Virginia Substitute Evaluation Program V.S.E.P.

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Transcript Virginia Substitute Evaluation Program V.S.E.P.

Virginia Substitute
Evaluation Program
Steve Wall
Division Director of Testing
What is VSEP?
VSEP is another option for students with
disabilities to participate in Virginia’s Standards
of Learning Assessments program.
The substitute program is another method of
demonstrating skills and proficiency on the
statewide standards.
A student’s IEP team/504 committee examines
the criteria for participation and determines if
the student is eligible to participate in the
Why VSEP and why now?
VSEP has been around for a number of years. Recent direction
from the federal government and NCLB regulations have lead
to more extensive use.
The NCLB regulations allows states to have alternate means of
assessing students as long as the state standards are
This helps both students, schools and school divisions:
Students can use the VSEP to earn verified credits toward graduation.
Passing a VSEP has the same weight as passing a regular SOL test.
Schools can improve their overall pass rates and their AYP pass rates
for the “Students with Disabilities” subgroup.
Divisions also benefit from the improved “Students with Disabilities”
pass rates plus these students do no count against the 1% cap for
alternate assessments.
What are the criteria for
There are three criteria:
1. The student must have a current IEP or 504 plan.
2. The student is enrolled in a course which has an
end of course SOL test or the student needs to meet
the literacy and/or numeracy standards required for a
Modified Standard Diploma.
3. Even with accommodations (both standard and
nonstandard) the student is unable to demonstrate
mastery of the standards through the multiple choice
format of the SOL test.
Explain that last criteria
An eligible student knows the content of the
course. They just cannot communicate that
knowledge through multiple choice tests.
For example; consider a student signed up for
Algebra II next semester. The student had
passing grades in previous math classes (Math
8, Algebra I and Geometry) but he has yet to
pass an SOL test, even though he used all of
the applicable accommodations available on
the test. This student would be a candidate for
using the VSEP for his Algebra II class.
How do we prove that the
student has the knowledge?
To prove mastery of the standards a Course Work Compilation
(CWC) is collected and submitted for the student.
The CWC contains representative samples of work that
demonstrate proficiency of content based on the Standards of
learning. The samples may include student papers, projects,
videotapes, audiotapes, permanent products and other student
generated work.
IMPORTANT: only work generated by the student under the
direct supervision of a teacher or an aide is allowed in the
CWC. No homework.
The course teacher and the special education case manager
for the student work together and decide what should be
included in the CWC.
A sample CWC
To the right is the
Algebra I test
A sample CWC
One of the standards
is A.5
A sample CWC
What does A.5 cover?
A sample CWC
Consider the lesson
to the right:
A sample CWC
Successful completion of
the worksheet to the
right would show
mastery of SOL A.5 and
could be included in the
This worksheet could
also be used as
evidence for standard
Complete CWCs
In order to give the student the greatest
opportunity for success on the VSEP you
would need to have evidence for each
standard listed in the course blueprint.
The more standards with good evidence
the better the chance for success.
Steps to be taken if a VSEP is
1. The IEP team/504 committee meet and decide if the
student meets the criteria.
2. The IEP is amended.
3. The Intent to Submit a Substitute Evaluation forms are
completed by the IEP team/504 committee.
4. The forms are submitted to the state for approval.
Within ten workdays notification of approval or denial will
be received from the state.
5. If approved the collection of evidence can begin.
6. Completed CWCs must be submitted to the state for
scoring by the beginning of our spring SOL window.
7. More in-depth information/training will be provided as