Transcript Slide 1

December 2008
Safety Briefing
Lt Col Larry Brockshus
This Month
Winter Driving Safety
 Christmas Fire Hazards
 Flight Safety Opportunity
 Induction Icing
Winter Driving
Winter is a beautiful time of the
year, but can also be a very
dangerous time of the year.
If you plan on traveling during the
winter, it pays to be prepared for
the unexpected.
Simply following a few simple
driving habits to insure that you
make it to your destination safely.
planning ahead
driving at a safe and legal speed
driving alert and sober
buckling up could
If you must use your car
during a storm:
Plan your travel, selecting both primary and alternate routes.
Check latest weather information on your radio.
Try not to travel alone
Convoy (with another vehicle) if possible.
Drive carefully and defensively
Watch for ice patches on bridges and overpasses.
Take note of your odometer, exit numbers, or crossroads so if you
crash or slide off the road you'll be able to identify your location
If a storm begins to be too much for you to handle, seek refuge
If your car should become disabled, stay with the vehicle, running
your engine and heater for short intervals.
– “Crack" a window in the vehicle to avoid carbon monoxide build-up.
Be courteous to those awaiting
your arrival:
Call ahead to your destination just as you are leaving.
– Let someone at your destination know the license plate number
– Provide the route you'll be traveling
– Give a realistic estimate of your travel time
If you have a cell phone, give that number to the party
at your destination.
If you have friends/family at your place of origin, call
when you arrive to let them know you have arrived
If road conditions, tiredness, etc. delay or postpone a
trip, make a phone call. Let people on both ends know of
the delay.
Preparing your vehicle for
winter driving
Reliable transportation is especially important in the winter. Not only
should you keep your vehicle in top operating condition all year round for safety and fuel economy, it is especially important to get it
winterized to avoid any unpleasant or dangerous situation while
traveling in frigid weather.
 Check the following:
Ignition system
Fuel system
Fluid levels
Exhaust system
Wiper blades and washer fluid
Snow tires
Tire tread and pressure
Proper grade oil
Cooling system
Winter Driving
Always fill the gasoline tank before entering open country
– Even for a short distance
– Fill-up long before the tank begins to run low
– Minimizes condensation, and providing the maximum advantage in case
of trouble.
A Citizens Band (CB) radio and/or cellular phone can be very useful
Clear all windows and lights of frost and snow.
Drive with your headlights on.
Stock your car with basic winter driving equipment
A scraper and brush, small shovel, jumper cables, tow chain and a bag
of sand or cat litter for tire traction.
Also include road flares, a blanket, heavy boots, warm clothing, and
flashlight with batteries.
Reverse the batteries in the case to avoid accidental switching, and
burnout. Warm the batteries between your legs before using them.
Coffee can survival kit
A 2 or 3 pound metal coffee can to heat snow and store survival
– Punch 3 holes around the open top of can, equal distance apart
– To suspend the can from the headliner : 60-inch length of heavy string,
3 large safety pins
– 1 candle 2" diameter (place on lid under suspended can for melting
Additional items to put inside can
1 pocket knife
3 pieces of bright cloth 2" wide x 36" long (tie to antenna)
Several packets of soup, hot chocolate, tea, bouillon cubes, etc.
Plastic spoon.
1 small package of peanuts (provides protein) and fruit-flavored candy
(orange slices, jelly beans, etc. - avoid chocolate, it can have a diuretic
effect, which could cause you to become dehydrated).
– 1 pair of socks and 1 pair of gloves or glove liners, depending on what
will fit in the can (cotton is not recommended because it provides no
insulation when wet).
– 2 packages of book matches.
Coffee can survival kit
Additional items to put inside can
– 1 sun shield blanket (to reflect body heat).
– 1 pen light and batteries (keep separate).
– 2 quarters and 2 dimes for telephone calls.
When kit is complete, place stocking cap over kit
and carry in passenger compartment of car in
case you go into a ditch and can't get to or open
the trunk.
 Consider adding:
– Large plastic garbage bag.
– Pencil stub and paper.
– Plastic whistle.
In case you're stranded
while driving in winter
Stay in your vehicle. Walking in a storm can be very dangerous. You
can lose your way, wander out of reach, become exhausted, collapse and
risk your life. Your vehicle itself is a good shelter.
Avoid overexertion. Attempting to push your car, trying to jack it into a
new position or shoveling snow takes great effort in storm conditions. You
could risk heart attack or other injury.
Calm down and think. The storm will end and you will be found. Don't
work enough to get hot and sweaty. Wet clothing loses insulation quality
making you more susceptible to the effects of hypothermia.
Keep fresh air in your vehicle. It is much better to be chilly or cold
and awake than to become comfortably warm and slip into
unconsciousness. Freezing-wet or wind-driven snow can plug your vehicle's
exhaust system causing deadly carbon monoxide gas to enter your vehicle.
Don't run the engine -unless you are certain the exhaust pipe is free of
snow or other objects. Keep the radiator free from snow to prevent the
engine from overheating.
In case you're stranded
while driving in winter
Keep your blood circulating freely by loosening tight clothing,
changing positions frequently and moving your arms and legs. Huddle close
to one another. Rub your hands together or put them under your armpits or
between your legs. Remove your shoes occasionally and rub your feet.
 Don't expect to be comfortable. The challenge is to survive until
you're found.
 If you have access to a telephone, you should dial 911 to summon
help. In other states you may be able to dial 911 or "0" to get the operator
on the line. When you talk with authorities, be prepared to:
– Describe the location, condition of your companions and the trouble you
are experiencing.
– Listen for questions.
– Follow any instructions. You may be told you should stay where you are
to guide rescuers or to return to the scene.
– Do not hang up until you know who you have spoken with and what
will happen next.
