Ei dian otsikkoa - Statistics Finland

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Transcript Ei dian otsikkoa - Statistics Finland

3rd Nordic
in Helsinki
13 - 15
June 2005
Welcome to the 3rd Nordic
Marketing Conference
• All of you
• And especially our
colleagues from
Estonia, Latvia and
First homepages on the internet
Developing the Service Ability
of our Central Statistical Offices...
…a central idea for developing
the service ability of the CSOs...
• “Nõudlik klient on kui kivi merekarbis, see
hõõrub, aga lõpuks sünnib ilus pärl”
• ”Vaativa asiakas on kuin kivi simpukassa,
se hiertää, mutta lopputuloksena syntyy
kaunis helmi”
…a central idea for developing
the service ability of the CSOs...
• "En krævende kunde er som et sandkorn i
en muslingeskal: Det føles ikke så rart men
resultatet kan blive en smuk perle”
• "En krävande kund är som ett sandkorn i
snäckan. Det känns inte så bra, men
resultatet kan bli en vacker pärla"
Pearls, pearls pearls...
• "A demanding
customer is like a
grain of sand within
the mussel. It doesn't
feel so good but the
result may be a
beautiful pearl”
Jarmo R. Lehtinen: Forum Aspectum
(1999). Gummerus, Jyväskylä, page 15
…Finding out and developing
new service concepts...
3rd Nordic
in Helsinki
13 - 15
June 2005