Transcript CBM Probes

Progress Monitoring and Goal Writing

Section 2: Curriculum-Based Measurement and Writing Individualized RTI or IEP Goals.

Progress Monitoring

Research has demonstrated that when teachers use formative evaluation [progress monitoring] for instructional decision-making purposes: – students achieve more – teacher decision making improves – students tend to be more aware of their performance (e.g., see Fuchs, Deno, Mirkin, 1984; L. S. Fuchs, Fuchs, Hamlett, & Ferguson, 1992; L. S. Fuchs, Fuchs, Hamlett , & Stecker, 1991; Stecker, Fuchs, & Fuchs, 2005)

Progress Monitoring Tools

• Used to monitor progress from one year to the next • Sensitive to effects of an intervention • Can be used regardless of curriculum (e.g. Harcourt, Scott Foresman) • Useful to inform teaching • Quick to administer & easy to score • Provides instant data to graph • Easily understood by teachers and parents

What is CBM?

• Curriculum-based measurement, or CBM, is a method of monitoring student progress through direct assessment of academic skills. • CBM can be used to measure basic skills in reading, mathematics, spelling, and written expression. • Instructor gives the student brief, timed samples, or "probes," made up of academic material taken from grade-level curriculum.

• Performance on a CBM probe is scored for speed, or fluency, and for accuracy of performance.

CBM covers…

• Reading (Early Literacy skills, Reading Fluency and Comprehension) • Math (Early Numeracy skills, Math Computation/ Basic Math facts) • Writing (Spelling and Written Expression) • Probes contain a mixture of problems that represent skills to be mastered by the end of the year –


like traditional mastery/chapter tests

Previous Goal-Setting Strategies:

• Use “data” from standardized achievement tests like WIAT-II, WJ-III ACH • Use data from Mastery Tests (e.g. chapter tests) • Refer to state standards • Use a sample goal-bank • Suggestions on classroom observation of skills (subjective)

Pitfalls of Previous Strategies

• Standardized Tests (WIAT-II, WJ-ACH): – Lack of alternate forms – Less sensitive to short-term gains – Reliance on age or grade equivalents ≠ accurate – Ex. Students with 1 year delay typically not considered “significantly discrepant” from their peers, and may not qualify for special education.

• Mastery tests do not reflect maintenance or generalization of skills over the course of the school year • Little guidance in selecting goals from state standards/ goal banks: – No consistent evaluation tool to measure goals written from standards or goal banks!

Pitfalls, continued…

• Examples of Previous Goals/Objectives: – “Student will perform spelling skills at 3 rd grade level.” – “Student will master basic math facts with 80% accuracy.” – “Student will read 1 story per week.” – “Student will read aloud with 80% accuracy and 80% comprehension.” • Little research supports that these types of goals relate to improved educational outcomes. • Difficult to consistently measure over time. • Tendency to write un-ambitious goals in hopes that student will show “some” progress over the year.

To improve our goal writing:

• Remember: goals are statements about the power or impact of our instructional programs.

• Goals need to be more

clearly defined


• Identify specific skills deficits through universal screening measures using CBM.

• Target a


, but important goals and objectives.

• Ensure goals are measurable

and linked to validated progress monitoring approaches


CBM to write IEP and RTI goals

• CBM scores from Universal Screenings are easily translated into goals for RTI intervention and IEPs. • Using CBM to write goals lets us accurately compare performance later in the year because: – Test administration of CBM is consistent (and quick!) – Scoring procedures are consistent – Difficulty level of test is always consistent

RTI: Who needs a goal?

• A desirable goal for all students is to achieve a score at or above the 50 th %ile on the Universal Screenings (Fall/Winter/ Spring).

• WOVSED recommends that students below the 25 th %ile are considered “At-Risk.” – Use AIMSweb site to schedule PM.

• Students who perform in between the 25 th need “Strategic Monitoring.” and 50 th %iles may – Consider monitoring these students, just less often.

– Option to do this through AIMSweb site.

Level of Intervention and Monitoring Frequency Tier 3 Tier 2 Progress Monitoring (< 25 th %ile)

(Every two weeks or weekly)

Strategic Monitoring (25 th -50 th %ile)


Tier 1 75-80% of students Universal Screening

(Three times per year)

Components of our Goals

Current/Present Level of Performance

– What the student is currently able to do in the targeted area.

– Taken from Fall, Winter, Spring Universal Screenings – Works with whatever CBM tool you are using (DIBELS/AIMSweb, etc).

Intervention Goal/Annual Goals and Objectives

– Growth anticipated for specific time period – Should be ambitious – Must be specific – Must be measurable

Example of Current Levels Statement

Student’s Score 50 th %ile score

IEPs: Annual Goals

• CBM probes represent a range of skills to be mastered by the end of the year.

• CBM-based annual goals are easily understood by parents.


Annual Goal-Line

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Weeks of Instruction 10 11 12 13 14


Not at Grade Level?

Universal screening data does not always reflect accurate measurement of skills.

In some cases, Universal Screening data show that grade-level passages are too frustrating for some students.

What do we do to get a better understanding of a student’s current performance level?

Survey Level Assessment (SLA)

• Process to determine Current Performance Levels when student is not working at grade level. • Can be used for RTI or IEP purposes.

• Student is tested in successive levels, beginning with current grade placement, until he/she scores anywhere within the “Average range.” • Create SLA table, using Aggregate Norm Tables. Find score at or above the 25 th %ile for the particular grade and time of year.

• Scoring anywhere within the “Green” on AIMSweb Individual or Comparison reports.

Create Survey Level Assessment Table

Sally is a 4 th grade student who was tested in the Fall.

Use AIMSweb Aggregate Growth Tables (next slide).