Exposed skin can freeze within one minute at wind-chill
equivalent temperatures below -25 Fahrenheit.
 Frostbite affects the extremities, such as fingers and
 If a body part has been frostbitten once, it is more
susceptible to frostbite again, even in milder conditions.
 Redness and a burning sensation are indications frostbite
will occur unless the extremity is warmed.
 Numbness is an indication that frostbite has already
taken place.
 If frostbite is discovered, hold the affected part tightly
against the warm skin or another part of the body; (for
example place frozen fingers under arm).
 When thoroughly warmed, keep covered and make an
effort to keep area from freezing again.
Remember hypothermia (rapid loss of body temperature) can happen to
Under conditions of prolonged exposure to cold, the body may begin to lose
heat faster than it can produce it.
The symptoms become very apparent, and include:
– Uncontrollable shivering
– Vague, slow, slurred speech
– Memory lapses
– Incoherence
– Immobile, fumbling hands
– Frequent stumbling
– Lurching gait
– Drowsiness
– Apparent exhaustion
If you believe you are experiencing these symptoms, it is important that
you make every effort to get warm.
Avoid hypothermia by staying dry and dressing warmly. If wet, remove wet
clothing and get into warm, dry clothes, blankets or a sleeping bag. Stay
awake and alert.
If a hypothermia victim loses consciousness, seek medical attention
A Season for Sharing in Fire Safety
A Factsheet on Holiday Fire
Each year fires occurring during the
holiday season claim the lives of over 400
 Injure 1,650 more, and cause over $990
million in damage.
 According to the U. S. Fire Administration
(USFA), there are simple life-saving steps
you can take to ensure a safe and happy
Preventing Christmas Tree Fires
A burning tree can rapidly fill a room with fire and deadly gases.
Selecting a Tree for the Holiday
– Needles on fresh trees should be green and hard to pull back
from the branches, and the needle should not break if the tree
has been freshly cut. The trunk should be sticky to the touch.
– Old trees can be identified by bouncing the tree trunk on the
ground. If many needles fall off, the tree has been cut too long,
has probably dried out, and is a fire hazard.
Caring for Your Tree
– Do not place your tree close to a heat source, including a
fireplace or heat vent. The heat will dry out the tree ,causing it
to be more easily ignited by heat, flame or sparks.
– Do not put your live tree up too early or leave it up for longer
than two weeks. Keep the tree stand filled with water at all
Preventing Christmas Tree Fires
Disposing of Your Tree
– Never put tree branches or needles in a fireplace or
woodburning stove.
– When the tree becomes dry, discard it promptly.
– The best way to dispose of your tree is by taking it to a recycling
center or having it hauled away by a community pick-up service.
Maintain Your Holiday Lights Inspect holiday lights each year for
frayed wires, bare spots, gaps in the insulation, broken or cracked
sockets, and excessive kinking or wear before putting them up. Use
only lighting listed by an approved testing laboratory.
Do Not Overload Electrical Outlets
– Do not link more than three light strands, unless the directions
indicate it is safe.
– Connect strings of lights to an extension cord before plugging
the cord in to the outlet.
– Periodically check the wires – they should not be warm to the
Do Not Leave Holiday Lights on Unattended
Holiday Decorations
Use Only Non-flammable Decorations All decorations should be
nonflammable or flame-retardant and placed away from heat vents.
Never Put Wrapping Paper in a Fireplace It can result in a very
large fire, throwing off dangerous sparks and embers that may
result in a chimney fire.
Artificial Christmas Trees If you are using a metallic or artificial
tree, make sure it is flame retardant. Candle Care
Avoid Using Lit Candles If you do use them, make sure they are
in stable holders and place them where they cannot be easily
knocked down. Never leave the house with candles burning.
Never Put Lit Candles on a Tree Do not go near a Christmas tree
with an open flame - candles, lighters or matches. Finally, as in
every season, have working smoke alarms installed on every level of
your home, test them monthly and keep them clean and equipped
with fresh batteries at all times. Know when and how to call for
help. And remember to practice your home escape plan.
Flight Safety
Flight Safety Opportunity
"The Pilot and the Chart Maker, VFR Charts from the Expert”
Topic : Aeronautical charts and products for all. Presented by the
Chart Wizard from Washington, D.C, Mr. Richard Neher.
Date and Time: Monday, January 19, 2009, starting at 7:00 pm
Brief Description: This dynamic, entertaining and educational
program is presented by the premiere cartographer himself, Richard
Neher, from the Aeronautical Charting Office in Washington, D.C.
Whether you use paper charts, GPS, MFD or EFB after this program
you will look down at the earth in a whole new way.
Location of Event:
– Thunderbird Aviation
14091 Pioneer Trail
Eden Prairie, MN 55347
Induction Ice
Carburetor icing
consists of ice
accumulation that blocks
the carburetor venturi
 Impact ice, a type of
induction icing, occur
when temperatures are
near to, or colder than,
the freezing point of 0° C.
Impact ice can block the
air filter.
 In severe cases, it can
reduce intake flow to the
point that the engine may
Carburetor icing
Charles’ and Gay-Lussac’s Law- Temp and pressure are directly proportional
Corrective Measures
A fuel injected engine does not prevent impact ice.
If you suspect impact ice, activate carb heat or, for
fuel injected engines, alternate air.
Expect carb icing when relative humidity is high and
temperatures are between 20°F and 70°F. Indications of
carb ice include rough running engine, and loss of RPM
(fixed pitch propeller) or loss of manifold pressure
(constant speed propeller).
In general, apply carb heat or alternate air immediately
if you suspect carb icing. Be prepared for an initial
additional decrease in engine performance as the ice
melts and moves through the system.
Always follow specific manufacturer's recommendations.
Be Safe