CS1 Final Exam Review

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CS1 Final Exam Review
By Rebecca Schulman
December 4, 2002
Quick Overview
• Topics from the first part of term will not be
explicitly covered on the exam, but if you
do not understand this material, you will
have trouble with the exam
• Substitution model
• Standard vs. Special Forms
• Higher order procedures
• Asymptotic Complexity
Make sure you understand the topics
from the second half of the course.
These include:
Data structures: lists, trees, and data
Message Passing
Operations with Mutation
Environment Diagrams
Tagged Data
Exam Structure
• You will have to answer one question on
each major concept.
• There will be two “tracks” on the exam, so
if you do both, your score will be the
minimum of your best score for each
The Substitution Model
Three steps:
• Evaluate the operands
• Evaluate the operator
• Apply the operator to the operands
Substitution and Mutation
• We did not get rid of the substitution model
when we introduced mutation. But we did
make an important change:
• We do not substitute the value for
parameters into an expression when we
apply. Instead, when they are needed, we
look up the value of a parameter in the
More Substitution and Mutation
• Remember also that begin statements must
be evaluated in left to right order
• These type of expressions include the body
of begin clauses, but also the consequent
portion of cond statements and the body of
let expressions
Special Forms
• Some scheme expressions do not obey the
substitution model. They require operands
to be evaluated in a certain order, or require
some operands to not be evaluated at all
before application
A List of Special Forms
• define: Evaluate only the second operand, and
associate its value with the first operand, which
should be a variable
• if : Evaluate the predicate and only evaluate the
clause pertaining to whether the predicate is true
or false
• cond: Evaluate only the predicates, until a true one
is found, and then return the value of the
consequent expression that matches
More Special Forms
• let: Evaluate the values in the binding section and
associate them with their corresponding variables
inside the let environment
• quote: The result of the expression is a symbol
with the name given as the sole argument
• set!: Only evaluate the second expression, and
change the value associated with the variable to be
this result
Asymptotic Complexity
• We use O notation to talk about
approximately how long it will take a
procedure to complete
• No formal methods are required for CS1:
just an informal counting should be enough
• Example run times we saw were O(n),
O(n2), O(n log n) and O(2n)
• We can represent a name using symbols in
Scheme. A symbol is created using the
quote special form
bob => error: Unbound variable bob
(quote bob) => bob
• We abbreviate quote with the ‘ character
‘bob => bob
cons pairs
• cons pastes together two elements. By
using it recursively, we can create lists, trees
and any other data structure we might like
• For example, a list of 1,2, and 3 would be:
(cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil)))
Box and Pointer Diagrams
• We illustrate cons pairs using a pair of
boxes. Each box points to its contents
• cons cells can point to numbers, symbols, or
other cons pairs, among other things
List processing
In class we talked about algorithms for
Adding items from a list
Removing items from a list
Searching for items in a list
Doing the above with and without mutation
Data Representation
• Once we have the ability to represent
collections of things, we’re left with the
obvious question of how to organize it.
• We spent the next several weeks in CS1
thinking about several ways to do this.
Abstraction Barriers
• The simplest technique we discussed is
separating the representation of the data
from its meaning
• This requires creating an explicit
representation, and creating procedures that
can interact with the data by creating it and
accessing it by meaning, rather than by
Tagged Data
• We used tagged data in order to label
numbers so that they had meaning. For
(make-dollars 40) => (dollars . 40)
(make-pounds 100) => (pounds . 100)
Generic Operations
• We then extended this idea to being able to
do operations on data in different units
(add-money (make-pounds 100)
(make-dollars 40)) =>
(dollars . 196.7)
(as of today)
Message Passing
• Message Passing allowed us to encapsulate
data and operations into the same object
• Mutation is the ability to change the value
of a variable, once it has been defined. This
is something that we don’t do in math, and
it caused us to make our old substitution
model more complicated
The Environment Model
• We extended the substitution model by no
longer using substitution to associate
variables with their value, but by creating a
set of environments
• We still evaluate and apply procedures in
the environment model but we introduced
two new concepts
Environment Model (2)
• Procedures are explicitly created in the
environment model, and are evaluated in a
particular environment that captures their
local state
• Instead of substituting variables at the time
of application, we look each one up the
environment as needed
Environment Model Rules
• Binding variables: Bind simple variables in
the current environment
• Procedures are created when they are
defined. They form a pair, one of which
points to its body, the other points to the
enviroment where the procedure is created
Environment Model Rules (2)
• Applying a procedure creates a new
environment in which the parameters of the
procedure are bound to the operand
• set! changes the value of the variable that is
referred to in the current environment
Procedures as Local State
• The first way we used mutation was to create
procedures that hold state. We did this by
creating procedures that had their own
environment. For example:
(define (make-accum initial)
(let ((value initial))
(lambda (change)
(set! value (+ value change))
Mutation of Data
• The other way we learned how to do
mutation was to change data structures
• We did this with set-car! and set-cdr!
