Transcript Slide 1

Dr. A.Abudaber
Case based studies to learn the evaluation and
management of OB emergencies
34 yr old G1P0 presents at 41 w 4 days for
postdates induction. Cervix is 1 cm / long / -2.
Uncomplicated pregnancy. PMH: NAD
0900 – 1700 Misoprostil x 3 doses vaginally
1900 Regular UCtx 2 cm / 25% / -2
2300 Regular UCtx 4 cm / 50% / -1
0400 Regular UCtx 4 cm / 60% / -1
0430 Pitocin started
0800: 8 cm / 90% / 0
1100: complete
1250: OA Delivery infant boy 3790 grams
1325: Delivery of placenta. Moderate bleeding
responds to bimanual massage.
1340: 2nd degree perineal tear repair done
1344: Mild bleeding intermittently
1430: P increase 102 to 125. Feels lightheaded.
MD called back to room
Defined as >500 ml blood loss vaginal
or >1000 ml blood loss after c-section
Hemodynamic instability
Lightheadedness / Tachycardia / Hypotension /
HCT drop > 10
Need for blood transfusion
Risk factors
Multiple gestation
Previous PPH
Previous C-section
Pitocin augmented / induced labor
Prolonged third stage
Instrument assisted vaginal delivery
Shoulder dystocia
Episiotomy / Laceration
Management of anemia in pregnancy
Appropriate labor management
Appropriate pt selection for induction
Third stage management
Think of the 4 T’s:
Tone – decreased uterine tone – most common
Trauma – Laceration / Uterine inversion
Tissue – retained placental tissue
Thrombin – depleted coagulation factors
Pitocin 20 units in 1 liter LR. IV bolus
beginning with delivery of anterior shoulder of
Massage uterus
Inspect vaginal vault / cervix / placenta
If not responding to above measures:
Methergine 0.2 mg IM. Can repeat every 6-8 hrs.
 Contraindication: HTN disorders
Carbaprost (Hemabate) 0.25 mg IM
 Contraindication: RAD
Misoprostil 1000 mcg PR x 1
Failure to deliver placenta in 30 minutes
Gentle cord traction
Consider injection of 20 units of pitocin in the
umbilical vein (2 ml of pitocin in 20 ml saline)
Manual extraction
Manual extraction:
Consider uterine relaxation (halothane /
nitroglycerin 50 mcg IV / terbutaline 0.25 mg SQ.
Bleeding will be a problem if you do this. You will
need to reverse it afterward.
 Consider sedation (If no epidural) (Fentanyl)
 Find the cleavage plane b/t placenta and uterus
 Advance fingertips cleaving the placenta free.
 If no cleavage plane, consider placental insertion
problem and need for OR
Retained placenta due to abn implantation
Placenta accreta
 Firm attachment to myometrium. 4% of previas have
Placenta increta
 Invasion of myometrium.
Placenta percreta
 Invades through myometrium.
Cause: Uterine atony / congenital weakness of
uterus / ? Undue cord traction
Prompt recognition: What the heck is that?
Do not remove the placenta – use your fist to
replace the uterus in the pelvis
Uterus not replaceable due to contraction ring:
Nitroglycerin 100 mcg IV
If this fails, needs to go to OR for general
Treat cause
Maintain fibrinogen > 100 mg / dl with FFP /
Maintain Plt count > 50,000
Specific factor replacement for known
coagulation diseases
27 yr G1P0 is in active labor. Her pregnancy
was uncomplicated. She was complete at 1300.
At 1415 she delivers an OA Head over an intact
perineum. A “turtle sign” is noted. You
suction the fetal mouth and nose and then
assist restitution of the head. Despite maternal
pushing, you are unable to deliver the head
over the next minute.
What do you do next?
Definition: Delivery in which the anterior
shoulder of the baby is impacted against the
maternal symphysis pubis and is not
deliverable in 60 seconds.
Risk Factors - ???
Risk Factors
Prior shoulder dystocia
Prolonged gestation
Fetal macrosomia
Maternal obesity
Fetal macrosomia
Fetal wt 2500 – 4000 gm: 0.3 – 1%
(Note that 50% of shoulder dystocias occur in this
Fetal wt > 4000gm ---> RR 11
Fetal wt > 4500gm ---> RR 22
EFW . Clinical Vs US
Maintenance of good glycemic control in pregnant
diabetic women decreases fetal macrosomia
Elective C-section for fetal macrosomia?
