Transcript Slide 1

A Unique New Internet Business Tool
Take Control of Your Website Today!
What is it?....
A complete Internet Marketing Solution (IMS) allowing you to
focus on running and growing your business, while giving you full
control of your website.
The IMS provides you with….
• a customised Internet marketing strategy
• critical search engine research for your business
• a search engine optimised website to increase visitors
• the world's most user-friendly website management system
• continuing advice from professional marketing consultants
No web design knowledge required!
How will it help me?....
The IMS will help you….
• increase your net profit
• get more visitors to your website
• eliminate the need to outsource your web design
• improve your relationship with existing customers
Eliminate the problems associated with outside designers, or training
your people in web design, HTML, programming, etc.
What can it do for my website?....
Internet Marketing Solution's IMS will allow you to….
• create new web pages
• make changes to existing web pages
• process and add images to your website
• reduce website design and/or revision costs
• eliminate the need to train staff in web design
• keep your website current with up-to-date content
In this presentation you will see how these critical tasks can be done
by you and your people without any experience in web design.
Creating or revising a web page by the conventional method of
outsourcing design requires...
• collating website content to supply to web designer
• sourcing a suitable web designer
• a briefing meeting with web designer
• web designer presents design for comment
• final meeting to approve finished web page
• new web page finally gets published to your website
Average time to completion by outsourcing = 1 - 7 days!
The IMS way.... (creating a new page by IMS)
Select your website content in MS Word, Works, Word
Perfect, or any other text editing application and paste into
the IMS editor.
Open the IMS image wizard and browse your computer to
locate any photos or images you need.
Adjust image size, cropping, etc. then publish images to your
website and insert into the web page.
Publish your finished web page, or submit it to your
company’s website administrator for final approval.
Average completion time = less than 30 minutes!
Key features of the IMS package
• Business analysis and consultation with John Crago
• An Internet marketing plan customised to your business
• Professional graphic design to enhance your corporate branding
• Creates a search-engine-friendly website for higher rankings
• Integrated secure ecommerce shopping cart for online selling
• Create online shopping pages directly from a spreadsheet
• On-site training sessions available for management and staff
• On-going Internet marketing assistance and advice included
With prices starting at $2,500... your life could get a whole lot easier!
Visit for more details.
An Overview of the IMS in Action
It is not possible to present the exhaustive list of features we have
designed into the IMS in this initial introduction. However the following
slides will give an insight into its user-friendly nature.
We will demonstrate...
• the main control panel
• the text editor functions
• the foolproof, Internet-friendly image processor
• examples of clients' sites developed using the IMS
The following few slides will show you how easy it is!
The IMS login screen... accessible from any point on the
planet with Internet access (*you do not need to be at your
desktop computer to manage your website).
The IMS main menu
screen listing the
major functions
available to users and
5 Simple steps to create new web page
Once the new page has been
saved, it can then be
reviewed and/or approved by
your website administrator.
Changes can be made at this
stage, and when approved, a
single click will publish the
finished page to the website.
(NB: In smaller companies the
content creator is frequently
the administrator, webmaster
and publisher)
The IMS Image Processor
Images for the Web require a number of treatments to ensure they look
good on a web page. Digital image processing is a complex subject and
poorly understood by many people.
We have created a very powerful, but user-friendly image processor,
and this is included in all our IMS packages
The following few slides will demonstrate its ease of use, and how it
forms an integral part of our unique website management system.
One could even say... "It's Idiot-proof"!
Processing an Image for your Website
1. Open an image from your computer, scanner or digital camera.
Processing an Image for your Website
2. Cropping the image (if required)
Processing an Image for your Website
3. Adjusting sharpness and automatic colour balance
Processing an Image for your Website
4. Adjust image compression & quality for smallest file size
(creates a faster loading web page)
Processing an Image for your Website
6. Just one click publishes your finished image to the website
Processing an Image for your Website
Just another click publishes your finished page to the website
The ‘Sky’s the Limit’ with an IMS!
Our graphic designers will work with you to ensure that
any current logo and corporate colours are reflected in
your new website layout.
We can also provide...
custom logo design
software development
full corporate branding
printed promotional media design
The following slides will give you a look at a few ‘real-world’
websites that have been created with the IMS.
For more information, telephone: 1800 108 122
Secure online shopping site for Children's Fashion
Create an Online Shop from a Spreadsheet!
The following slide shows how the IMS can create an
online shop by simply uploading the client's product
The IMS shopping cart can also include...
• stock control
• a PayPal payment facility
• real-time credit card processing
• simple or complex shipping calculator
Creating an entire online shop with 1,000s of products just by
uploading a spreadsheet?.... it can't get any easier!
Creating an Online Shop from a Spreadsheet
The next slide illustrates how the spreadsheet upload
facility also creates the necessary HTML programming
required to provide the 'large image' popup screen.
A large image view is created for your visitors in a
popup window when they click on any product's
thumbnail image.
Some other examples of IMS Websites
The following slides will give you an idea of the results
that can be achieved with the IMS and our talented team
of creative designers and programmers.
We do NOT use the standard web-template approach.
Each IMS project is carefully designed to enhance your
professional image.
Please contact us should you have any queries on any
aspect regarding using one of our IMS packages.
internet marketing solution
Telephone: 1800 108 122
ACN:099 776 771- a division of Ozewebhost Pty Ltd
A large corporate-style website home page with JavaScript
dropdown menu displayed.
Some IMS Key Features
An IMS working for your business can provide...
an Internet marketing plan
professional graphic design
effective e-mail marketing strategies
double opt-in email list builder & database
critical keyword research for your business
secure online credit card payments and PayPal
a search engine optimised website under your full control
85% of business websites don't produce results. Make sure
you're not one of the 'failures', call us today for your....
... internet marketing solution!
Telephone: 1800 108 122
ACN:099 776 771- a division of Ozewebhost Pty Ltd