• set-car! points the first part of a cons pair to
the same thing pointed to by its second
argument, and set-cdr! does the same to the
cdr part of the cons pair
eq? and equal?: When is the
whole not the sum of its parts?
• eq? tests whether the two whole objects are
the same
• equal? tests whether the parts of two data
structures are all the same
• Two objects that can be equal but not eq
would be:
• (define a ‘(1 2 3))
• (define b ‘(1 2 3))
Extended Example: Gambling
• We’ll go on an extended exercise to pit your
scheme skills against the casinos and try not
to lose all of your money…
A Blackjack Game
You decide to test your strategy ideas in
simulation first to see how much money you
will win or lose. Dividing this into a few
tasks we will:
• Build a message-passing deck of cards
• Build a few blackjack players
• And a table, that will simulate the playing
of many games
The Deck of Cards
• We begin with the ranks and suits
(define suits '(clubs diamonds hearts spades))
(define ranks '(A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K))
The deck of cards are simply all combinations
of these
List processing: all-combinations
(define (all-combinations proc first second)
(define (helper a b current)
(cond ((null? a) current)
((null? (cdr b)) (helper (cdr a) second
(cons (proc (car a) (car b))
(else (helper a (cdr b) (cons (proc (car a) (car b))
(helper first second (list)))
A deck of cards
• A deck of cards is simply the this applied to a
single make-card procedure
(define deck-of-cards
(all-combinations make-card suits ranks))
(define (decks-of-cards n)
(if (= n 0)
(append deck-of-cards
(decks-of-cards (- n 1)))))
• Shuffling cards can be reduced to
transposing each element so that it ends up
in a random position. We’ll do this
functionally, to show some more list
processing techniques
(define (transpose-two-elements lst x y)
(let ((xth (nth-element lst x))
(yth (nth-element lst y)))
(define (transpose-helper current n result)
(cond ((null? current) result)
((= n x)
(transpose-helper (cdr current)
(+ n 1)
(append result (list yth))))
((= n y)
(transpose-helper (cdr current)
(+ n 1)
(append result (list xth))))
(transpose-helper (cdr current)
(+ n 1)
(append result (list (car current)))))))
(transpose-helper lst 1 (list))))
Shuffling (2)
Shuffling is simple now that we have the
transposition procedure:
(define (shuffle list-of-cards)
(define (shuffle-helper position current-cards)
(if (= position 0) current-cards
(let ((other-element (random-1-to-n position)))
(shuffle-helper (- position 1)
(shuffle-helper (length list-of-cards)
The Deck (Message Passing)
(define (make-decks deck-count)
(let ((deck (shuffle (decks-of-cards deck-count))))
(define (draw-cards n result)
(if (= n 0) result
(begin (let ((next (cons (car deck) result)))
(set! deck (cdr deck))
(draw-cards (- n 1) next)))))
(define (enough-cards deck arg) (>= (length deck) arg))
(lambda (message arg)
(cond ((eq? message 'draw)
(if (not (enough-cards deck arg))
(set! deck (shuffle (decks-of-cards deck-count))))
(draw-cards arg (list)))))))
The Blackjack Dealer
(define (blackjack-dealer deck)
(define (hit current-hand)
(if (>= (score current-hand) 17)
(hit (append (deck 'draw 1) current-hand))))
(hit (list)))
The Blackjack Player
(define (good-player deck dealers-card)
(define (hit current-hand)
(cond ((> (score current-hand) 17) current-hand)
((< (score current-hand) 12) (hit (append (deck 'draw 1)
((memq (score current-hand) '(13 14 15 16))
(if (< (card-value dealers-card) 7) current-hand
(hit (append (deck 'draw 1) current-hand))))
(else (if (memq (card-value dealers-card) '(4 5 6)) current-hand
(hit (append (deck 'draw 1) current-hand))))))
(hit (list)))
Playing a Game (1)
(define (make-blackjack-table player deck-count house-cut)
(let ((deck (make-decks deck-count))
(bet 10) (takings 0))
(define (bust? hand) (> (score hand) 21))
(define (blackjack? hand)
(and (has-ace? hand) (has-face-card? hand)))
(define (play-round)
(let ((dealers-hand (blackjack-dealer deck)))
(let ((players-hand (player deck (showing-card dealers-hand))))
(cond ((bust? players-hand) -1)
((bust? dealers-hand) (- 1 house-cut))
((blackjack? players-hand) 1.5)
((> (score players-hand)
(score dealers-hand)) (- 1 house-cut))
(else -1)))))
Playing a Game (2)
(lambda (message)
(cond ((eq? message 'play)
(let ((result (play-round)))
(set! takings
(+ takings (* result bet)))))
((eq? message 'takings)
The Game’s Environment: The
The Game in Play