Elective C-section for EFW >4500 grams in nondiabetic women
3600 C-sections to prevent one permanent brachial
plexus injury
Help (call for)
Episiotomy (consider)
Legs (McRoberts Maneuver)
Pressure (suprapubic)
Enter vagina (Internal maneuvers)
Remove the posterior arm
Roll the patient
McRoberts position
Enter vagina
 Rotate anterior shoulder (Apply pressure to posterior
aspect of shoulder)
 Wood’s screw maneuver: Apply pressure to the
anterior aspect of the posterior shoulder while
continuing to rotate the anterior shoulder also.
 Reverse Wood’s’ screw maneuver
Remove posterior arm
Roll pt onto hands / legs
Last resort measures
Fracture clavicle
 Zavanelli maneuver
 Hysterotomy
 Symphysiotomy
27 yr female G2 P1 at 40 w in spontaneous
active labor.
She complains of mod pain in between her
contractions that was relieved with her
Mild bleeding with contractions.
PMHx: uncomplicated
Social Hx: uncomplicated/normal/low risk
On exam, Cx is 8-9cm / 100% / - 1 station
Presentation is vertex
Position is straight OA
Last BP was 155/93 after a contraction
Last Pulse was 100
Urine – no protein
Fetal strip  Baseline 140 Good longterm
variability Noted variable decels to 110
What are your concerns? Ddx?
How would you manage this patient?
Placenta abruption
Placenta previa
Vasa previa
Uterine rupture
Painful third trimester bleeding.
1:120 pregnancies, approx. 1%.
Recurrence rate of 10%.
Port wine stained amniotic fluid.
Hypertensive diseases of pregnancy
Drug use - cocaine
Smoking/poor nutrition
Trauma - 2 large bore IVs for IVF / blood
products as needed.
Labs: CBC / Type and screen / Coags
Tape a red top tube to the wall and
check for spontaneous clotting
Consider ultrasound depending on clinical
presentation - must have 200-300cc blood to be
visible. If no prior U/S, you need to r/o
placenta previa
If term, then deliver. Consider controlled
induction if patients are stable.
If preterm, weigh risks of continued pregnancy
against risks of complications from preterm
Painless third trimester vaginal bleeding
1:200 pregnancies in 3rd trimester
1:50 grand multiparas,1:1500 nulliparas
Prior c-section
Prior uterine instrumentation
High parity
Vaginal delivery can be considered under a “double
setup” status in the OR
What is the role of the digital vaginal exam?
Fetal vessel crosses presenting membranes
(velamentous insertion)
Occurs in pregnancies with low lying placenta
Rare (1:3000)
Bleeding is fetal
Mortality is high
Membrane palpation before amniotomy
Wright stain: Blood from vagina.
Look for nucleated rbc’s
Apt test: Mix blood from vagina with tap
water. Mix with NaOH.
Fetal Hgb: pink
Maternal Hgb: brown
Kleihauer – Betke test
No role in diagnosis of abruption or vasa previa
(slow test)
 Sample: maternal blood
 Make smear
 Stain for cells with fetal hemoglobin
Used to calculate dose of Rhogam in fetomaternal
Major risk is prior c-section
Warning sign: Variable deceleration
Do not take lightly in a TOL patient
17 yr old G1P0 presents at 37 w 1 day with
complaint of HA / nausea / upper abdominal
RN notes BP 170 / 115
RN pages you to L&D
Within 5 seconds of your arrival, the pt has an
obvious seizure
What do you do?
BP > 140 systolic or > 90 diastolic on two occasions
more than six hours apart.
Proteinuria of > 300 mg / 24hours
Affects 5-8% of pregnancies
Risk factors include first pregnancy, multiple
gestation, chronic HTN, pregestational
BP >160 / 110
Proteinuria > 5 grams / 24 hours
Oliguria (<500 ml urine / 24 hours)
Elevated Cr
Pulmonary edema
HELLP syndrome
Symptoms indicating other end – organ
damage (RUQ pain / HA / Visual change) or
Seizure (Eclampsia)
Seizure in pregnancy at or near term usually
associated with Pre-eclampsia
May occur up to 48 hours after delivery.
70% intrapartum / 30% postpartum.
Risk factors – Similar to Pre-eclampsia
1:150 - 1:3500
Protect the airway
Get Help
Magnesium sulfate 6 grams IV over 20
minutes. Start gtt at 2gm/hr.
If already on Magnesium sulfate, immediately
bolus 2 grams IV over 20 minutes.
What do you do when the seizure is over?
Review of common findings on fetal
24 yr old G2P1 at 41 weeks. Post-dates NST:
What is the expected outcome of this pregnancy?