Chapter 12: Human Resource Management

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Transcript Chapter 12: Human Resource Management

Chapter 12 - Human Resources (HR)
 HR is key to organizational success or
 Human capital (value of their employees) is
essential to any org.’s long-term perf.
 Org. perform better when they treat their
employees better.
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Who should HR Hire to Create a Hire
Performance Work Environment?
 people with the following qualities:
Work ethic
Ambition and energy
Collegiality and collaborativeness
Judgment and maturity
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
HR responsibilities
 Attracting a quality workforce
– planning, recruitment, and selection
 Developing a quality workforce
– Employee orientation, training and
development, and performance appraisal.
 Maintaining a quality workforce
– Career development, work-life balance (WLB),
compensation and benefits, employee retention
and turnover, and labour-management relations.
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Attracting a Quality Workforce
 HR planning analyzes an organization’s HR needs
and how to best fill them.
Steps in the HR planning process:
Step 1 — review org. mission, object., and strategies.
Step 2 — review HR objectives and strategies.
Step 3 — assess current HR needs.
Step 4 — forecast HR needs.
Step 5 — develop and implement HR plans.
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Figure 12.2 Steps in strategic human resource
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Attracting a Quality Workforce
 Recruitment
– Activities designed to attract a qualified pool of
job applicants to an organization.
– Steps in the recruitment process:
• Advertisement of a job vacancy.
• Preliminary contact with potential job candidates.
• Initial screening to create a pool of qualified
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Recruitment Methods
– External recruitment — candidates are sought from
outside the hiring organization.
– Internal recruitment — candidates are sought from
within the organization.
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Attracting a Quality Workforce
 Selection
– Choosing from a pool of applicants the person or
persons who offer the greatest performance potential.
 Selection Steps
– Completion of a formal application form.
– Interviewing.
– Testing. (Intelligence, Aptitude, Personality, Interest)
– Reference checks.
– Physical examination.
– Final analysis and decision to hire or reject.
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Figure 12.3 Steps in the selection process:
the case of a rejected job applicant.
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Developing a Quality Workforce
 Socialization
– Process of influencing the expectations,
behavior, and attitudes of a new employee in a
way considered desirable by the organization.
 Orientation
– Set of activities designed to familiarize new
employees with their jobs, coworkers, and key
aspects of the organization.
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Developing a Quality Workforce
 Training
– A set of activities that
provides the
opportunity to acquire
and improve jobrelated skills.
 On-the-job training
– Job rotation
– Coaching
– Mentoring
– Modeling
 Off-the-job training
– Management
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Developing a Quality Workforce
 Performance appraisal
– Formally assessing someone’s work
accomplishments and providing feedback.
– Purposes of performance appraisal:
• Evaluation — lets people know where they stand
relative to objectives and standards.
• Development — assists in training and continued
personal development of people.
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Figure 12.4 Sample behaviorally anchored rating scale for
performance appraisal.
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Types of Performance Appraisals
1. Graphic rating scales
– Uses checklists of traits or characteristics to
evaluate performance.
– Relatively quick and easy to use.
– Questionable reliability and validity.
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Types of Performance Appraisals
2. Behaviorally anchored rating scales
– Describes actual behaviors that exemplify
various levels of performance achievement.
– More reliable than graphic rating scales.
– Helpful in training people to master important
job skills.
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Types of Performance Appraisals
3. Critical-incident techniques
– Keeping a running log of effective and
ineffective behaviours.
4. Multiperson comparisons
– Formally compare one person’s performance
with that of one or more others.
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Types of Performance Appraisals
6. Peer appraisal
• Occurs when people who work regularly and directly with a
jobholder are involved in the appraisal.
7. Upward appraisal
• Occurs when subordinates reporting to the jobholder are
involved in the appraisal.
8. 360° feedback
• Occurs when superiors, subordinates, peers, and even internal
and external customers are involved in the appraisal of a
jobholder’s performance.
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Maintaining A Quality Workforce
 Career development
– Career — a sequence of jobs that constitute what a
person does for a living.
– Career path — a sequence of jobs held over time during
a career.
– Career planning —matching career goals and individual
capabilities with opportunities for their fulfillment.
– Career plateau — a position from which someone is
unlikely to move to a higher level of responsibility.
• Progressive employers seek ways to engage plateaued
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Maintaining a Quality Workforce
 Work-life balance
– How people balance career demands with personal and
family needs.
– Progressive employers support a healthy work-life
– Contemporary work-life balance issues:
• Single parent concerns
• Dual-career couples concerns
• Family-friendliness as screening criterion used by candidates
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Maintaining a Quality Workforce
 Compensation and benefits
– Base compensation - Salary or hourly wages
– Fringe benefits
• Additional non-wage or non-salary forms of
– Flexible benefits
• Employees can select a set of benefits within a
certain dollar amount
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Study Question 5: How do organizations
maintain a quality workforce?
 Compensation and benefits (cont.)
– Family-friendly benefits
• Help in balancing work and nonwork
– Employee assistance programs
• Help employees deal with troublesome personal
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Maintaining a Quality Workforce
 Retention and turnover
– Replacement is the management of promotions,
transfers, terminations, layoffs, and retirements.
– Replacement decisions relate to:
• Shifting people between positions within the
• Retirement.
• Termination.
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Maintaining a quality workforce
 Labor-management relations
– Labor unions deal with employers on the workers’
– Labor contracts specify the rights and obligations of
employees and management regarding wages, work
hours, work rules, seniority, hiring, grievances, and
other conditions of employment
– Collective bargaining is the process of negotiating,
administering, and interpreting a labour contract.
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Figure 12.5 The traditional adversarial
view of labor-management relations.
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Maintaining a Quality Workforce
 Unions can create
 Management can
difficulties for
create difficulties for
management by…
unions by…
– Striking
– Using lockouts
– Boycotting
– Hiring strike-breakers
– Picketing
– Seeking injunctions
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12
Issues HR must also handle:
 Discrimination in employment - Occurs when someone is
denied a job or job assignment for reasons that are not job
 Employment equity - preference in employment to
Aboriginals, women, visible minorities, and people with
physical/mental disability.
 Sexual harassment - behaviour of a sexual nature that
affects a person’s employment situation
 Comparable worth - persons performing jobs of similar
importance should be paid at comparable levels
Management Fundamentals - Chapter 12