Transcript Document

Social entrepreneurship: pathways towards
a sustainable and cohesive Europe
The Concepts and the EU Policy Agenda
Business and Start-Ups Sub-Committee
Brussels 2015-06-16
The EESC, social economy and social entrepreneurship
Key EU policy expert  social economy category group, GECES member
Significant expertise and opinion work, such as:
 Diverse Forms of Enterprise
 Social Enterprise and Social Entrepreneurship
 Social Business Initiative
 European Funds for Social Entrepreneurship
 Social Impact Measurement
 Social Impact Investment
 Financial Eco-System for Social Enterprises
The EESC social enterprise project
 Bridging social economy stakeholders and policy makers  local to EU & Strasbourg to Luxembourg
 Project report with reflections and recommendations
 Networking, communication and dissemination
The backdrop - a new societal landscape emerging
 Aftershocks of an unprecedented crisis
 Facing complex societal challenges  globalisation, demographic
development, climate change, migration…
 New social risks emerging  widening inequality gaps, social exclusion,
poverty, unemployment…
 Indicating a paradigm shift and need for systemic change
 Urgent need to mobilise all resources and stakeholders in society
Social enterprise - a solution, historically and now
Feature of the European social model  smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
Mission to meet unmet needs or tackle social/societal issues
Often members/users and/or general interest focused
Produce social and economic outcomes
Social cohesion/inclusion and business creation/employment
Play key democracy function  link to civil society creating social capital
Catalyst for social innovation  demand-led, user-centred, flexible, bottom-up
Increase diversity and supply of services
Innovate social (and other) policies
Proven more resilient but still underdeveloped
Diversity, but shared concept and characteristics
Economic and social actors - active across sectors
Primary social mission
Surplus a means to fulfil social mission  reinvesting
Inclusive governance  voluntary and open membership and democratic control
Business and legal models vary due to national contexts
Social economy = associations, mutuals, cooperatives, foundations
But social economy also includes new legal forms based on shared principles
Independence from public authorities
Close link to civil society  key driver of social entrepreneurship
Mixed revenue streams  public and private
The European Commission description
COM Social Business Initiative (SBI), 2011:
the social/societal objective primary reason for the commercial activity
profits are mainly reinvested towards the social objective
the method of organisation or ownership system reflects its mission
Thus are enterprises:
providing social services and/or goods and services to vulnerable persons
with a method of production of goods or services with a social objective
Are economic actors producing goods and services
Is not CSR  but connections can exist
Some terms used: social economy, social market economy, social enterprise, social entrepreneurship, civil society
Social economy and social enterprise in Europe
Limited accurate data due to Member State diversity
EU mapping study – a step
Satellite accounts only in 4 MS
Social economy paid employment 14.5+ million 2012 (vs. 11 in 2008)
6.5% of the working population of the EU
In Belgium, Italy, France, Spain and the Netherlands accounts for between 9%-11.5% of working population
75% of social enterprise active in:
Social services, employment and training, environment, education and community development
20/29 (EU + Switzerland) countries have national definitions
21/29 (EU + Switzerland) have no policy framework for development
Sources: European Commission “Social Europe Guide Vol 4”, EESC/Ciriec Study 2012, COM Mapping Study 2014, Third Sector Impact 2015
EU policy support
EU2020  Single Market Act  Social Business Initiative 2011
SBI key starting bringing policy areas together and key actions:
Other interesting initiatives
Funding – structural fund priorities, private financing
Visibility – social impact measurement, mapping
Legal environment - public procurement provisions
Strasbourg Declaration
Rome Strategy – letter to Juncker
EP reports; such as “Draft report on social entrepreneurship and social innovation combating unemployment”
EESC opinions
EESC project findings 2014-2015
There is a genuine interest but concepts needs to be further clarified
Pieces of ecosystem exist must be in a coherent policy framework
Lack of full MS implementation
The EU policy continues to play a central role, despite national diversity
To unleash the potential – direction from EESC project
Political will, ownership and keeping the momentum  launch SBI 2.0 and action plan for
social economy
Call on MS to implement at MS/regional/local levels  EU to guide, monitor and support
Safeguard the concept and recognise the specificities and need for tailored support
Mainstream in enterprise (and other) policies and connect policies frameworks
Develop a tailored eco-system
Continue building awareness, visibility and recognition  measure social impact, report in statistics, research
models and added value, recognise specificities
Improve access to markets  guide to apply favourable conditions in public procurement
Improve access to finance  hybrid capital, full lifecycle
Launch development and capacity building programmes
Support and facilitate contributions to employment
Promote social entrepreneurship in education at all levels
The future – renewed commitment and cooperation
EESC prioritises and actively engaged
European Commission
New team for SBI announced
Awaiting policy direction and leadership
GECES continues, EESC observer
European Parliament
Final project event July 10
Opinion financial eco-system September 17
Continue to disseminate, communicate and support
Bridging local stakeholders to EU policy
Intergroup for social economy re-launched
EU Presidencies
Italy – Rome Strategy
Latvia – Parliamentary Committee
Luxembourg – Presidency priority, event December 3-4
The Netherlands…
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