S : no dyspnea, no fever
O : v/s : stable
RS : Equal chest movement, Decreased breath
sound Rt.lung, dullness on purcussion.
Progress note 18 Sep 2007
No pneumothorax seen
RLL atelectasis
Mediastinum shift to
the right
Progress note 19 Sep 2007
S : No fever, no dyspnea, no cough
O : v/s : T 36.5, PR 76, RR 20, BP 109/64, O2sat
(mask with bag 10 LPM) 98 %
RS : Decrease breath sound at Rt. Lung, dullness on
percussion, no air leakage when cough
P : Clamp ICD 4 hour if no dyspnea then off ICD
Progress note 19 Sep 2007
Robert C. Stern,Nelson textbook of pediatrics
16th,Hemoptysis p1307-1308
Simon Godfrey, MD, Hemoptysis in Children,
Pediatric Pulmonology, Supplement 26:177–179
Simon Godfrey, MD, Pulmonary Hemorrhage/
Hemoptysis in Children, Pediatric Pulmonology
37:476–484 (2004)
Freixinet J et al, Role of surgery in pulmonary
tuberculosis, Med Sci Monit, 2002; 8(12): CR782786
T.W. Noseworthy,MD,MSc,FRCPC,FACP, B.J.Anderson,
RN, BSc, Massive hemoptysis, CMAJ, VOL. 135,
NOVEMBER 15, 1986
Kin-sun Wong, Reyin Lien and Shao-Hsuan Hsia,
Major Hemoptysis in Adolescents, Indian Journal
of Pediatrics, Volume 72—June, 2005
FAMILY PRACTICE Volume 6 Number 1 March
Takeshi HISADA, Massive Hemoptysis Due to
Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Internal Medicine Vol. 44,
No. 2 (February 2005)
Special thanks
A. Kulkanya Chokphaiboolkit, Pediatrics
A. Kriengkrai, Radiologist
Chest pediatrics fellow