Grade of Passage Passage 1 (WRC/E) Passage 2 (WRC/E) Passage 3 (WRC/E) Median (WRC/E) Instructional Range?



51/6 38/11 59/2

51/6 3

60/4 58/3 42/7


“Average” *Using Survey Level Assessment, Sally’s performance is Average given a 3 rd grade AIMSWEB R-CBM probe (Fall).

Using AIMSweb Individual or Comparison Reports: Box Plots

¼ of scores

Above Average Fourth Quartile

(75 th – 100 th %ile) ¼ of scores


¼ of scores

Third Quartile

(50 th - 74 th %ile)

Median or Middle Score Second Quartile

(25 th -49 th %ile) ¼ of scores

Below Average First Quartile

(0-24 th %ile)

John 3 rd grade John 4 th grade Conducting a Survey Level Assessment




John 5 th 5 th grader: grade passage


Guidelines for administering SLA probes

• Administer probes from successive grade-levels, beginning at the student’s current grade placement or one year above the student’s functioning level.

 Reading-CBM: Use median score of 3 probes.

 Rule of Thumb on R-CBM: If WRC is 20 or fewer, stop administering probes on this level and move one level below.  (For middle/high school students, suggested starting point is 6 th grade passages. Survey levels higher or lower as needed).

Creating the Goal: 5-Steps

Step 1.

Document Current/Present Levels of Performance: “Sally’s Current Performance on a 4 th grade AIMSweb R-CBM probe is 51 Words Read Correctly, while the expected performance level is 103 Words Read Correctly (50 th %ile Target).” “Using Survey Level Assessment, Sally’s performance is Average for Fall when given a 3 rd probe.” Grade AIMSweb R-CBM

Creating the Goal

Step 2.

Decide how you will determine the desired goal level.

– Two options: • Use


scores – Compared to School/District – Relate to High-Stakes Tests • Use


– Percentile (and associated score) – Growth Rates/ Rates of Improvement (ROI)

Benchmark: Options

• Benchmark for success on some outcome measure, (ex. 71 WRC/min.) Correlates from high-stakes testing.



and corresponding score: – Students at the 25 th %ile (lower end of the Average range) read 81WRC/min.


Growth Rates

(Rate of Improvement/ ROI) • How much growth students make in a week’s time. (ROI for students whose scores are entered into AIMSweb) • Formula to determine

how much growth

you would like to see in a specific amount of time. *Goal = ________________________________ + Current Performance Level (___________________ X ____________________) # weeks until goal reviewed Growth Rate (use chart)

Growth Rates

(Rate of Improvement) Ex. 3 rd grader Ben’s median R-CBM score = 35.

• 12 weeks until the end of the school year.

• Team would like to see Ben make progress at a similar rate to his peers (1.0 words/week).

35WRC/min+ (12wks x 1.0) =


This is the goal by the end of the year!

Benchmark, Norm or Growth Rate?

• Are you more concerned with a specific outcome (i.e. on high-stakes tests), or how one student performs compared to a population of others (local or national?) • Are you working with a student with a well-documented learning style?

• Using the Rate of Improvement is not always ambitious: – Based on progress made by students in general ed. classroom who are NOT receiving additional intervention.

– Point of RTI is to help kids

catch up

– ROI will never be help students catch up because they will be learning at the same pace as students receiving no intervention; students receiving intervention need to learn at a faster pace.

Setting the Goal Level

Step 3.

Team decides what an appropriate goal will be!

Be ambitious!

Select the level that you want to see the student achieve within a specific amount of time.

– Research has shown that ambitious goals can lead to better student achievement: – How ambitious you are should depend on: – How often you can feasibly provide services – How confident you are in the power of your instructional programs and resources

Selecting Length of Time

Step 4:

Team must determine how much time to allow until the goal can be feasibly reached.

• RTI goals written to reflect length of intervention: – Depends on how long interventionist needs to effectively teach skill.

– Individualized based on student need.

– Depends on how often you will progress monitor.

• Need 7-9 data points to plot a trend-line.

• IEPs: – Will have an annual goal (apx. 36 weeks) and short-term objectives.

Suggestions for Writing Objectives

Annual goal - Minus current performance / Divided by number of weeks between baseline and goal = Short term / Weekly objective.


Writing the Goal

Step 5

: Write goal into a standard format.

– Same/similar format can be used for RTI/IEP goals.

– Facilitates process of goal-writing.

– Easily understood by general, special and remedial teachers.

– Can be used for any deficit area pertinent to a Specific Learning Disability – Basic reading, reading fluency, reading comprehension, math calculation, math reasoning, written expression.

Sample RTI Goal Written w/AIMSweb

Early Literacy Goal (Kindergartener) Current Performance: Lizzie’s current level of performance on a Kindergarten AIMSweb LSF probe is 2 Letter Sounds/min, while the expected level of performance is 14 correct Letter Sounds for Fall. Goal: At the end of 8 weeks, when given a K AIMSweb LSF probe, Lizzie will say Correct Letter Sounds with an expected performance level of 22 LS/min.

IEP Goal Written with AIMSweb

Basic Reading Skills Goal (Second Grader) Current Performance Level: Terrance’s current level of performance when given an AIMSweb 2 nd Grade R-CBM probe is 40 WRC/min, while the expected level of performance is 82 WRC/min, (50 th %ile target).

Goal: In 30 weeks, when given an AIMSweb 2nd Grade R-CBM probe, Terrence will achieve a median score of 100 WRC/min with less than 4 errors.

Objective: Each week, when given an AIMSweb 2nd Grade R-CBM (Reading Fluency) probe, Terrence will increase his score by 2 Words Read Correctly.