Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life

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April 27—What test taking
strategies are you going
to use for the IB exams?
Test-Taking Tips
 Bring a sweater or jacket
 Bring Water ONLY
 Skip lines so that you can go back and add
info if necessary
 Paper 1: Last question include a thesis
statement, body paragraphs, and a
concluding sentence.
 Paper 2 and 3: Make sure to include Thesis,
Evidence, Specific Evidence, and Analysis
Che Guevara: A
Revolutionary Life
“Wherever death may surprise us, let it be
welcome.” Che, April 1967
IB Objectives
 Spread of Cold War from Europe
 Cuban Revolution
Key Terms
 Mario Monje
Lecture Outline
Unquiet Youth
Become Che and the Cuban
III. Making the New Man and Beginning a
Worldwide Revolution
Unquiet Youth
 Ernesto Guevara de la Serna was born
on May 14, 1928.
 He entered medical school in 1947.
 1952 Che and his friend Alberto Granado
traveled from Argentina to Venezuela.
 July 1953 Che and his friend Carlos
Ferrer travel from Argentina to
Venezuela, and Che continues into
Central America.
Unquiet Youth
 1954 US invades Guatemala to oust
 Guevara finds asylum at the Argentine
 Mid-September 1954, Guevara crosses
the border into Mexico.
Becoming Che and the
Cuban Revolution
 November 23, 1956 Fidel and 81 other
men leave Mexico.
 They landed on December 2.
 By the end of January word arrived from
Havana that Fidel’s presence was having
an effect.
 Early 1958, the Communist Party in Cuba
began to openly support Castro’s
Becoming Che and the
Cuban Revolution
 Fidel arrived in Havana on January 8,
 February 16, 1959 Fidel was sworn in as
Cuba’s new prime minister.
 February 14, 1961 the first infiltration
team was smuggled into Cuba.
Becoming Che and the
Cuban Revolution
 Kennedy chose the Bay of Pigs as the invasion
 The Cuban exiles thought they would be backed by
the full weight of US military power.
 April 17 1961, 1500 Cuban Exile Liberation Army
landed at the Bay of Pigs. 12 POWs were taken
the rest were massacred.
 December 1962 the prisoners were released in
exchange for $62 million worth of medical supplies.
Becoming Che and the
Cuban Revolution
 Spring of 1962, Che was overseeing a
campaign to recruit and organize guerrilla
trainees from the Latin American
students invited to Cuba on revolutionary
Becoming Che and the
Cuban Revolution
 Fidel’s goal was to consolidate Cuba’s
economic well-being and his own political
survival, and for that he was willing to
 Che’s mission was to spread the socialist
Beginning a Worldwide
 Summer of 1964 Che had resolved to
leave Cuba and return to the
revolutionary battle.
 He chose Africa, specifically the Congo,
for his next revolution.
 Che left Cuba for the last time on April 1,
1965 and arrived in Africa on April 19.
Beginning a Worldwide
 April 24, 1965 Che and 13 Cubans
arrived in the Congo.
 October 24, 1965, Che’s base camp was
overrun by government troops. Che and
the rest escaped.
 November 22, 1965, Che and the
Cubans left the Congo.
 Bolivia became the next target.
Beginning a Worldwide
 Che and Fidel proposed a modern-day
repetition of the epic liberation strategy
waged by San Martin and Bolivar.
 Mario Monje was the leader of the
Communist Party in Bolivia.
 Che arrived in La Paz on November 3,
 Che saw the war in Bolivia as a way to
start a new world war.
Beginning a Worldwide
 February 1, 1967 Che left base camp
and didn’t return until March 20.
 On March 23, the war began.
 The Bolivian government outlawed the
Communist Party.
 June 30, the Bolivian government
confirmed publicly that Guevara was in
Bolivia and the US sent a Rangers
Beginning a Worldwide
 On October 8, 1967 Che and 17 men
were surrounded in a canyon and Che
was taken into custody.
 On October 9 he was executed.
 On October 11, Che’s body and of his
comrades were placed in a secret grave.
 In July 1997, Che’s skeleton was
discovered and in October he was
publicly interred in Cuba.